The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

Chapter 358: CHAPTER 330 DIO VS. DARKAI ll

Also he coated the other fighters with his spiritual sense as a barrier that is enough to hold off the impact of Dio’s and Darkai’s attacks.

The attack that Dio made was extremely fast it was the evolved form of the Monstrous Strike that increased the speed of the attack which was different from the first 32nd strike.

Darkai on the other hand made the same attack but an illusionary figure of a six winged dark angel appeared behind him holding a spear it was pointing it towards Dio.

With the violent energy scattered throughout the stage cleared by Shadowslash’s spiritual sense everyone finally saw the result of the collision.

It was a draw both fighters flew towards the wall of the arena they were covered in blood looking totally wrecked.

What they didn’t know though is that the real winner between the two was actually Darkai as Dio would suffer a backlash after going out of his limit after this while Darkai would have a rapid improvement because of his bloodline awakening only those that were sharp knew this.

Shadowslash actually admire the two they totally forgot that he could guarantee their life as long they fight in the stage.


They fought with their lives on the line seeing how injured the two are he knew it would be impossible for them to fight another battle against other Adventurer groups.

With his powerful spiritual sense he lifted the two of them and asks Leafinia besides him to heal the two.

What happened next dumbfounded everyone except for those that knew Leafinia’s capability which was Shadowslash and his family.

The two gravely injured fighters rapidly recovered as their broken bones and veins started recovering and with just a couple of seconds the two was now sleeping soundly.

Leafinia then wipe off her sweat as she had to expend a large amount of her energy to recover the two from their predicament.

She then told Shadowslash via telepathy that Dio was actually dying already but after she healed the two she also stabilized their condition.

Darkai’s volatile bloodline that was still rampaging was calmed down by her now the only thing they need to do was recover their energy but this was easier said than done as the amount of energy they used on this battle had cost them dearly.

Especially for Dio as the only reason he managed to pull such stunt was because he borrowed the strength of his monsters without them he couldn’t achieve such level of strength.

Killer and Vanquisher have already reverted to their primal form because of Leafinia they were saved from a life and death situation but their situation is just like the two as they need to rest probably for a long time to recover.

Shadowslash then sent the two fighters to their respective corner as he the shouted “Continue the battle!”

It should be Reias who announced this but he was getting more interested in watching the fight to continue more than anyone as this would surely give him inspiration on his path of the sword.

Everyone then looks at the remaining fighters on the stage with anticipation the fight earlier really made their blood boil in excitement it was amazing.

Zielong was gripping his fist tightly with a mad look on his face he wished he could replace one person on the stage and had a fight with all he got especially with Shadowslash guaranteeing their life.

Mad Woman Angela and Scarlet Assassin Cassandra was also trembling in excitement as the two of them don’t know how to hold back they felt that the competition is somewhat lackluster as they couldn’t use their killing technique but now with Shadowslash they could go all out.

They already resolve themselves to join the competition the only thing they just need to know is that which team should they join.

Thinking about this they thought about different kinds of team and both of them immediately thought of one team that has weak members but strong leader.

The Archinviel Adventure Group with this group in mind they now have a chance to fight both these two group.

Even some that weren’t interested and those that dislikes showing off their strength was tempted to join.

Shadowslash who was watching from above noticed this and decided to add fuel to the fire.

Just as the battle on both team was about to continue he stood up and announced “This year Adventure Festival is quite splendid so I decided to change the reward!”

“An additional reward would be added each and every member of the overall group champion in this tournament would have the ability to asks me a wish as long as I could accomplish it I promise you I will guarantee it”

“Wish to obtain a bloodline that strengthens any particular ability I could grant it! wish you have a much stronger spiritual world I could grant it! Wish you become a special Tamer I could grant it! Wish your monster could break through its present rank I could grant it!”

“Strive for victory!!!”

After his passionate speech the whole stage became extremely quiet then like a bomb everybody was shocked as the whole arena became extremely noisy.

Suddenly Zielong stood up and looks at him he then asks something and upon seeing this Shadowslash used his spiritual sense to cease off all noises.

Zielong was a bit nervous as he wasn’t shy or embarrassed towards the audience it’s just that Shadowslash is his idol so talking to him was his dream.

He then asks albeit in a shaky voice “Shadowslash-sama is it true you would grant any of our wish as long as you have the capability to do so?”

Shadowslash nodded he knew this wasn’t Zielong’s true question.

“Then would you grant me access to the Heavenly Paradise that is rumored to be on your kingdom?”

The expression on everyone changed as this was an extremely bold question as this would be considered one of the greatest treasure that everyone wanted.

The rumors that was being heard by everyone fascinated everyone and there were almost no one that doesn’t want to go there.

Even though there were a little bit of doubt but since it involves Shadowslash then the doubt was smaller compared to the belief. josei

Shadowslash smiled and said only one word but it made the people that were in the arena stunned “Yes!”

Everyone went wild the so called Heavenly Paradise that was only believe to be one of the most sacred place in the continent was opened to those that manage to win the championship.

The breathing of the audience started to quickened Zielong and the other warriors were also looking very excited.

Suddenly a voice in the arena asks “Don’t hate me but is the rumors about this so called Heavenly Paradise real?”

Shadowslash looks who it was and it was the leader of the Dark Triad he was looking at him intently.

Shadowslash did not angry but answered calmly “The Heavenly Paradise that you called it is true but it’s name is what we call Safehaven Paradise”

“In terms of safety it is the most safest place in this continent or probably the whole world as this could only be access to those that I allow to go there”

“The rumors about cloud formed of energy and Mana is also true”

“Not only that I’ll tell you another secret about my domain it can slow down time a day here means four days there”

Everyone was once again stunned they then started to became delirious causing those that were weak to feel extremely helpless.

This news set off another alarm those that joined the competition immediately decided to break the rules that states that only young ones will joined the competition.

They had to do everything to win the championship the nobles and other figures that were only watching for fun immediately started making plans.

While everyone was getting excited Shadowslash nodded at Reias indicating her to let the battle continue.

With Reias’s shout the audience once again calmed down but just as the battle was about to start the leader of the Dark Triad started approaching Jarius.

He then spoke “I wanted to have an all out fight with you but the situation changed to a somewhat problematic one so I decided to settle the result of our battle with a three turn battle”

“Considering you are the leader of your group do you agree on this method?”

Jarius knew that it was detrimental to continue an all out battle with the Dark Triad as even with the recovery of Dio he still needs to stay in bed for at least a month so he couldn’t participate in the next battle.

He then look at the leader of the Dark Triad and shakes his hand and said “Okay I agree to your proposal”

Most of the audience were startled by this but those that were smart enough knew that this was the smartest way to end this battle.

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