The Substitute Bride

Chapter 361

Chapter 361

"Yanfei, come here." Ye asked LAN waved to Gu Yan Fei in front of her, and said to Gu Yan Fei in front of her, "mother asked you, how am I treating you?"

"Of course." Gu Yanfei got goose bumps all over her body. She felt that ye Wenlan in front of her was particularly frightening, but she didn't dare to say anything. She could only walk past obediently.

In the past, Gu Qishan was very good to himself, but after Gu Ciyuan came back, they all changed.

"Mom told you, your father has Gu Ciyuan now, he won't want us." Ye asked LAN yinsen, "not only in this way, he also plans to put the house, the car, and the company Give it all to Gu Ciyuan. "

"How can that work?" Gu Yanfei frowned and said to the leaf in front of her, "Gu Ciyuan is nothing. All these things at home should be mine. I will never give it to him."

"That's right. This is the mother's good boy." Ye Wenlan patted Gu Yan Fei on the back of her hand and said, "with your words, mom will help you to get these things back."

"Mom What do you mean by that Gu Yanfei nervously looked at Ye Wenlan in front of her. Ye Wenlan leaned over to Gu Yanfei's ear and said a word, which scared Gu Yanfei's eyes wide, "Mom, are you crazy? How can you do that? "

"If he is unkind, don't blame me for my injustice. Don't you want property?" Ye asked LAN with a sneer, "I want my property It's the only way. You can decide for yourself. "

Gu Yan Fei thought for a long time, and finally nodded solemnly, "OK, just do it."

The next morning, ye Wenlan called Gu Qishan and asked him to go home for dinner. He said that there was something very important to talk to him about. On the phone, ye Wenlan said very sincerely. Gu Qishan thought that he and Gu agreed after their marriage for so many years.

Ye asked Lan Xin's promise, "don't worry. After this meal, I'll go with you to get the divorce certificate. I won't make any excuses."

Towards noon, Gu Qishan came back. Ye Wenlan dismissed all the servants in the family. Even Gu Yanfei was sent out by her. She cooked a table full of dishes, waiting for Gu Qishan to come back.

When Gu Qishan got home, ye Wenlan didn't look any different. He said hello to Gu Qishan as usual, "come back, go wash your hands and prepare for dinner."

"What are you doing?" Gu Qishan frowned and looked at Ye Wenlan in front of him and said, "don't think you can save me like this. It's impossible between us."

Ye Wenlan bowed his head and gave a bitter smile to Gu Qishan in front of him and said, "I know that I will not save you. It is just that we have been together for so many years. Even if we really get to the divorce stage, I hope I can say goodbye to you, which is a perfect ending for our relationship. Shouldn't it be?"

Gu Qishan was stunned when he heard Ye Wenlan say this, and finally sighed. If ye Wenlan had been so sensible, they could not have reached this level.

He looked at Ye Wenlan in front of him and said, "have a meal."

After Gu Qishan sat down, he didn't see a person at home. He asked LAN in front of him and said, "how come there is no one at home?"

"I wanted to have a good chat with you, so I gave them a day off and we were the two of us at home." Ye asked Lan light said, she gave Gu Qishan a bowl of spareribs soup, handed in the past.

"Have some spare ribs soup. It was your favorite before." Ye Wenlan smiles faintly. For a moment, Gu Qishan even felt as if it was time to go back to more than 20 years ago. When he had just met Ye Wenlan, she often invited herself to eat at home. At that time, his favorite was the spareribs soup.

"Is it good to drink?" Ye Wenlan looks at Gu Qishan and takes a sip. He smiles and asks Gu Qishan in front of him.

Gu Qishan nodded slightly, put down the bowl in his hand, and said, "it's hard for you to remember that I like to drink this after so many years."

He looked at Ye Wenlan faintly in front of him and asked, "don't you say there is something very important to tell me? Go ahead and say it. "

Gu Qishan's tenderness is limited to Ye Wenlan, who lived more than 20 years ago. But after so many years, he can't warm up to a woman with a heart full of snakes and scorpions. josei

Ye Wenlan lowered his head and didn't speak. Gu Qishan frowned and said, "if you don't say anything, I'll say it first. You'll sign this agreement."

He took out a document from his briefcase and said to Ye Wenlan in front of him, "you've been with me for so many years. I've prepared an apartment for you and Yanfei. There's a million in this card. I'll give you 20000 alimony every month. This money will be enough for you to live with Yanfei, and ... You can also drive away your cars. Clothes, jewelry and bags can all be taken away. This is the biggest concession I can make

Gu Qishan felt that he had done his utmost, but ye Wenlan was obviously not satisfied.

There was no expression on her face, "you Are you in such a hurry to divorce me

After all, ye Wenlan is an old couple of more than 20 years old. Ye Wenlan also wants to recover it, but Gu Qishan has made up his mind, "I thought we had reached an agreement."He pushed the agreement to Ye Wenlan and said, "hurry up, sign it, and don't waste everyone's time."

"Don't worry. I'll sign this later." Ye Wenlan sneered and said, "you hold my handle in your hand How dare I not sign it? "

After ye Wenlan's words, Gu Qishan's face flashed a trace of coldness, "you understand the best, if not forced, I will not take this step."

"In fact, I want you to come here today. First, I want to have a good meal with you. We have been busy these years, and we seldom have the opportunity to sit and chat like this. Second, let's I just want to ask you, how did you know about that Ye Wenlan felt that she had done it very covertly, but it had been more than 20 years before she found out that she was really naive.

"It's the same sentence. If people don't know it, unless they don't do it, how can I know it after so many years Is it important? " Gu Qishan sneered.

"Important." Ye asked LAN looked down at the bowl of spareribs soup, light said, "if you want me to sign, my only condition is this."

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