The Substitute Bride

Chapter 417

Chapter 417

That's the idea he's been dreaming about.

"That's right." The man sneered, raised Zhang Lu's chin, looked at Zhang Lu's face in the dim light, and said, "this small face is really beautiful."

Zhang Lu was too nervous to move, for fear that a man would pinch his neck in the next second.

The man put down his hand and said to Zhang Lu in front of him, "if you really want to be with Lu Qichen, from today on, you must follow my instructions, otherwise..."

The man's words did not finish. Zhang Lu hesitated for a moment, and confirmed to the man in front of her, "do you really have a way to let me and Lu Qichen be together?"

"Of course." The man sneered, "as long as you listen to me, I promise you will be with Lu Qichen within half a year. If you don't believe me, we'll see."

"Well, I promise you!" Zhang Lu agreed without thinking about it.

Lu Qichen has just dismissed her, and now she has no unique advantage like "close to the water". If she wants to be with Lu Qichen, she can only let this man dispatch her. She has been in a desperate situation for a long time, but the person in front of her It's her only straw.

"What do you want me to do?" Zhang Lu asked firmly at the man in front of her.

As long as you can be with Lu Qichen, you can do anything you want her to do.

"How nice." The man patted Lu's face with satisfaction and said, "now You go back to resign, go through the handover procedures, and then go home to have a good rest, keep your mobile phone on 24 hours a day, when necessary I'll get in touch with you. "

"That's it?" When she heard the man say this, Zhang Lu was stunned. She thought that this man could really help herself, but now she has some doubts.

"Are you doubting me?" The man's face instantly became ugly, and said to Zhang Lu in front of him, "what I hate most in my life is that others doubt me. You'd better not have a second time."

"No It's not. " Zhang Lu was startled by the man's gloom and explained, "I don't mean that..."

"That's enough." The man turned his back impatiently and said to Zhang Lu, "do as I say. Don't pester Lu Qichen during this period. I'll contact you when something happens."

"Take her away!" With a wave of the man's hand, the heavy iron door was pulled open, and two men in suits came in again and stood beside Zhang Lu.

Seeing that they want to help themselves with the black cloth blindfold, Zhang Lu quickly asked, "then how can I contact you?"

"No need." The man said faintly, "I will contact you."

Zhang Lu can only watch two people blindfold her, and then take the car, get off, Zhang Lu has been in Xiangyu downstairs.

She was pushed out of the car and watched it disappear around the corner.

If it wasn't for the black cloth she was holding in her hand, she would even doubt whether everything she had just experienced was a dream or a reality.

"Zhang Lu, you are back. The company is busy. How can you come back?" When fantezhu saw Zhang Lu, he couldn't help shouting. Zhang Lu put down the document in his hand and said to fan tezhu in front of him, "then you should be busy. I'll I went to the personnel department to handle the handover procedures. "

"Hand over procedures?" Fant was stunned. "What do you mean by that?"

"It doesn't mean much." Zhang Lu also did not explain clearly, quietly packed things, and then went to the personnel department.

Because Lu Qichen said hello, things went very smoothly, in other words, it was very fast.

Holding a box full of his own things, Zhang Lu couldn't help but look back at Xiangyu's building.

Although she has not been here for a long time, she has already regarded this place as her own home. She really wants to leave, and she is still reluctant to part with her.

But she told herself that before long, she would come back. When she came back, she would be the landlady here.

So don't be so sad now.

Thinking like this, Zhang Lu's heart was finally comforted.

Landscape garden.

After being stimulated, Zhao Zhiqiu finally calmed down. Lu Qichen warmed up the food he bought and brought it to his room.

Zhao Shijia is talking with Zhao Zhiqiu. Her mood has stabilized. Lu Qichen is relieved to see this scene.

"Zhiqiu, come and eat." He took the food to the small table beside the bed and said to Zhao Zhiqiu.

Zhao Shijia glared at Lu Qichen in front of her. She was obviously dissatisfied with what happened today.

You know, all this could have been avoided.

"I think Talk to Zhiqiu alone Lu Qichen said this to Zhao Shijia in front of her. She was stunned and finally nodded.

After Zhao Shijia left, Lu Qichen filled Zhao Zhiqiu with a bowl of soup and said, "don't eat vegetables all the time. Drink some soup."Although Zhao Luqiu bought a necklace, she didn't know that she didn't control her temper.

Lu Qichen had been waiting for Zhao Zhiqiu to finish eating, and then asked Zhao Zhiqiu to drink an extra bowl of soup. Without caring about the dishes on the table, Lu Qichen said to Zhao Zhiqiu in front of him, "Zhiqiu, I think I'll talk to you. "

Lu Qichen knew that Zhao Zhiqiu might not understand what he was talking about, but anyway, he had to try his best. Otherwise, this piece of Lu would be a thunder hidden in Zhao Zhiqiu's heart and might explode at any time.

Zhao Zhiqiu leans on the chair in front of the French window to bask in the sun and says lazily, "what do you want to say?"

"Zhang Lu." When hearing Lu Qichen's mouth to say the name, Zhao Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment. She hesitated again and again, and finally said to Lu Qichen in front of her, "OK, let's talk about it."

Anyway, the thunder will be cleared sooner or later.

Lu Qichen sat down beside Zhao Zhiqiu and said, "Zhang Lu's necklace, which I only knew today, don't take it to heart."

"I know." Zhao Zhiqiu is only occasionally mentally ill, still has the judgment.

Today's situation is obviously that Zhang Lu wants to stimulate himself. Fortunately, Lu Qichen comes back in time, otherwise he will be really caught. josei

"You used to quarrel with me about Zhang Lu. At that time, I always thought you thought too much, but today I found out that you were right."

Since he knows that he is wrong, he should correct it in time. Lu Qichen is holding such an idea now.

Zhao Zhiqiu didn't speak. Anyway, she just wanted to give birth to this baby.

"Know autumn..." Lu Qichen took Zhao Zhiqiu's hand and said to Zhao Zhiqiu in front of her, "I just received a call from the personnel department. Zhang Lu is no longer my secretary, and I will not have any interaction with her in the future."

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