The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1304

Chapter 1304

Ye Ziwen walked quickly to a man, but the man's face was on his side. Hu Yajun didn't see it clearly. However, Hu Yajun didn't see the ambiguity in their behavior for the time being. However, Hu Yajun's heart was inflamed. This situation is definitely not so simple.

Ye Ziwen and the man seem to be talking about something. Hu Yajun is too far away from each other and can't hear clearly. He is very upset. He just wants to rush to the two of them and drag the man away.

"Mr. Lu, I think there is a Cantonese restaurant just around here. Let's eat here." Ye Ziwen saw Lu Qichen standing far away as if he wanted to avoid her. After several steps, he felt dissatisfied and approached him a little.

"Then go here, I don't care." Lu Qichen said without expression, and did not notice Ye Ziwen's small movements.

"Then let's go." When ye Ziwen finished speaking, he took Lu Qichen's arm as if naturally. His whole body leaned towards Lu Qichen, just like hanging on Lu Qichen.

Lu Qichen, like a conditioned reflex after an electric shock, immediately pushed Ye Ziwen aside, broke his hand free, frowned, and looked at Ye Ziwen with disgust.

Ye Ziwen intentionally turned his mouth and opened his eyes to Lu Qichen.

When he saw Ye Ziwen holding the man close in the car, Hu Yajun's face was flushed with anger, and he smashed it on the steering wheel. At this moment, he wanted to question Ye Ziwen angrily, and even more wanted to give the man a few punches.

Hu Yajun's anger is burning in his heart. If his eyes can kill people, his eyes at this time have already penetrated the man.

Just after Lu Qichen turned aside to avoid Ye Ziwen, Hu Yajun finally saw his face.

This man is Lu Qichen! Ah, in some banquets before, Hu Yajun saw Lu Qichen and his wife's love for each other hand in hand. He thought he was a kind of infatuation. He didn't expect to offend his woman in the twinkling of an eye.

"Lu Qichen!" Hu Yajun clenched his teeth and called out.

At the moment, Hu Yajun's heart is full of hate, determined to let Lu Qichen pay a heavy price.

Hu Yajun watched them walk into the nearby restaurant. He didn't want to go with them any more. He didn't want to see how they were kissing, laughing, even cuddling.

For Hu Yajun, every minute and every second seems to be lengthening, giving him infinite spreading pain.

Hu Yajun left in despair. On the way back, his hatred grew like wild grass in midsummer. He felt that his self-esteem was trampled on by Lu Qichen cruelly, which made him unable to let go for a moment.

In the dining room.

Ye Ziwen took the menu and deliberately ordered a lot of dishes that Lu Qichen loved to eat. Then he asked with a smile: "Qichen, is this enough to eat?"

Lu Qichen's frown did not seem to stretch for a moment. He calmly looked at the woman in front of him, pretending to be intelligent and courteous. He felt extremely bored. If it was not for understanding who was behind the scenes, why should he sit here and listen to the woman talking nonsense.

"Come on, why come to me?" Lu Qichen has basically determined that ye Ziwen has no clue at all.

However, ye Ziwen was silent for a while, then he said mysteriously: "I once heard a reporter say that he received money from someone who broke this material, but I don't know that reporter, only know that he is onion newspaper, you can follow this line to check."

Ye Ziwen throws out such a clue that if there is no clue, she is right. Xia'an's story is indeed exploded by this newspaper. However, she didn't go to the reporter directly, but asked someone to do it. So even if Lu Qichen went to check, she could not find her head. Besides, she sent someone to say hello to the reporter in advance.

When Lu Qichen heard Ye Ziwen say this, he gave a cold smile in his heart, but his face did not show it. On the contrary, he showed an urgent appearance and wanted to find out, so he immediately bought the single and took a step on the excuse of something.

All this made Ye Ziwen feel very angry. He had already known that he would hang Lu Qichen's appetite.

Looking at Lu Qichen can't wait to go out of the back, ye Ziwen sneers.

Check it out. I'm afraid you can't find anything in a year.

In the car, Hu Yajun thought for a long time, and finally dialed a telephone.

"Old ghost, help me find someone who has a clean life and has nothing to do with us."

"This is simple, but what does Hu Shao want him to do?" The man on the other end of the phone answered carelessly.

Smell speech, Hu Yajun's face showed a trace of ruthless Jue color: "do a person."

Next, he reported Lu Qichen's name in the past, but did not expect that the person on the other end of the phone did not immediately agree to it, but hesitated for a while.

"What's wrong with my words? Do you want to move out of my father before you do it? " Hu Yajun was a little angry and asked in a loud voice.

The old ghost was startled. Although Hu Jihai had already ignored the underworld, those who had heard of Hu Jihai's name in black and white could not help but tremble.He didn't want to offend that Yama.

"It's just a small matter. Why disturb Mr. Hu?" The old ghost quickly should come down, the tone is no longer relaxed before.

If you want to kill Lu Qichen, it is not as simple as killing a cat and a dog. After all, the Lu family has a lot to do in this city. If you are not careful, you will lose more than you gain.

"Well, I'll give you a satisfactory reward afterwards. Don't worry."

After hanging up the phone, Hu Yajun's face showed a trace of sinister color.

Lu Qichen, let you hop for a few more days!


There is an ordinary family in the alley. The owner of this family is a truck driver, surnamed Liu. The driver's daughter is suffering from leukemia. Now she has to undergo surgery and is suffering from no money. The family has come to the end of the road.

Just then, a man in sunglasses found Lao Liu, the truck driver. josei

"If you're willing to help with one thing and call your family a million dollars as soon as it's done, how about your daughter getting the best treatment?" The man in sunglasses is an old ghost. He throws out bait to driver Liu and waits for him to take the bait.

"What do you want me to do? Can I believe you? What if I have worked so hard to finish it, and you regret not to pay me? " Driver Liu doesn't believe that there is a free lunch in the world. If there is such a valuable thing, he must pay a high price. He looks at each other with a look of caution.

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