The Substitute Bride

Chapter 809

Chapter 809

"What are you talking about When Xiao Qi heard Wang Shu's words, his whole face became very ugly. In his mind, Wang Shu had always been a knowledgeable girl. When he talked to himself, he always whispered in a soft voice. He never thought that such an ugly thing would come out of Wang Shu's mouth.

Wang Shu looked at Xiao Qi in front of her. She knew that she had said too much, but it was really what she thought.

She does this, is to let oneself and Xiao Qi thoroughly separate.

"Wang Shu, I really didn't expect that I was so unbearable in your heart." Xiao Qi gave a bitter smile and said to Xia'an in front of him, "I know that I hurt you deeply, but I do it just to make up for the damage I have caused to you. If you misunderstand me, I'm really sorry, but you have to believe me, this is not my original intention."

"Come on, you." Wang Shu sneered and said to Xiao Qi in front of him, "don't think I don't know. From the beginning to the end, you just want to play with me. Now I'm afraid I'll take it seriously, so I can't wait to get rid of the relationship with me. Xiao Qi, you're the scum."

"You..." Xiao Qi looks at Wang Shu in front of him and doesn't know what to say.

He really didn't understand why Wang Shu suddenly became what he is now.

"Why, can't I speak?" Wang Shu sneered and said to Xiao Qi in front of him, "Xiao Qi, I Wang Shu is not a person who can't afford to play. Since you don't want to have a result with me, then I won't hang around. Don't worry, I won't pester you again from now on. You remember it clearly."

God knows what she felt when she said this. It was like dripping blood.

But there is no way, Li Jinhua has known his address, in order not to implicate Xiao Qi, she can only quickly cut the mess.

She took a deep look at Xiao Qi in front of her and said, "I have one last word. Please don't disturb me again. Today I leave from this room. Tomorrow we are strangers. Even if we meet in the street, please treat me as a stranger. Don't come up to say hello. Do you understand me?"

"Wang Shu, do you really want to be so heartless?" Xiao Qi looks at Wang Shu in front of him. He thought that even if he and Wang Shu can't be husband and wife, at least they will be good friends in the future, but now it seems that he really wants more.

Wang Shu sneered and asked, "heartless? I would be heartless if I did this? "

She looked at Xiao Qi in front of her and continued, "then what do you think I should do now? After you have made it clear that I will not have a future with me, I still have to rush to flatter you and stay by your side as a friend, shamelessly?"

"Wang Shu, I thought we were still friends..." Xiao Qi said with a bitter smile.

"Friend?" Wang Shu sneered, "is it necessary? Do you think after we got into bed Can you simply be a friend? "

"Forget it." Wang Shu sighed and said to Xiao Qi in front of him, "I'm really tired. Please Let me go. "

She looked at Wang Shu in front of her and continued, "since I can't get to the end, I'd rather we never know each other. As for the compensation you said I'm not going to take it. " josei

Yes, she admits that her conditions are not as good as Xiao Qi, but she also has self-respect.

With Xiao Qi, she just takes a fancy to Xiao Qi. It has nothing to do with Xiao Qi's external conditions. She doesn't want Xiao Qi to feel that she has no purpose to be with him.

"As you said, we are together, I am voluntary, as long as you do not disturb my life in the future, it is already the biggest compensation for me."

When Wang Shu finished speaking, Xiao Qi sighed heavily and said to Wang Shu in front of him, "since you have said so, I have nothing to say. Wang Shu, I will put my words here today. I know that you are angry and don't want to accept any help from me, but if one day..."

Xiao Qi gave a bitter smile, "if one day you are really desperate and need help, please call me, OK?"

Xiao Qi begged to look at Wang Shu in front of him. Only in this way can he feel better.

Unexpectedly, Wang Shu sneered and said to Xiao Qi in front of him, "don't worry, there won't be such a day."

She looked at Xiao Qi in front of her and said, "even if I have a desperate day in the future, I will never ask for your door."

She said this and then turned to leave, regardless of Xiao Qi's retention.

Xiao Qi looked at the closed door and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

He immediately felt that he was really quite a jerk, a girl who deeply loved himself hurt so deeply.

To tell you the truth, if there is no Xia'an, if you don't love Xia'an so much, maybe you will fall in love with Wang Shu.

But there is no such thing in the world. If he first knew Xia'an and fell in love with Xia'an, he would hurt Wang Shu.

Wang Shu cried into tears when she came out of the hotel. She knew that it was a complete end between herself and Xiao Qi. She had never hated herself and Li Jinhua like she did now.If it wasn't for her, she would never have cut off her feelings with Xiao Qi so cruelly.

Even if she forced herself to marry that old man, she was just sad.

She stopped a taxi to go home, took a bath, dragged her tired body and wore two big black eyes to Xiangyu. Xiangyu's fashion show is getting closer and closer. Now she has to put all her energy on her work, so she has no energy to think about Xiao Qi.

At noon, everyone went to dinner, but Wang Shu didn't go. Xia an looked at Wang Shu in front of her. She didn't come for a period of time, but Wang Shu came every day. Her rehearsal today is very abnormal.

Originally, she wanted to ask about it, but when she thought about it, it was not suitable for her and Wang Shu to ask.

It happened that Lu Qichen also came to ask Xia an to have dinner, and she left.

After dinner, Lu Qichen handed over a document and said to Xia an in front of him, "the two children will go to school next month. I have already applied and will take Chang An to change his name tomorrow. The school side I've also arranged for an intelligence test. If I can, I'd like to let Ann stay in school for two years. After all, he is still young. Too many grade skipping may not be a good thing for him. Xiaoxiao is already at the age of going to school. This is the school I've selected for her. Follow Ann's school together. What do you think? "

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