The Substitute Bride

Chapter 941

Chapter 941

At the door, Han Junxi finally caught up with Ye Ziwen. He grabbed Ye Ziwen and said, "where are you going?"

"Don't mind." Ye Ziwen shook off Han Junxi's hand and said to Han Junxi in front of him, "I will move out of you as soon as possible. I will quit my position in BM company as soon as possible. From now on, I don't want to have any relationship with you. Do you understand?"

"Ziwen, what are you doing?" Han Junxi frowned slightly and said to Ye Ziwen in front of him, "are we not good? Why all of a sudden? "

Ye Ziwen is gambling that Han Junxi is serious about himself.

Han meihui today's meal is to show off to himself, show off that no matter how much they make up with Han Junxi, they can make up in the blink of an eye.

However, ye Ziwen wants Han meihui to understand that she can't help her mother. She can't allow her hard won results to be destroyed in this way.

Ye Ziwen sneered and said to Han Junxi in front of him, "Junxi, we have been together for such a long time. What kind of person am I? I believe you know better than anyone else. I tell you about Xia'an because I trust you. I believe you will help me keep the secret, but now it seems Instead of helping me keep a secret, you told your mother that this is my private matter, and I really don't want you to take it as a gossip and go around and spread it around. "

"Ziwen, I don't mean that..." Han Junxi quickly took Ye Ziwen's hand and said to the Ye Ziwen in front of him, "I just feel that you are very hard. I hope my mother can love you more like me. I really have no other meaning."

"Heartache?" Ye Ziwen sneered, "do you think your mother will really love me?"

"Yes." Han Junxi firmly nodded, "my mother said, she just wants to meet with Xia'an now, and then fix our marriage. Ziwen, even if it's for me, why can't you bear it?"

He frowned slightly and tried to persuade him, "we have been together for such a long time. You know what I do to you. After all, it's my mother. Marriage is such a big thing. I hope to get her blessing. I do this What's wrong with that? "

"It's your fault that you believed your mother and that she would really bless us both." Ye Ziwen sneered and said, "if my aunt really agrees with us, she won't talk like this today, and she won't keep Park Xiuyuan in Yangcheng until now."

Ye Ziwen looked at Han Junxi in front of him and said, "Junxi, that's your mother. I really don't want to say anything more, but do you think it's so simple for her to leave a girl who is interesting to you at her side?"

"I..." Han Junxi was stunned for a moment. He seemed to have never thought about this problem. He gave a bitter smile and said to Ye Ziwen in front of him, "I didn't think so much. Xiuyuan is just like a sister to me. The person I love is you."

Ye Ziwen understood these words, but obviously Han meihui and park Xiuyuan didn't understand them.

She gave a faint smile and said to Han Junxi in front of her, "Junxi, I think we'd better forget it. Your mother won't allow us to be together. It's better to Leave as soon as possible. "

She gave a bitter smile. "You don't have to worry about me. I can take care of my own."

"Don't dream." Han Junxi hugged Ye Ziwen and said domineering, "I will never agree to be separated from you."

"But..." Ye Ziwen frowned slightly.

Han Junxi hugged Ye Ziwen tightly and said, "today's thing is that I'm not right. I went to explain to my mother, but I forgot your feelings. You can rest assured that this will never happen again."

"Really?" Ye Ziwen asked lightly.

"Really." Han Junxi solemnly guaranteed.

"Well What about Park Xiuyuan? " Ye Ziwen frowned and asked, "don't get me wrong. I don't think there is anything between you and her, just After all, it's not about the party that she's afraid of getting hurt

"You are still jealous at this time." Han Junxi gently tapped Ye Ziwen's head. He thought that ye Ziwen's words were reasonable. He sighed and said to the Ye Ziwen in front of him, "I'll find a chance to ask her out to talk about it."

"Otherwise..." Ye Ziwen approached Han Junxi's ear and said a paragraph in his ear.

Han Junxi slightly frowned, and finally nodded, saying, "just do as you say."

This is the smile on Ye Ziwen's face.

After she left BM company, Xia an went back to Zhao's family directly. Because of Susan's affairs, she was a little depressed. When she got home, she remembered her promise to move to the house. Seeing that there was not enough time, she had to go upstairs to clean up her things.

When she moved into the Zhao family, Xia an was not very happy, but she didn't expect to live for such a long time. She really wanted to leave, but she couldn't bear it.

Granny Zhao seemed to know that Xia'an was going to leave. She fried a cup of juice and sent it up. She sat quietly and watched Xia'an clean up her things.Fortunately, Xia'an didn't have a lot of things, so she cleaned up quickly.

She looked up and saw that there seemed to be tears in grandma Zhao's eyes. She went to grandma Zhao and squatted down and asked in a soft voice, "grandma, what are you doing? Why are you crying again?"

She said with a smile to granny Zhao in front of her, "if my grandfather sees you crying, he may think I'm bullying you."

Granny Zhao chuckled when she heard Xia'an say so. She glared at Xia'an and said, "your grandfather may be hiding in some corner secretly crying."

"Grandma..." Xia'an took granny Zhao's hand and said, "I'm just moving. It's not that I don't come back."

"I know." Granny Zhao raised the back of her hand and wiped her tears. Then she continued, "you can make up with Qichen. I'm very happy with your grandfather, but It's hard for you to go home and live for a few days. We really hate you to move away like this. " josei

"How about that?" Xia an laughed and said, "even if I move back, I will come to visit you every week. If you want to live there, it's OK, OK?"

"Well, well, I'll listen to you." Granny Zhao laughed and said, "since you and Qichen have made up, then this wedding We were not here when you married him. You didn't even have a family member. I mean, I want to make it up for you

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