The Substitute Bride

Chapter 836

Chapter 836

Wang Shu looked at Xia'an in front of him and continued, "but I'm still different from you after all."

Wang Shu gave a bitter smile and continued to say to Xia'an in front of him, "you and Lu Qichen can persist. It's because you and Lu Qichen love each other, but I'm different. I love Xiao Qi, but Xiao Qi doesn't necessarily love me, so We can only break up in the end

"Wang Shu, listen to me..." Xia'an took Wang Shu's hand and said to Wang Shu in front of him, "I've known Xiao Qi for such a long time. I know him too well. Although he refuses to admit it, it's because he doesn't know what he feels about you. You believe me. As long as you give him time, he will understand his feelings for you sooner or later."

"Ann, don't comfort me." Wang Shu gave a bitter smile and said to Xia'an in front of him, "I understand what Xiao Qi and I have. It's better to separate as soon as possible."

Xia'an still wants to say something, but Wang Shu obviously doesn't want to do more entanglement in this matter. She looks at Xia'an in front of her and says faintly, "well, it's not early. Go to bed early."

Turn off the light, this is the most comfortable night for Wang Shu, but she can't sleep any more. She tosses and turns in bed until it's almost light.

When Xia'an wakes up, Wang Shu is still sleeping. She deliberately puts down her movements for fear of disturbing Wang Shu, hoping that she can have a good sleep.

Xiaoxiao goes to bed early. She wants to knock on Xia'an's door in the morning, but she stops her. "Shh, xiaoxiaoxiao, honey, let's go downstairs and have a little more sleep."

Smile muddleheaded looking at in front of Xia an, finally also did not say what.

When Xia'an went downstairs, grandma Zhao had already made breakfast. Seeing Xia'an coming down, she asked, "what about Wang Shu? Still sleeping? "

"Well." Xia'an nodded slightly and said to grandma Zhao, "she hasn't had a good rest these days. Let her sleep more."

Xia'an filled a bowl of porridge for Xiaoxiao, and said to grandma Zhao in front of her, "grandma, Wang Shu's stay here will trouble you for this period of time."

"Don't worry." Granny Zhao sighed.

After breakfast, she originally planned to take Xiaoxiao out to buy something. School will start in two days. Before she can buy school supplies, she receives a call from Li Jinhua.

"Ann, I'll take that matter into consideration and do as you say." Li Jinhua said flatteringly, "where are you now? I'll come and see you. "

"Now?" Xia an is stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Li Jinhua's action to be so fast. She hasn't prepared the money yet.

"I'm afraid not now." Xia an casually found a reason to delay, said, "I have something to go out now, so I'll come to you later."

"No, No Li Jinhua said in a hurry, "you must be busy. After a while your affairs are finished. I'd better go to see you. I also want to see Wang Shu. As you know, she is my daughter after all..."

Xia an sneered. How could Li Jinhua be so kind? He clearly wanted to see if he had this strength.

She finally agreed to come down, hang up the phone, Xia an made a difficult.

After all, she had children to support, so she didn't save any money these years. The 500000 What should we do?

After thinking about it, she decided to go to Lu Qichen for help.

Li Jinhua here, after hanging up the phone, Wang Gang couldn't wait to face Li Jinhua in front of him and asked, "what's the matter? Did she promise?"

"Yes." Li Jinhua faintly looked at Wang Gang in front of him and said, "I'll go there for a while, and you'll accompany Xiaochun at home."

Li Jinhua reminded Wang Gang in front of him and said, "you remember it for me. Don't tell Xiaochun about this matter for the time being."

"Don't worry." Wang Gang was relieved. josei

Li Jinhua thought of what Xia an had reminded herself before and hesitated for a moment. Then she asked, "Wang Gang, you are with Xiaochun It's only four months, isn't it? "

"What's the matter?" Wang Gang asked.

"Well Are you sure the baby in her belly is yours Li Jinhua frowned and asked, she can meet all the conditions of Xiaochun, but if the child in Xiaochun's stomach is not Wang Gang's, then she will never do this injustice.

"Mom, what are you thinking?" Hearing Li Jinhua doubt this, Wang Gang frowned, "who do you think Xiaochun is? The child in her belly is mine, of course

"I just asked casually." Li Jinhua said lightly, "it's time for her to do a pregnancy check-up. When all these things are handled properly, I will accompany her to Yangcheng hospital to do a systematic and comprehensive examination."

"Whatever you want." Wang Gang didn't say much. He just wanted to get the money as soon as possible.

Xia an gives Xiaoxiao to granny Zhao, and then goes straight to Lu Qichen's company.

Although the rehearsals before were all in Lu Qichen's company, but this time, Xia an felt that she was in a different mood.Maybe it's the change of identity.

The front desk knows Xia'an. Seeing her coming, she immediately smiles and sends her to the elevator. Then she calls Lu Qichen and tells him that Xia'an is here.

When Xia an went to Lu Qichen's office, everyone she met warmly said hello to her. She was a little embarrassed, but out of politeness, she had to respond one by one.

Finally, he arrived at Lu Qichen's office. He was signing a document. He looked up at Xia'an and said, "you sit first, I'll be ready in a minute."

"Don't worry." Xia an found a seat to sit down and said to Lu Qichen in front of her.

"Keep a close eye on the supplier side and don't make any mistakes." He signed the papers and said to van tez in front of him, "close the door when you go out."

"Yes, Mr. Lu." Fantezhu said hello to Xia'an and went out.

Xia an looked at Lu Qichen with some embarrassment and said, "it's not a shameful thing that I came to look for you. It's wrong for you to say so."

"Misunderstandings are misunderstandings." Lu Qichen said with indifference that he was very happy to see Xia'an come to find himself. He asked Xia'an in front of him, "how can you come to me today?"

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