The Substitute Bride

Chapter 374

Chapter 374

"It's OK." Zhang Lu shook her head slightly, tears fell out of control, she paid so much, is not to let Lu Qichen look at him differently? But now It felt like everything was ruined.

"Does it hurt?" Lu Qichen looked at Zhang Lu in front of him and asked, "I'll take you to the hospital first."

Zhang Lu's face was caught by Wen Wen, and there were many wounds on her body. Even her clothes were pulled out of shape. Lu Qichen took off her suit coat and put it on Zhang Lu. She said, "put it on first. I'll pay the bill and send you to the hospital."

Lu Qichen bought the bill and sent Zhang Lu to the hospital. Both of them said nothing. The doctor helped Zhang Lu deal with the wound. Lu Qichen waited outside the door. Fortunately, there was no serious injury. As long as he smeared the medicine on time and paid attention to the light diet, he could recover soon.

"I'll take you back." Lu Qichen sent Zhang Lu back to his home. When he got downstairs, Zhang Lu didn't get off the bus. He said to Lu Qichen in front of him, "Mr. Lu, what happened today I'm really sorry. "

"That's good. I'm sorry." Lu Qichen asked suspiciously. josei

"I came here today to win the contract of general manager Xu, but I've made it so that you lost your contract and I'm sorry to have lost face with me. " Zhang Lu said apologetically to Lu Qichen in front of her.

Lu Qichen laughed, "just for this?"

Zhang Lu was originally very sorry. She worked hard for such a long time. She was afraid that her status in Lu Qichen's heart would not be guaranteed because of today's event.

Can hear Lu Qichen so disdainful appearance, she immediately some don't understand, quickly asked, "general manager Lu, this matter..."

"Just now Xu Youcai told me that he would let me sign a contract with him tomorrow for five years." He received the message when he was in the hospital.

"Really?" Zhang Lu's glasses all lit up. She looked at Lu Qichen in front of her and asked, "he has really promised to sign a contract with us."

"Of course it is. Why should I lie to you about such a thing?" Lu Qichen said with a smile, "so you don't have to blame yourself. Today's things are thanks to you, otherwise it will not be so smooth."

"Well..." Zhang Lu gave a bitter smile and said, "it's no good. It's a big shame."

Zhang Lu looked at Lu Qichen in front of him and said, "Mr. Lu, do you think I'm..."

"What?" Lu Qichen asked suspiciously.

"Will you look down on me if I betray myself in order to win this contract?" Zhang Lu asked Lu Qichen.

Lu Qichen was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he never considered this issue.

Before Zhang Lu didn't come, the former secretary did the same thing. No matter what method was used, as long as he could get the contract, it was a good way.

Lu Qichen never thought about what his secretary thought.

To tell the truth, there is a little bit of disdain, Lu Qichen never asked them to use the method of beauty trap, all the roads were chosen by themselves.

So Lu Qichen looked at Zhang Lu in front of him, laughed and said, "why, it's all for work. I can understand."

"Don't think about it. I'll give you some time off. You can come back to work when the wound on your face is healed, OK?" Lu Qichen said softly.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu." Zhang Lu nodded slightly. She saw the hesitation on Lu Qichen's face. She knew that Lu Qichen looked down on himself.

In the next few days, she must let Lu Qichen direct. In addition to the side on the wine table, Zhang Lu is also a knowledgeable wife.

"Be careful, today Please Zhang Lu got out of the car and went upstairs until Lu Qichen's car disappeared.

Because of the incident at the dinner party, Lu Qichen sent Zhang Lu to the hospital for treatment of his wound and then sent him home. It was very late, but he didn't expect that Zhao Zhiqiu was still up.

He opened the door and saw that the light was still on in the room. Zhao Zhiqiu leaned against the head of the bed to read a magazine and asked, "why haven't you slept so late?"

"Waiting for you." Zhao Zhiqiu put down his magazine with a smile and asked, "why did you come back so late?"

"There's a party in the evening, so I'm late. Don't wait for me next time. You'll have an early rest." Lu Qichen asked Zhao Zhiqiu, "are you better? I have time tomorrow, or I'll take you to the hospital

"No, I'm almost all right." Zhao Zhiqiu leaned on Lu Qichen's chest and asked Lu Qichen, "do you remember the ticket I gave me for my birthday?"

"Of course." Lu Qichen said with a smile, "next Wednesday, I remember."

Lu Qichen, playing with Zhao Zhiqiu's hair, said, "it's because I know this, that's why I work overtime every day. I hope to finish what I should do before I go out."

Lu Qichen laughed and said, "don't worry, I remember everything I promised you."

Zhao Zhiqiu's heart warmed. She stayed in the hospital for a few days, as if she had cured her irritability during this period of time. She was no longer suspicious of Zhang Lu's affairs, because she believed Lu Qichen knew it in her mind."Go to sleep." Lu Qichen holding Zhao Zhiqiu said.

The next morning, Lu Qichen sent Zhao Zhiqiu to the company, and he went to the company himself. The preparation work of Yinuo's press conference was almost finished. This Sunday was the press conference. So all the employees in the company were busy with this matter. No one expected that Han Yi would come again at this time.

"What do you want to do? If you don't leave, I'll call the police. " Zhao Zhenzhen is discussing with Zhao Zhiqiu about the details of the day of the press conference. Unexpectedly, the front desk brings Han Yi here. When she sees this person, Zhao Zhenzhen is angry and says to Han Yi in front of her.

Since knowing the relationship between Han Yi and Bai Rongrong, Han Yi has not appeared. Today, Bai Rongrong forced Han Yi to come to find Zhao Zhiqiu. The new play will soon start. In order not to offend Bai Rongrong, Han Yi has to come.

"Jane, you go out first." "Zhao Zhiqiu said in front of me

"No way!" Zhao Zhenzhen did not want to say, "Zhiqiu, this person is very dangerous, I absolutely can't let you face him alone."

"Don't worry. This is the company. He doesn't dare to mess around." Zhao Zhiqiu comforts, she wants to know, what is Han Yi's obsession with himself?

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