The Substitute Bride

Chapter 409

Chapter 409

"I..." Gu Yan Fei covers her beaten face and dares not to speak any more. She just looks at the man in front of her.

"Don't worry, I don't hate you as much as Zhao Zhiqiu." That woman, destroyed his appearance, destroyed her life, he must let her pay the price.

"What do you want?" Gu Yanfei nervously looks at the man in front of her. She is especially afraid that she will die in the hands of this man today.

"Do you want to go out?" The man sneered and said to Gu Yanfei, "I can let you out, but You have to listen to me

Gu Yanfei looked at the dark and humid cell, and finally nodded firmly, "OK, I listen to you. As long as you let me out, I can listen to you."

There was a proud smile on the man's face.

Gu Yanfei mysteriously disappeared from the cell. Zhao Zhiqiu couldn't believe the news when he received the news. After repeatedly confirming it, he believed the truth of the matter. The police told him on the phone that if he saw Gu Yanfei, he would immediately call the police, and Zhao Zhiqiu replied repeatedly.

She could not believe that Gu Yanfei, such a weak woman, could escape from prison. Who was there to help her?

Zhao Zhiqiu didn't tell Lu Qichen about this, but he still knew it. He checked Gu Yanfei's visiting list and found a very strange name on it. Fang Hui.

"Zhiqiu, do you know Fang Hui?" Lu Qichen asked Zhao Zhiqiu in front of her. She always felt familiar, but recently she felt that she had a poor memory. Many things could not be remembered for a while.

"As if I knew, but I didn't know." Zhao Zhiqiu tried to think about it for a long time. At last, he still couldn't remember. He said slightly irritable, "don't ask me. It's really annoying." josei

“…… What's the matter with you? " Lu Qichen was surprised to see Zhao Zhiqiu in front of him. It was the first time that he saw such impatient Zhao Zhiqiu. He always felt that something was wrong.

"I'm fine." Zhao Zhiqiu waved Lu Qichen's hand and said discontentedly, "I'm tired. I'm going to have a rest first."

Lu Qichen, looking at Zhao Zhiqiu's back, always felt that something was wrong.

Song's mother looked at Zhao Zhiqiu in front of her. She secretly hid to one side and made a phone call. The phone was soon connected, "Hey, I've done everything you told me to do. Now Zhao Zhiqiu's mood is very unstable. When can I see my son?"

"Soon..." "You can continue to prescribe medicine until Zhao Zhiqiu loses his mind completely. After that, I will let you see your son."

"We didn't say that before." Song Ma was in a hurry. "You said that as long as I gather up the money, I can see my son. You can't do without credit."

Song Ma is holding the phone, the whole people are shivering, her son has been in their hands for several months, she is really worried about his accident. The man in the

phone sneered and said, "Song Ma, in this game, I has the final say, and you... Only for obedience, don't let me hear you say no again, otherwise... "

"Well, well, I'll do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt my son." Song Ma said in a hurry, "tell me, what do you want me to do now?"

The man laughed with satisfaction.

Zhao Zhiqiu's faults are manifested in many aspects. She often loses her temper inexplicably, or just what her front foot just said, and then she forgets. She becomes very suspicious. As long as Lu Qichen comes back two minutes late, she begins to scream whether he is cheating.

It made Lu Qichen very upset.

He wanted to take Zhao Zhiqiu to the hospital, but Zhao Zhiqiu was very resistant to going to the hospital, and even punched Lu Qichen. Seeing Zhao Zhiqiu like this, everyone was worried.

Zhao Zhiping tried to find a friend to come home to see a doctor for Zhao Zhiqiu. Unexpectedly, Zhao Zhiqiu beat and scolded him and drove him out. Zhao Zhiping was very embarrassed.

But before leaving, he still reminded Zhao Zhiping, "this symptom is very similar to a patient I have seen before, such as drug-induced neurotic disorder. You have to investigate carefully, this matter can not be underestimated."

Zhao Zhiping told Lu Qichen about the result. They thought about it carefully and pointed the spearhead at Song Ma.

Only she is in charge of Zhao Zhiqiu's daily life, and has the best chance to do it.

Lu Qichen observed at home for several days, but he didn't find any evidence of song's mother's action. He was also a little upset. After work that day, he didn't go home directly. Instead, he hid in the company to find out the cause of Zhao Zhiqiu's illness.

Zhang Lu went back to the company to get things. Seeing that Lu Qichen's office was still on, she couldn't help knocking on the door. "Mr. Lu, why are you still here so late?"

"I'm still dealing with something." Lu Qichen said faintly, "how did you come back? Isn't it a long time after work? "

"When I went out to buy food, I remembered that I had left something in the company, so I came up to get it. Haven't you eaten yet? Would you like to have some together? " Zhang Luyang raised the box in her hand."Good." Lu Qichen wiped his face and said to Zhang Lu in front of him.

During these days, he lived in the suspicion and abuse of Zhao Zhiqiu every day. He was really tired, and no one could say that. It was rare to meet someone who was willing to eat and chat with him. Lu Qichen did not refuse.

Zhang Lu just tried, but she didn't expect Lu Qichen would agree. She opened the packing box happily, and suddenly the aroma of the office overflowed.

"It's delicious." Lu Qichen couldn't help feeling that since Zhao Zhiqiu was not right, he had not had a good meal. A simple meal even made Lu Qichen feel very moved.

"Eat more, then." Zhang Lu picked up a chopstick dish for Lu Qichen and asked Lu Qichen in front of him, "Mr. Lu, you Haven't you eaten at home lately

Looking at Lu Qichen's wolfing appearance, Zhang Lu was simply shocked. How could a person like Lu Qichen be short of food and clothing?

"Something happened at home. I haven't had a stable meal for several days." Lu Qichen said faintly, "today Thank you

He really does not want to go home, do not want to face Zhao Zhiqiu.

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