The Substitute Bride

Chapter 939

Chapter 939

"Look at me. I'm confused." Han meihui laughed.

She glanced at Ye Ziwen faintly, and found this woman more and more difficult to deal with.

After the meal, park Xiuyuan took the initiative to clean up the dishes. Han Junxi was sitting on the sofa with Ye Ziwen. Han meihui came over, patted Han Junxi on the shoulder, and said to Han Junxi in front of her, "Junxi, go and help Xiuyuan. How can she be regarded as a guest? How can a guest wash dishes alone in the kitchen The truth? "

"But..." Han Junxi slightly frowned, some are not willing to look. josei

"Don't worry." Han meihui smiles and says to Han Junxi, "I'm with Ziwen here. It's just that I'm also looking for her to chat in a whisper."

"All right." When Han Junxi was about to leave, he took a look at Ye Ziwen. Ye Ziwen had no movement on the surface, but he was not very happy in his heart.

What does it look like to have a single man and a few women in the same room.

She knows that Han meihui doesn't like herself all the time, and she always wants Han Junxi and park Xiuyuan together, but I'm still here, isn't it too much?

"Don't worry about it. They'll come right after washing up. Soon." Han meihui sneered and said to Ye Ziwen in front of her.

Ye Ziwen turned to look at Han meihui.

Han meihui changed her just intimate appearance and became very strange and polite. She laughed and said to Ye Ziwen, "I didn't expect you to stay with Junxi for such a long time, but I tell you, as long as I am here, I will never let you in."

"Auntie, I don't understand what you mean." Ye Ziwen looks at Han meihui in front of her. She never expected Han meihui to agree with her relationship with Han Junxi, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, she doesn't care about Han meihui's opinions at all.

Han meihui sneered, "Miss Ye is a smart person. How can she not understand what I mean?"

"Auntie." Ye Ziwen sighed and said, "I know you don't like me. You've always wanted Miss Park and Junxi to be together. In front of me, you've arranged so much for him. Junxi can't see that, but I'm not a fool."

"Miss Ye is certainly not stupid." Han meihui sneered, "I know my mind is still thick skinned to rely on Junxi side, like you such a cheeky girl I see for the first time."

"Each other." Ye Ziwen sneered and said to Han meihui in front of him, "knowing that Junxi likes me, he has been sparing no effort to set up Miss Park and him. You also make me look different."

"You..." Han meihui was so angry that she almost exposed her temper. At the thought of her last loss, Han meihui resisted.

Calm down. We must be calm at this time.

Han meihui breathed a sigh of relief and said to Ye Ziwen in front of her, "Miss ye, I have discussed with Junxi that it is not impossible for you to marry into the Han family, but I have one condition."

"Conditions?" Ye Ziwen was stunned for a moment. She looked at Han meihui in front of her and asked, "what conditions?"

"You have talked with Junxi of our family for such a long time. As a parent, I can't always disagree with you. In this way, you can discuss with your family when the parents of both sides will meet to discuss the matter between you two." Han meihui glanced at Ye Ziwen in front of her and continued, "marriage is a big event after all. It's impossible to drag on like this all the time. What about me First of all, I don't want to know the situation of my family

With a faint smile, Han meihui took a look at Ye Ziwen in front of her and continued, "don't blame me for meddling. When you become a mother, you will understand the meaning of my doing this."

Ye Ziwen looked at Han meihui coldly in front of him and said, "Auntie, I think you still don't know me enough. I don't have a family."

Ye Ziwen's heart is so oppressed that Han meihui is clearly trying to embarrass herself. She knows that she has no family, and she even puts forward such an unreliable request. It's too much.

"No family?" Han meihui laughed, "in fact, your business Junxi also told me something. I know that your parents are dead, and I know something happened to you. To be honest, I love you very much

Han meihui said heartache, but her face was full of schadenfreude.

She looked at Ye Ziwen in front of her and said, "a girl, after so many things, is really very hard. No wonder Junxi of our family loves you so much."

"What do you want to say, Auntie?" Hearing Han meihui mention her past things, ye Ziwen is particularly impatient. She frowns slightly and asks Han meihui in front of her, "the past things have passed, and I don't remember them very much. Please don't remind me all the time."

"My son, what my aunt said to you was to tell you that there was no overnight feud in the family." Han meihui took Ye Ziwen's hand and said, "look, Junxi, I had such a big fight before, but in the end it's not a good relationship?"She patted the back of Ye Ziwen's hand, and said to the Ye Ziwen in front of her, "people who are so old should learn to put down in time."

They are talking, Han Junxi and park Xiuyuan come out, two people talk and smile, the atmosphere is particularly harmonious.

Ye Ziwen didn't want to sit here and listen to Han meihui preaching. In addition, seeing Han Junxi and park Xiuyuan's intimate appearance, she felt stabbed in the eyes. She stood up and said to Han meihui in front of her, "Auntie, if you don't have anything else to do, I'll go back first."

She looked at Han meihui faintly and said, "you're right. The family really has no overnight feud, but I have no family. So I'm sorry, I'll make my own decisions about my own affairs. If you agree with me and Junxi, then the person who sits down with you to talk about the wedding is only myself."

Ye Ziwen said that he was ready to leave. Han Junxi rushed forward to hold Ye Ziwen, lowered his voice and asked, "what's the matter? Did my mother say something bad? "

In front of Han meihui's face, ye Ziwen didn't complain. He just gave a faint smile and said to Han Junxi in front of him, "no, I just feel very tired. I want to go home and have a rest."

She laughed and said to Han Junxi, "it's hard for you to come back. Just stay with your aunt for a while."

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