The Substitute Bride

Chapter 355

Chapter 355

"Auntie, you don't have to talk to my grandparents. I bought it myself. It has nothing to do with them." Gu Ciyuan helped them put out their luggage and said to Cai Yanhong in front of him.

"Self earned? Well, it's a big voice. " Cai Yanhong sneered and said to Gu Ciyuan in front of her, "if your grandparents hadn't given the company to you, how could you have made a lot of money? I have a long way to go. You should think more about our family, Chen Hao. Don't make money by yourself. "

Gu Ciyuan has been used to Cai Yanhong's sullen appearance for a long time. He doesn't say anything. After carrying the luggage, he says to Cai Yanhong, "it's too late today. If you want to sleep here, you can sleep, but tomorrow I will not take you in. Since you are back, you can find your own house. I am not a shelter here. "

"How do you speak?" Chen Hao grabbed Gu Ciyuan by the collar and said to Gu Ciyuan in front of him, "I tell you, everything you have now belongs to me. You'd better make it clear to me."

Chen Hao sneered and said to Gu Ciyuan in front of him, "I reward you today. Don't think that being a general manager for several years is not enough. From tomorrow on, I will go to the company to work with you. Wait and see. I'll get you down sooner or later."

"I'll be waiting." Gu Ciyuan sneered and shook off Chen Hao's hand, "but tomorrow, you still have to move."

"What's your attitude? Why do we have to move? " Cai Yanhong said discontentedly to Gu Ciyuan in front of her, "we are your uncles and aunts and your elders. What qualifications do you have to drive us away?"

"I'm alone in this house." Gu Ciyuan said coldly.

Most of the time, he chose to swallow his anger not because he was afraid, but because he didn't want to embarrass the two old people. But now He didn't want to bear it.

"Chen Feng, have you seen it?" Cai Yanhong angrily said to Chen Feng in front of her, "now he dares to talk to me like this, don't you plan to manage it?"

"You son of a bitch, how can you talk to your aunt now that you don't know more and more about heaven and earth?" Chen Feng said, he started to quarrel with the broom next to him and said, "I knew I would raise you this ungrateful and ungrateful son of a bitch. At the beginning, I should not have been soft hearted and should not have brought you home."

Gu Ciyuan grabbed the broom, and his eyes were sharp, which made Chen Feng's momentum weak. He looked at Chen Feng in front of him coldly and said, "if you don't want to drag your suitcase to find a hotel in the middle of the night, you'd better keep your guard. At the beginning, you haven't raised me for a day. You don't put any elder's airs in front of me. In my heart, except for my grandfather Grandma, your family are relatives at best. "

"You..." Chen Feng was really frightened by Gu Ciyuan's eyes. He had never seen Gu Ciyuan look like this before.

From the moment Gu Ciyuan was brought back by the two old people, Cai Yanhong began to say in his ear that Gu Ciyuan would definitely rob his son of his family property after he came back. He also said that Gu Ciyuan's mother had already taken a considerable dowry when she got married, and now her son will come back to rob the family property.

Therefore, Chen Feng has never regarded Gu Ciyuan as his nephew, but the enemy.

Gu Ciyuan has always been polite to himself. Chen Feng mistakenly thinks that he is good at bullying. But think about it carefully, how can it be? We should know that Gu Ciyuan has been in the shopping mall for so many years and is famous for his vigorous and vigorous action.

Chen Feng more want to regret, had known this, should not have let him back.

I blame myself for my bad birth. Although I'm a son, I'm good at eating, drinking, whoring and gambling. But I'm not good for business. It's cheaper for Gu Ciyuan.

"Gu Ciyuan, what do you mean by that?" Cai Yanhong was discontented and said to Gu Ciyuan, "why can they live here, we can't?"

Chen Feng's family spend money recklessly, but they can't save much money. This time they come back to China for fear that Gu Jiyuan will take the whole company as their own. They live on the dividend every year, and occasionally need two old people to help them.

After all, it was the bone and flesh that fell out of his belly. How could the two old people watch with open eyes.

So they have no money to buy a house. In order to save money, it is the best choice to live in Gu Ciyuan's house.

"Because they raised me, you didn't Gu Ciyuan said bluntly, "grandparents, it's late, you hurry back to bed, here I'll deal with it."

Both of them have big heads. They don't want to see the family stay here, but they don't know how to help Gu.

"Farewell, or..."

"Don't even think about it." Seeing the two old people want to be soft hearted, Gu Ciyuan firmly said, "I will never let them live in."

"Granddad, grandma." Chen Hao came to the two old people to act coquettish. They still love Chen Hao very much. After all, Chen Hao is their only grandson. "We have just come back. Where do you want us to live? This is your home. He dare not say anything as long as you say it. "Grandfather Gu and grandma Gu frowned in embarrassment and said, "Hao Hao, this is Ci yuan's home. We two It doesn't count. "

Seeing Chen Hao's move out of work, Cai Yanhong said directly to the two old people in front of her, "it's not impossible for us to move out."

She paused and said to the two people in front of her, "but we have a condition."

"What conditions?" As long as there is room for discussion, it is easy to say. Both grandma and grandfather are relieved.

"We're new here. We don't know any place. We want us to move out. It's easy. You helped us solve the problem of the house." Cai Yanhong sneered, "now Gu Ciyuan has a house here, so does Chen Hao."

"To write Chen Hao's name is to help your grandson buy it. Wouldn't you like it?" Cai Yanhong said. josei

"By what?" Gu Ciyuan frowned and said, "my grandparents have retired for such a long time. You don't say to give them some money, but you try to make them pay for you. You are really No shame. "

"What are you talking about Chen Hao looked at Gu Ciyuan in front of him and said, "what? You should buy it for you, but it's shameless to buy it for me? "

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