The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1590

Chapter 1590

"I have some small details. I want to talk to you. Don't you have other things to do in the afternoon? It's just the time at noon."

Xu Bocheng knew that he suddenly asked Xia'an to have a dinner. She would certainly refuse, but he left behind.

Xia'an nodded and agreed.

Two people out of Yunman advertising, directly on Xu Bocheng's car, and Xia an never saw Lu Qichen's car downstairs.

Lu Qichen thought all night and decided to talk to Xia an.

Seeing her come out, I was ready to meet her, but I didn't want her to leave with a man laughing and talking.

Lu Qichen was angry in his heart. He grasped the steering wheel and murmured to himself: Xia'an, we only talked about divorce yesterday. Today you can talk to other men in a friendly way. Are you so heartless?

As the president of Xiangyu Group, Lu Qichen's IQ is not low, but this will also make a normal man would make the mistake, eat nameless vinegar.

Xia an and Xu Bo are close to finding a restaurant.

Xu Bocheng had thought of several small details for a long time. He was afraid that Xia'an would expose his mind, so Xia'an didn't object to his hospitality, so the meal was quite pleasant.

Lu Qichen came quietly.

At the end of Xia'an and Xu Bocheng, Lu Qichen's long posture appeared in front of her and asked without expression: "I'll call you, why don't you answer it?"

In the face of Lu Qichen's question, Xia an just remembered that it was just after the meeting that the mobile phone was silent and forgot to turn it on.

But at this time Xia an is not ready to explain, Lu Qichen this is what attitude, suddenly appeared on the face of questioning, when she called him for help, he did not answer the phone?

Don't he understand the truth that you don't want to do to others?

"Is there always something wrong with the road? If there is something very urgent, please talk to my secretary. Sorry, I have to go first! "

Lu Qichen slightly a Leng, in the heart surges a nameless fire.

In her eyes, Lu Qichen saw that he was like a stranger. Was he just a stranger in Xia'an's heart? No, or he's worse than a stranger!

"Xia'an, you..." Lu Qichen pulls Xia an's wrist.

It's not natural for Xu Bocheng to bully him.

"Mr. Lu, please respect yourself!" Xu Bocheng takes Xia an's hand out of Lu Qichen's.

Lu Qichen turned his attention to Xu Bocheng.

Xu Bocheng?

Just now on the way, Lu Qichen has asked his assistant to check this man. He is worth over 100 million yuan. He is still single. The conditions are good. But what, his woman can be coveted at will?!

"Xu Bocheng, Xia an is my wife. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, but we are talking about things with Xia Zong. Please don't be too thoughtful!" Xu Bocheng knew that what he wanted to do was not to let Xia an be in trouble. At this time, he could not be strong enough to let Lu Qichen regard himself as an eyesore, which would only make it more difficult for him and Xia'an to develop.

"Mr. Xu, let's go. I'll have a meeting later!" Xia an is very unhappy and looks at Lu Qichen.

She didn't expect Lu Qichen to believe in herself.

When Xia an passed Lu Qichen, she dropped a low sentence: "Lu Qichen, I'm not you, I won't cheat in marriage, you're disgusted, don't imagine that everyone is so disgusting!"

Lu Qichen looked at Xia an's cold expression and knew that he was reckless.

But he really can't control himself, he can't see Xiaan and other men together.

Xia an and Xu Bocheng walk out of the restaurant and head for Yunman advertisement.

The atmosphere in the car was once very awkward. When Xia an was ready to get off the bus downstairs, Xu Bocheng said, "Xia'an, I just..."

"Mr. Xu, you don't have to say that. I know. Thank you just now." Xia an's smile seemed to be indifferent to the things just now.

Xu Bocheng just nodded and didn't speak.

After Xia an went upstairs, she received a short message from Lu Qichen.

"Ann, I was reckless just now. I thought you were with Xu Bocheng. I'm sorry." Banxia's message did not respond.

Because Lu Qichen's action just now reminds her of the naked scene between him and Zhang Lu. She thinks she can let go of it. It turns out that this is a thorn, and it will be fine if it can't be touched. But once it happens, the pain of Despair makes you have to throw it away.

Xia an ignored the message and went on working.

Jingyuan, Zhang Lu has been watching the time.

Shen Qing walked with her in the garden. Seeing her expression, she asked, "Lulu, are you in a hurry to go out?"

"Ah, aunt Qing has not!" Zhang Lu's answer was quick enough, but after saying it, she regretted it. She scratched her head and said with a smile, "there's a small matter. The underwear store still has a little problem to deal with."Zhang Lu looks at Shen Qing hesitantly.

Seeing her like this, Shen Qing thought it was a big event. Her eyes widened. Looking at Zhang Lu, she asked, "it's not a big event, is it?"

"Of course not, aunt Qing. Don't worry, but I need to go out. Do you see?"

Zhang Lu now has a heavy responsibility. She has to take good care of Shen Qing. Although Shen Qing's illness is pretended, only the two of them know about it. So Zhang Lu has to do a good job and take care of Shen Qing all the time.

"You go to your business, I'm fine again!" Shen Qing moved at will, as if to tell Zhang Lu that he had nothing.

"Aunt Qing, I'll go first. I'll be back soon." Zhang Lu said gently. josei

"Go, go!" Shen Qing urged Zhang Lu to leave.

Zhang Lu was relieved to leave.

After leaving the garden, Zhang Lu went straight to the nearest coffee shop. After coming back last night, Zhang Lu made an appointment with Ye Wen.

Now she is eager to see ye Ziwen and see if she has any other way to get rid of Xia'an.

Zhang Lu arrived at the coffee shop in the middle of the sound. Naturally, ye Ziwen had been waiting here. Looking at Zhang Lu, who was late, impatiently, he said, "the appointed three o'clock. What time is it? Do you think my time is not the time

"If you don't want to wait, you can wait!" Zhang Lu is also angry in her heart. Before she sits down, she is said by Ye Ziwen. Can she be angry with Ye Ziwen?

Seeing Zhang Lu's appearance, ye Ziwen pushed the coffee on the table to her, and then asked anxiously, "has your wish come true?"

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