The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 347

Chapter 347


Bang! Bam! Bang! The whole scene was chaotic the leader of the Peerless Sword Warriors was fighting in a brutish manner he was overpowering his enemies.

Bang! Finally after blocking countless of his strike the shield on Sturdy Snake hand was broken and the impact causes him to spit out some blood.

The two warriors expression changed as their body started to tremble as their skins started growing scales.

“Twin Snake swallow the heaven!!!” The two warriors shouted as they spun around aiming their swords in different spot of their foe body.

This is a one strike skill that deals tremendous damaged to their body because they are borrowing the power of the poisonous snake monsters that they had refined.

Seeing this the leader of the Peerless Sword Warriors started spinning as a powerful gust of wind started to gather around him as he spun faster the stronger his tornado become.

Their attacks collided as a deafening bang could be heard as the two warriors from the Silent Snake Group was thrown to a distance.


Both of them were grievously injured as one of them had fainted while the other one was extremely pale and was looking at their foe in horror.

“Ahhhh!” Suddenly Sturdy Snake shouted as he raised his shield and slams it into the ground.

Boom! A deafening noice could be heard as a burst of green liquid came out of his body as they flew all over the place.

Just as it reached the leader of Peerless Sword Warriors the said person disappears and quickly reappears on top of Sturdy Snake.

Just as he was about to slash Sturdy Snake into halves he felt an incomparable domineering spiritual sense locking down on him stopping him.

Sturdy Snake on the other hand fainted as the domineering spiritual sense knocked him out.

On the side the other members of the Peerless Sword Warriors were quite confused as to why their leader stops.

They hadn’t joined in the fight because they knew how powerful their three members are so they have been standing there watching the show.

From their knowledge their leader wouldn’t stop halfway as he would definitely attack Sturdy Snake causing great harm to him but now he actually show mercy to his enemy confusing them.

Suddenly they saw their leader looking at Shadowslash as they sensed a bit of fear on him.

They quickly realized something and all four of them looks at Shadowslash in fear.

While the fight between Sturdy Snake and the two warriors from Silent Snake Group versus the leader of the Peerless Sword Warriors is over the fight between two archers and the girl holding a light sword were still ongoing.

Even though the girl holding the light sword is quite powerful as she was extremely fast leaving afterimage all around Flying Snake and the other Archer have great understanding between one another strengthening their teamwork.

Arrows after arrows was shot accurately towards their target but their target easily dodged or sliced their attacks.

What’s more they felt that their opponent was actually only playing with as with her speed she could reach the two of them in no time.

But she just stood there either receiving their attacks or dodging them and since their poison is pretty much useless to her they were fighting in such frustration.

On the other hand the girl holding the light sword only had half of her attention towards the two archers half of her attention were into her brother.

Rafael and Dark Snake were fighting in an incredibly close range and even with White Snake supporting from the side the fight was one sided.

Dark Snake was losing in agility something he is proud of.

Both him and his sister has flexible limbs after signing contract with their monsters after fusing with other snake monsters they had refined their body and limbs could move like whips.

But now their attacks couldn’t harm their opponent even though both of their attack pattern are quite unpredictable they were still blocked.

Dark Snake was cursing inwardly he knew what is oppressing him and his sister it was sword qi.

He was very familiar with sword qi as he fought Jarius before and the oppressive feeling was the same as he fought Rafael.

“White Mamba Strike!!!” Suddenly White Snake shouted as her body started growing scales like the two warriors but her aura was quite different from them.

The aura from the two warriors before were powerful but unstable White Snake on the other hand does not have any aura at all and after transforming she feels illusive as if she was not there.

Her two white daggers started shining as she lunged them towards Rafael.

Seeing this Dark Snake also transformed becoming a scaly human but his forehead has tiny horns on them.

His wasn’t a snake but something like a dragon.

He then opens his mouth and lets out a powerful roar before stomping in the ground and slash out.

Those that were watching exclaimed feeling the powerful strike coming from Dark Snake while those that were quite sharp were feeling danger from White Snake’s attack as it is really a strike that an assassin would use completely undetectable.

Even Shadowslash’s interest was piqued his Assassin Organization was still lacking in manpower if she could recruit White Snake and her group it would be a great catch.

Even though he admires the two of them he knew that they are no match to Rafael as the battle was already lost.

And just like what he predicted when the two attacks were unleashed Rafael’s disposition changed becoming extremely sharp he then shouted “One Strike! Hundred Strike!”

Suddenly his sword started glowing as he waved it causing an extremely sharp light to fly towards Dark Snake.

On the other hand numerous sword shape image appeared around him and with clashing sound they blocked White Snake’s attack.

Dark Snake’s attack was obliterated by Rafael’s sword strike.

Rafael’s sword strike was weakened slightly after destroying Dark Snake’s attack but it was still flying towards him.

Bang! The powerful strike hit Dark Snake causing him to shout in pain as a large wound open up in the area where the sword strike landed.

Shadowslash did not stop the attack because he knew that strike wouldn’t take Dark Snake’s life.

The wound on Dark Snake was very large and the blood his gushing out was worrying.

Seeing this White Snake’s expression changed as she quickly shouted “We surrender!!”

Dark Snake has a powerful regenerating ability because of the dragon bloodline but the sword strike that was causes by those that wields sword qi has an ability to slows down or even cancel ones regenerative ability.

Hearing this Reias quickly announced the end of the battle as White Snake quickly calls help from the other members of her Silent Snake Group.

With that over everyone started to discuss about the fight they were shocked by how powerful the Peerless Sword Warriors are.

Since their number fell short on the requirement to enter a competition they hadn’t joined any team competition.

They also did not joined any individual competition as they felt it was too boring but this time it was different.

Not only their team could finally joined the competition but they were seeking to win the competition as they wanted to go to Thousand Race Kingdom.

They wanted to challenge the powerful warriors on Thousand Race Kingdom also they admired Shadowslash greatly.

With that round over Reias announced the next round “Archinviel Adventure Group versus Monstrous Adventurers!”

It was a fight between the Second Rank and Seventh Rank.

The Archinviel Adventure Group is a well known Adventurer group consisting of the Archinviel Family subordinates.

They were ranked second not because they are weak it’s just that the Heavenly Sword Sect were just too overpowered.

The Monstrous Adventurers on the other hand consist of young hot blooded Tamers from the B and T Association.

They consist of seven best bros that have powerful monster in their disposal but each one of them were also rival in love.

Rosa from the B and T Association were known to be the dream of the young Tamers and Beastmasters. josei

Not only Rosa his a rare beauty but her status as the guild masters’s granddaughter but she is also quite powerful herself.

When the seven members of both group walks to the arena sound of cheering as immediately heard.

The two teams have both fame and looks so the audience were excited to see them fight.

The reason for the Archinviel Adventure Group to be ranked second because their numbers and some older individuals but in the arena there were only young folks that were fighting.

This would show if the Archinviel Adventure Group only relies on the older members of their group or their younger members of their group were also as powerful as the other Adventurer groups.

With Reias signal both groups quickly went into their unique formation.

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