The Substitute Bride

Chapter 1618

Chapter 1618

"In any case, Xia'an is Lu Qichen's wife. As her mother-in-law, don't you think it's too much to say so about your daughter-in-law in front of outsiders?" Xu Bocheng tried not to let himself get angry with Shen Qing directly.

Xu Bocheng doesn't say that Xia an is his daughter-in-law. It's OK. Now Shen Qing can't bear to say this. He points to Xu Bocheng and says angrily, "yes, I'm talking to my daughter-in-law now. What's the relationship with you? What's your involvement here?"

Shen Qing is right.

"I'm a friend of Xia'an. Can't I say something for her?" Xu Bocheng just refuted such a sentence. He didn't want Shen Qing to be more angry. At this time, he directly started to Xu Bocheng.

Xu Bocheng didn't want to fight Shen Qing here. He was ready to dodge, but he couldn't dodge. He pushed Shen Qing instinctively, but didn't want Shen Qing to fall to the ground.

When Xia an just saw Xu Bocheng quarrel with Shen Qing, he was a bit at a loss. He would see Shen Qing lying on the ground, stunned for a moment, and had no response at all.

Instead, Xu Bocheng took the lead to come back to Shen Qing and reached out to help Shen Qing up.

But Shen Qing, who would let Xu Bocheng touch himself, pointed to Xu Bocheng and said, "what are you doing? Are you going to hit me?"

"It's you who fell down. What does it have to do with me?" In the face of Shen Qing's aggressiveness, Xu Bocheng instinctively gave up what he was going to do and stood on the edge to watch Shen Qing shouting for help.

Xia'an is awakened by Shen Qing's shouts, and then she reacts.

How can things get to this point?

"Mom, get up first. I have nothing to do with Xu Bocheng. You should not involve other people in. " Said, Xia an Ben also squatted down to help Shen Qing.

Shen Qing still doesn't let anyone touch him, so he pushes away Xia'an's hand, and continues to blame Xu Bocheng and Xia'an.

They couldn't get close to her at all. Some people who passed by couldn't see it. They went to Shen Qing's and helped him up.

"Thank you, thank you, you are so kind people..." Shen Qing holds the hand of passers-by, as if to see relatives, and at this time passers-by is embarrassed by Shen Qing's behavior.

Shen Qing, however, was not ready to let go of others, and went on to say, "do you know? This woman is my daughter-in-law. Seeing that my son is unconscious, she starts to bully me with her lover. You all give me a comment... "

Shen Qing said that both voice and emotion, do not know the people listen to her, but really some sympathy for her.

Xia'an is puzzled, so slander oneself, isn't also in the black road Qichen? How can Xia'an say that she is now Lu Qichen's wife. Can't Shen Qing think of this? josei

"Enough, if you lose the face of Lujia, do you want to destroy Xiangyu Group?" Xia an called out to Shen Qing angrily.

However, she didn't want to stop Shen Qing's bad behavior. On the contrary, she encouraged her arrogance, which made her more and more arrogant.

The bottom of Shen Qing's eyes was full of tears, covering his chest with one hand and pointing to Xia'an, he said, "Xia'an, you are looking forward to something happening in the company, aren't you?"

In the face of Shen Qing's unreasonable words, Xia'an is too lazy to answer.

Naturally, the mentality of passers-by has always been to watch the excitement. At this time, there are more and more passers-by around, and even some passers-by take pictures of the scene with their mobile phones.

Seeing this, Xu Bocheng no longer pays attention to Shen Qing and takes Xia an away.

"You wait, we can't just walk away!" Xia'an wants to get rid of Xu Bocheng's hand, but she doesn't let her go.

After Xu Bocheng took Xia'an out of the land of right and wrong, he released her hand and said, "don't you see that Shen Qing wants to punish you on purpose. If you stay here, you will only insult yourself. Why do you need to?"

Xu Bocheng finished and looked at Xia'an excitedly, hoping that she would wake up earlier.

Xia an is speechless when she sees that Xu Bocheng hates iron but not steel. In fact, she knows very well that Xu Bocheng is telling the truth. She can let her see Shen Qing's accident and ignore it. Xia an really can't do it.

"Don't worry. She's OK at all. I didn't push her just now. She fell down on her own. She was ready to put the blame on me. How could she really let herself have an accident?" Xu Bo sees Xia an's eyes full of worry, and understands what she is thinking, which appeases him.

After saying that, Xu Bocheng pulls the stupefied Xia'an into his car.

"Or where to send you to the company first?" Xu Bocheng is very careful to ask Xia an what he means. Now he doesn't dare to say more, for fear that a word can touch Xia'an's already scarred heart.

After half a ring, Xia an slightly nodded his head and said, "well, go to the company!"

After Xia an finished this sentence, he no longer wanted to speak. Naturally, Xu Bocheng also chose silence.

After a while, they arrived at Yunman advertisement. Xia an didn't mean to get off the bus. Xu Bocheng coughed and said, "here we are."Xia'an just responded, "Oh," and then opened the door and got off.

Xu Bocheng didn't get off the bus, only after Xia an entered the Yunman advertisement did he drive away.

Xia an returned to her office and saw that there were many documents piled up on her desk, but at this time, she had no intention to deal with the documents.

"Dong Dong!"

"Come in!" Xia'an slightly adjusted himself a bit, so that he did not look so embarrassed.

The person who came in was Xiaohe. Xiaohe naturally knew about Lu Qichen's accident, so she could deal with the company's affairs and try not to harass Xia'an, unless it was an urgent matter.

Just now Xiaohe was answering the phone. She was worried when she saw Xia an's lost heart. She just hung up the phone and knocked on the door.

"What's the matter?" Xia an sees the expression on Xiao He's face is not right. He thinks it's something wrong with the company, so he asks.

Xiao He shook his head and went to Xia'an's back to ask, "general manager Xia, is the road always OK?"

After hearing this, Xia'an also understood the meaning of Xiao He's expression just now. At this time, she had no choice but to sigh and shake her head and reply: "I don't know yet. I don't know when he will wake up, but I believe he will be OK."

Xia an's words should be repeated several times every day, not only to tell others, but also to remind ourselves that we must not give up.

"Well, Mr. Xia, don't worry too much. Mr. Lu is so lucky that there will be no accident!" Small he comforts looking at Xia an, at this time she also does not know what to say, can only say a little pacifying words.

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