The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 308

Chapter 308


His appearance attracted the attention of the civilians but knowing how tight the security of the town is they aren’t that scared of Shadowslash suspicious outfit.

Arriving at the egg center he heard a commotion suddenly a person with a huge physique appears in front of him.

Different from his intimidating appearance the looks on his face is quite gentle and seeing that he was actually troubled Shadowslash curiousity was piqued.

He then heard the words that was coming out from his opponent or more accurately saying his bully.

“You stupid f*ck pay up the money you owe my family if not I will fucking destroy your face” Said the arrogant kid with an outfit of a rich person.

Shadowslash then lets out a cough quickly earning the attention of everyone.

He then said “Sir I suggest for you to argue with your problem elsewhere this establishment isn’t build for that”


Hearing this the arrogant kid pointed at him and said “And who the f*ck are you?! are you one of the personnel of this rotten egg market!”

A glint passed through Shadowslash’s eyes as his voice became incomparibly cold “So, you dare curse at the establishment that was created by Shadowslash?”

A terrifying pressure suddenly released within him stiffling everyone.

The arrogant kid couldn’t speak nor can he breath as his face started turning red as warm liquid flows down his pants and he passed out.

Shadowslash then walks in front of the big man who was looking at him in shock.

*Bam* Shadowslash then kicks the arrogant kid out snorting as he felt displease.

The egg daycare was an establishment he created after he had the inspiration of obtaining unique monsters like the 4 dragon eggs he obtain before.

Now that he received results from the hard work of the members of the daycare he of course put more attention and value to it now.

To think that some brat tried to extort someone that works in the place he valued he must be courting death.

He then looks at the big man in front of him who was shivering in fear.

He then spoke “For your stature it is quite demeaning for you to be a coward”

Hearing this the big man’s face became bright red but he was not scared anymore as he felt the pressure from Shadowslash disappear.

He also felt the person in front of him isn’t hostile to him at all on the contrary he felt that as long as the man in front of him exist even if the sky falls down he would be able to stand tall.

Of course the reason for this is the natural aura of a leader and a king exuding from Shadowslash.

Suddenly another commotion appeared as the brat returned together with some guards together with a person exuding a powerful vibe.

Of course compare to Shadowslash it wasn’t worth anything but what is more eyecatching is the badge on the man’s chest.

It was a wolf howling in the moon from Shadowslash recollection it was a badge from one of the top rank in the guild.

The Moon Wolf group thr second strongest adventure group in the guild.

The guards looks at Shadowslash with solemn look as they approached him and spoke “Sir creating disturbance inside the town is prohibited”

Shadowslash couldn’t help but nod in approval when he saw this not only they exudes an air of solemness they were also as strong as Silver Rank monster.

Also they do not disregard the protocol he was really satisfied how they act.

‘It seems that I need to praise Mad Head for how he operare the town and howhe train the guards’ He thought.

But just as he was deep in thought the brat started clamoring again shouting at him telling everyone how unlawful he is.

He then looks at the brat like he is a clown prancing around.

He then lets out a cough and spoke to one of the guard about the sequence of event.

“This brat dares to barge in this establishment that is regarded as important by lord Shadowslash and dares to hinder the workers inside” He spoke calmly.

The brat immediately felt the stares from the guards as they inquisitively looks at him waiting for his answer.

The brat quickly spoke “That is not true I was only inquiring for the debt that he owes to my brother!”

He then pointed at the big man that was trembling behind Shadowslash.

Shadowslash snorted and said “And where were you doing this activity?!”

He then released his aura once again and spoke in a solemn manner “Inside the establisment that lord Shadowslash built?”

Feeling the pressure the expression of the man with the Moon Wolf badge changed as he and the brat knelt under the pressure.

The guards on the other hand also had a bit of fear on their eyes but since Shadowslash didn’t directed his aura to them they were okay.

Seeing the two kneel Shadowslash harrumphed as he stop releasing aura.

He then threw a token towards the guards when they saw it their expression changed before returning to their usual solemn look.

They them bowed to him before returning the token and dragging the brat with them.

The token he threw was one of the symbol of authority inside the town.

The caretakers were stunned when they saw the guards immediately dragging the arrogant kid just after Shadowslash threw the token.

They then saw the symbol embedded in the token and their expression also changed to one of fear and respect.

It was a fox with nine tails roaring above a world.

This represent the status of a member of Shadowslash’s group.

Seeing the fear and respect and the envious gaze of everyone Shadowslash kept the token and said “Lord Shadowslash have told me to build something inside this item will help you as he had told me he was very satisfied with the work all of you have done these past few months”

Hearing this every workers of the egg daycare were excited to be praised by their idol it was a dream to them.

The folllowing sentence stunned them though “After thinking about it lord Shadowslashhave decided to raise the fund for this establishment by tenfold”

After being daze for a while everyone of them then cheered.

Shadowslash then lets out a cough and said “Well now please call the manager here as I wanted a tour around the building”

Everyone then turns to the big man who was rubbing the back of his head and a face as red as a tomato.

He then started stuttering as he explained “Ummm I..I....I am the manager of the egg daycare name is Brian”

Shadowslash then looks at hi.s suspiciously and asks “If you are the manager how could you not afford to pay your debt?”

A thousand gold coins os a large amount of money and since there are only a dozen of workers in the egg daycare and the amount expense only ranges from 100 to 500 gold coins at best that means there is still 500 gold left at least.

This is quite a large amount considering that other than the manager every worker in front of him were ordinary people and most likely a commoner.

Before the manager explains his situation the little girl on the side shouted “Its because of those bully they have increased the amount of interest that was quoted in the contract”

“Uncle Brian have already paid twice the amount that he owe and yet they were still extorting money from him!”

Everyone nodded as they were really angry about this but they were helpless as they were considered an ant against the bullies.

Hearing this Shadowslash raised his eyebrow raised he then sent a message to Sans telling him to tell Violet to go on hunting. josei

He then smiles as he said “You don’t need to worry about them anymore you just need to continue your good work in this establishment”

Brian’s expression turned to shock as he excitedly grabs Shadowslash’s hand and asks “Really?!”

Shadowslash pats his shoulder before confidently saying “You won’t ever see then again”

In his mind it was much more darker ‘Nor would anyone’

Everyone once again cheered they were all very tight as Brian was the one who personally recruited them.

They were very grateful about this and some of the boys actually wanted to help him fight against those that were extorting him but they were being hold off by Brian himself begging not to interfere.

Now that his problem have been resolved everyone was in a jubilant mood.

Brian then act as a guide as he leads Shadowalash around the daycare center.

He then leads to a room with a lukewarm temperature and explained “Most of the monster eggs were quite compatible with this temperature so we stored most of the eggs here”

Shadowslash looks at the eggs that were kept in nests.

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