The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066

"I have guests to entertain, so I'll go first." Han Junxi talks with Xia an and says to Xia an in front of him.

Xia'an nodded slightly. The wedding went smoothly. She could go home and have a good rest. She gave the next thing to Xiao Zhang and prepared to go home.

When you come out, you can't see ye Ziwen, but Xia'an knows that ye Ziwen will never give up like this.

Han Junxi's guests came from South Korea on purpose, so Han Junxi was embarrassed to go home first, so he accompanied them all the time. Until dinner, Han Junxi and park Xiuyuan had a chance to leave the hotel.

Before leaving, park Zhenyuan and his wife grabbed Han Junxi.

Today is park Xiuyuan's wedding. As park Xiuyuan's father, he also drank a lot and his feet were floating, but he was still very happy. josei

Looking at Han Junxi's obedience to park Xiuyuan, he was also very happy.

"Junxi..." Park Zhenyuan slapped Park Xiuyuan on the shoulder with a wine burp, and said to Han Junxi in front of him, "you and Xiuyuan are also married. There are two words I still have to tell you

"Dad, if you have anything to say, just say it." Now that he has been married, Han Junxi naturally changed his mouth. He said with a smile to park Zhenyuan in front of him.

He took Han Junxi's hand and said, "you've married Xiuyuan. You should treat Xiuyuan well in the future. If you let me know that you are not good to her, I won't agree."

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Park Xiuyuan on one side helplessly looked at Park Zhenyuan in front of her, and expressed special dissatisfaction with his wine words, "Junxi is good to me."

"Don't talk..." Park Zhenyuan stares at Park Xiuyuan in front of him. Although he is very satisfied with Han Junxi, he still has to say something.

"Junxi, Xiuyuan, I was used to growing up when I was young. I gave up doing things halfway. As long as I was wronged, I always yelled that I would not do it, but I only like you..." Park Zhen Yuan pauses, continues to say, "only this matter, she has persisted until now."

Park Zhenyuan sighed and continued to say to Han Junxi in front of him, "I opposed your marriage before. It's not that I really don't like you, but I really love Xiuyuan's grievances. Since you two are already a family now, from now on, you should live a stable life. If there is anything wrong with her, you can just educate her. ”

"Dad, it's too late for me to hurt her." Han Junxi said with a smile.

Park Zhenyuan more see Han Junxi more satisfied, for a long time before facing Han Junxi said, "you are tired today, go back to rest early, we will go back with these relatives and friends tomorrow."

"So fast?" Han Junxi Leng for a moment, said, "do not play a few more days to go?"

"No Park Zhenyuan shook his head and said to Han Junxi in front of him, "the company still has some things to deal with."

"Good." Han Junxi nodded slightly and said to park Zhenyuan in front of him, "you can rest assured that I will treat Xiuyuan well. After I have dealt with the affairs of the company here, Xiuyuan and I are ready to go back to Korea."

Han Junxi said with a smile, "if you want to see Xiuyuan then, it will be convenient."

When hearing Han Junxi say so, park Xiuyuan is stunned, she does not know this matter at all.

In the face of Park Zhenyuan, park Xiuyuan did not immediately ask. When Park Zhenyuan heard Han Junxi say so, the whole person was in a good mood.

He thought that his daughter was a long-distance marriage, and it would be troublesome to see him later. He was very happy, of course, and said with a smile, "OK, then you should go back to have a rest. Xiuyuan is still pregnant and has been tired for a day. Let's See you at home. "

"Good." Han Junxi nodded slightly and helped Park Xiuyuan into the car.

After getting on the bus, park Xiuyuan has been looking at Han Junxi beside her. He is so upset by her that she touches her face and asks Park Xiuyuan in front of her, "what's the matter? Is there anything dirty on my face

"No, it's not." Park Xiuyuan laughed and asked Han Junxi in front of her, "why didn't you tell me about going back to Korea?"

Although she stayed in Yangcheng for a long time, she was still homesick.

Originally thought that with Han Junxi married after the opportunity to go back, did not expect Han Junxi but suddenly said to move back.

"What's the matter? Is there a problem? " Han Junxi asked.

"No Park Xiuyuan slightly shook her head and said to Han Junxi in front of her, "just feel very surprised."

"In fact, I've been thinking about this for a long time..." Han Junxi stopped and said to park Xiuyuan in front of her, "before I came to Yangcheng for ye Ziwen, now it's completely over between me and her, so I don't need to stay here any more, so moving back is the best choice for us."

"So Are you doing this for ye Ziwen? " Although she has been married, when Han Junxi mentions Ye Ziwen, park Xiuyuan's heart is still a little faint."What are you thinking of?" Hearing Park Xiuyuan's low voice, Han Junxi gave a bitter smile and said, "you should not have misunderstood it again?"

Park Xiuyuan sour said, "you are here for her, now to go or for her, in your heart, she is really so important?"

"It's too easy for you to think." Han Junxi said helplessly, "I admit that I did come for her, but Xiuyuan, I have finished with her now. I want to go back to Korea, one is to completely avoid her and live a little life for us two. Secondly, I hope you can get closer to your parents."

Han Junxi laughed and said helplessly to the park Xiuyuan in front of her, "I know that although you don't say it, you are still homesick, aren't you?"

"You Is it for me? " Park Xiuyuan asked in disbelief.

"Of course." Han Junxi reached out and rubbed Park Xiuyuan's hair and said, "you, don't think about it all day long. We are both married. We can't doubt me all day long."

Park Xiuyuan's mood suddenly became clear. She looked at Han Junxi in front of her and said, "I won't do this again."

Park Xiuyuan's mood became sunny because of Han Junxi's words.

Two people drive to the door, Han Junxi get off the car first, help park Xiuyuan open the door, especially gentle to park Xiuyuan in front of said, "slow down."

"I see." Park Xiuyuan said with a smile, "I'm not a child anymore."

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