The Substitute Bride

Chapter 886

Chapter 886

"Why are you..." Wang Shu raised his head in surprise and looked at Xiao Qi in front of him.

She thinks that she conceals very well, absolutely no one will know that she is pregnant, but on second thought, Li Jinhua holds this trump card in her hand, how can she not play it?

She gave a wry smile and said to Xiao Qi in front of her, "it seems that she has already looked for you."

"Yes." Xiao Qi nodded slightly.

Wang Shu sneered and continued, "how much does she want to sell me this time?"

"Two million." Xiao Qi said faintly.

"Two million?" Wang Shu sneered, "I'm really valuable in her heart."

Although Wang Shu's face looks light, but Xiao Qi knows that she is in pain.

He wanted to reach out and hold her in his arms to comfort her, but he didn't.

He just frowned and looked at Wang Shu in front of him and asked, "why don't you tell me?"

"Tell you?" Wang Shu sneered and said, "what's the use of telling you? Can you help me put it back in? "

Xiao Qi tightly frowned, "do you want this child so much?"

"And you?" Wang Shu asked, "do you want this child?"

"Of course I will." Xiao Qi resolutely said, "Wang Shu, when I am with you, I still like Xia'an, I even feel that I am with you just to vent."

"Enough! Stop it. " Wang Shu turned away and didn't want to hear Xiao Qi say these words again.

Although these are facts, her heart is also clear, but there is no need to say over and over again, cruelly remind yourself of this fact?

"Listen to me." Xiao Qi grabbed Wang Shu.

He looked at Wang Shu in front of him seriously and continued, "until yesterday, I thought I was just sorry for you and just wanted to make up for you. But when your mother told me the news of your pregnancy, I suddenly opened my mouth. I was really happy. I didn't expect I would be so happy to have a child with you. "

Xiao Qi looked at Wang Shu in front of him and continued, "it was at that time that I began to seriously examine your position in my heart. I found that I didn't know from when, your position in my heart has far exceeded that of Xia'an. I love you, but I don't know it all the time."

Xiao Qi took Wang Shu's hand and said affectionately, "yesterday I went to you to tell you about this. I want to tell you that I will be a good husband and a good father. Wang Shu, let's raise this child together, OK?"

When Xiao Qi said this, Wang Shu's heart was still very moved. If he heard this before he was pregnant, Wang Shu would embrace Xiao Qi excitedly and tell him he would like to.

But Xiao Qi picked this opportunity to say these words, will only let her feel that Xiao Qi is because of the child in his belly, because of the responsibility. josei

She sneered and shook off Xiao Qi's hand. "What are you? Do you want to say it? "

"Yes, Wang Shu. I'm telling you." Xiao Qi is not angry. He knows that Wang Shu is angry. It doesn't matter. Since he has made a decision, he won't regret it. "Forgive me for telling you these things so late, but I believe it's not too late. Wang Shu, let's start again, OK?"

"Not good." Wang Shu resolutely said to Xiao Qi in front of him, "Xiao Qi, I know you will say this because of responsibility, because I am pregnant with your child, and you don't love me."

Wang Shu gave a bitter smile and said to Xiao Qi in front of him, "it doesn't matter. I've already accepted this fact. You don't have to come to comfort me."

"No, I'm not comforting you. I mean it." Xiao Qi tightly took Wang Shu's hand and said, "Wang Shu, what I like now is you, not Xia'an."

"That's enough. Don't say it." Wang Shu impatiently interrupted Xiao Qi's words, "what you just said I should not have heard, please don't say it again later."

Wang Shu touched her stomach, and a trace of softness flashed on her face. But the next second, she looked coldly at Xiao Qi in front of her and said, "this child is my own. I will give him birth and bring him up, but he has nothing to do with you. No matter what happens, I will bear it by myself. Please don't have to worry about it. No matter who you marry in the future, you should follow It doesn't matter to me. "

Wang Shu looked at Xiao Qi in front of him coldly and said, "I'll go back first."

After saying this, Wang Shu went back to the apartment. Ding Lihua saw Wang Shu come in and asked, "what's the matter? How are you two chatting? Is the misunderstanding open? "

"No misunderstanding." Wang Shu said coldly, "it's over between Xiao Qi and me. Auntie, please don't come here casually."

"Why What? " Ding Lihua was stunned.

If Wang Shugang still has a love face, now Wang Shu just doesn't leave any love face. She directly orders to leave. She looks at Ding Lihua in front of her and says, "I said that Xiao Qi and I are over. Please don't come to disturb my life casually in the future. Do you understand me?""You Good Ding Lihua was very angry. She picked up the bag around her and said to Wang Shu in front of her, "I think I'm really crazy today. I'll come here to insult her. Don't worry, I'll never disturb you again."

Ding Lihua is ready to leave. Li Jinhua rushes out, grabs Ding Lihua and says, "in law, what's the matter? Didn't you agree to eat here? What

"Don't call me in law." Ding Lihua sneered and said, "I can't afford these two words."

"What's going on here?" Li Jinhua frowned and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Ask your good daughter." Ding Lihua said without being angry.

Li Jinhua looked at Wang Shu in front of me and scolded, "what did you do again?"

"Nothing." Wang Shu said coldly, "it is to ask her not to come again in the future. Since she has broken up, why be so muddled."

"Did you hear that?" Ding Lihua sneered and said to Li Jinhua in front of her, "in front of you, does she dare to say that in the end, is there any breeding?"

Ding Lihua shook off Li Jinhua's hand and said to Li Jinhua, "I don't think I can eat this meal, and we can't be my own family. I think I'd better go, so as not to be disliked here."

"In law, you can't go." Li Jinhua hated her teeth itching in her heart, but the top priority was to leave Ding Lihua behind, so she couldn't take care of Wang Shu.

She took Ding Lihua's hand and said, "let's sit down and have a good talk if we have anything to say..."

"What else can I say? Didn't you hear what she just said Ding Lihua sneered, "let me be amorous."

Looking at Ding Lihua to go, Li Jinhua cried out in a hurry, "she is pregnant."

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