The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 321

Chapter 321

Chapter 321: CHAPTER 293 THE LAKE

When Shadowslash finally arrives at the deepest part of the lake he couldn’t help but marvel at the scene in front of him unlike the endless darkness the deepest part was actually bright.

There were glowing pearls scattered around the place and there were also glowing plants creating a magical scene.

Also the density and purity of dragon qi in this part of the lake is clearly much higher.

After appreciating the scene for a couple of seconds he changed his attention to the three monsters that were guarding Shiroi.

Judging by how powerful they are to deter the surrounding monsters he was curious of their strength.


Specie: Twin-Headed Serpent


Race: Reptile (Serpent)

Bloodline: Lake Hydra (Extremely Impure)

Grade: Superior

Age: 69 years old

Level: Gold Rank Level 7

Attributes: Water/Dark/Strength

Energy: 260 + 52

Elemental Energy: [Water Energy: N/A], [Dark Energy: N/A]

Mana: 312 + 156

Skills: [Corrosive Water], [Aqua Blast], [Weeping Blow], [Double Breath]

Racial Trait: [Multiple Heads], [Voracious Appetite]

Passive Abilities: [Enhanced Energ], [Enhanced Mana], [Great Defence]

Active Abilities: [Color Change], [Sticky Domain]

Forbidden/Berserk Ability: [Berserk]


Specie: Gray Flood Dragon

Race: Pseudo Dragon

Bloodline: Water Dragon (Extremely Impure)

Grade: Pseudo Legendary

Age: 100 years old

Level: Gold Rank Level 8

Attributes: Water/Strength

Energy (Lesser Dragon Qi): 318

Elemental Energy: [Water Energy: N/A]

Mana: 318

Skills: [Water Breath], [Whipping Blow], [Dragon’s Roar], [Dragon Breath]

Racial Trait: [Flood Dragon Body], [Lesser Impure Dragon Core]

Passive Abilities: [Powerful Coiling Strength], [Enhanced Water Element Control], [Dragon’s Eyes]

Active Abilities: [Flood Control], [Devouring Whirpool]

Forbidden/Berserk Ability: [Berserk]


Specie: Dragon Carp

Race: Pseudo Dragon

Bloodline: Gluttonous Dragon (Somewhat Impure) josei

Grade: Legendary

Age: 36 years old

Level: Gold Rank Level 7

Attributes: Water/Strength

Energy (Dragon Qi): 416

Elemental Energy: [Water Energy: N/A]

Mana: 260

Skills: [Power Crunch], [Power Blow], [Aqua Blast], [Power Tackle]

Racial Trait: [Voracious Appetite], [Lesser Dragon Core], [Dragon Horns], [Powerful Teeth]

Passive Abilities: [Dragon Scales], [Dragon Strength], [Tough Muscle], [Powerful Tail], [Elemental Resistance]

Active Abilities: [Powerful Suction]

Forbidden/Berserk Ability: [Rampage]


Judging from their age Shadowslash immediately knew where they came from.

The B and T Association!

His group and the B and T Association in both Archinviel Dukedom and Dragon Kingdom have a tight relationship.

Because of the Sanctuaries Beastmaster and Tamers occupation become greatly sought for before it was already desires by many but after the Sanctuaries wers build it became the ideal jobs for most people.

While he was curiously observing the three monsters in front of him the three were also looking at him but not with curiousity but with vigilance and trepidation.

Shadowslash has the aura of a higher class dragon not only that he was on a whole new level compared to them as in this continent there were no records of Transcendent ever existing.

That meant he was the first Transcendent to ever exist in this continent and he would automatically exudes an aura that causes lower level beings to fear him.

Spirit Beast were already considered higher beings in this continent and compared to a Transcendent Beast the difference were like heaven and earth.

Shadowslash started approaching them albeit slowly as not to scare them and show them that he meant no harm.

But for the three monsters it only increases their fear as the closer Shadowslash get the stronger the pressure they felt.

When he was about a meter away from them the Dragon Carp lets out a enraged roar as an expression of a cornered beast appeared on its face.

It opened its mouth and a powerful blast of attack hit Shadowslash causing him to furrow his brows.

Thankfully he covered all of his body with his Mana and spirit qi if not his clothes would be drenched or destroyed.

The Gray Flood Dragon initiate the next attack as it opens its mouth and lets out its own Dragon Breath.

Once again Shadowslash received it head on but it still had no effect on him.

The Twin-Headed Serpent two heads opens their mouth and spat out when the two attack merged it became inky black attack.

Once again it hits Shadowslash but the attack also had no effect on him.

He was looking at the three with an irritated expression the only reason he only passively received the attack because he was afraid if he retaliate it would kill one or all of them.

He was also reluctant to unleash his aura as it would disturb Shiroi as judging by her expression she seems pretty busy about something.

The three monsters kept attacking until they used all of their skills the only skills they have were physical skills but all three were afraid to approach Shadowslash.

Just as Shadowslash was having a headache on how to deal with these three he realised he did not need to personally deal with them.

With a sign he summons one of his clones this clone looks exactly the same as him right now since unlike the real clones the 10 clones that he could summon were all artificial and would copy his present appearance.

He then waves his hand ordering it to beat the three monsters but he specifically orders it not to kill any of the three.

After receiving its order the clone immediately charged towards the three causing their looks to be grim.

The Twin-Headed Serpent used his tail to hit the clone.


[Weeping Blow]

The clone responded with a simple punch but when the two attacks collided the lake shook slightly and the Twin-Headed Serpent which is as big as two tanks were thrown towards a distance.

The scales on its tail were broken upon seeing this both the Gray Flood Dragon and Dragon Carp looks grim.

The Dragon Carp quickly charged at the clone followed by the Gray Flood Dragon in the opposite direction it is a pincer attack.

[Power Tackle]

Suddenly the Dragon Carp accelerated but just as it was about to hit the clone it was slapped by it and was now embedded in the ground.

The Gray Flood Dragon’s eyes widen in shock prior before Shiroi came into the Draconic Sanctuary the three of them were rivals and each own a territory of their own.

The Dragon Carp was the most physical gifted among the three even though it was the smallest its skill [Power Tackle], [Power Blow] and the strongest [Power Crunch] were considered as a deadly threat to the other two.

And yet now it saw one of those three skills got destroyed by a seemingly ordinary slap.

Just as the thought of retreat came into the Gray Flood Dragon’s head it saw the clone charging towards it.

It quickly paled as he used his skill [Whipping Blow] instinctively.

The clone caught its tail and pulled it towards its fist.

*Bam* Like the other two the Gray Flood Dragon also flew towards a distance.

Shadowslash who was watching everything shooks his head bitterly thinkint that even the strength of his clone was out of this continent league.

The three monsters it just fought were no ordinary monster but were bloodline beast what’s more they are of the dragon and hydra bloodline which were known for their tyrannic physical prowess.

Dispersing the thought in his head he approached Shiroi but no matter where he look at or use his spirit qi to scan her she wasn’t doing anything special but sleeping.

He then had Hentai scans her and after 10 minutes or so he got the result.

She was using her dragon qi to change the environment around her creating her very own dragon palace.

Of course it is a crude palace with no walls accurately it should be called a monster territory not a dragon palace as even if the lake is considered large it isn’t large enough to build a dragon palace on.

But it seems that she knew that the Sanctuaries were ever expanding even though it would take a long time to accomodate a dragon palace Shiroi wasn’t lacking time.

She was still an infant dragon so she still have a long life to look forward to and as he grew older she would become stronger and with her potential she would definitely create branches of her palace in all the Sanctuaries that Shadowslash is going to build.

Since its like this Shadowslash decided to help her.

He then orders his clone to pick up her three guardians as he went back to the surface.

Initiating his and his dragon clone connection he orders it to come to his location.

He is quite confident that his fox clone could keep Fluffy safe.

After waiting for just 10 minutes his clone have arrived he then leads it back to where Shiroi is.

When he returns back to the deepest part of the lake he saw his clone standing in front of the three guardians.

Seeing Shadowslash and his dragon clone fear was clearly seen in the face of the three guardians.

Shadowslash then quickly explains his and Shiroi’s relationship telling them that he is her father.

Of course this stunned the three guardians silly as they look blankly at Shadowslash.

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