The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 376

Chapter 376

Chapter 376: CHAPTER 348 TTM VS. HSS

As he grabs the sword, he was surprised that he lucked out, he truly managed to grab the handle, he then used the power of the sword and flew towards Quinn.

Quinn’s expression changed as she knew she would be taken out, she was now in a vulnerable state.

Since it’s like this she decided to go out, using her own attack.

Boom! The glowing white circle under them activated and a pillar of ice appeared on the stage that reached to an incredible height.

Inside the ice pillar the archer and Quinn was frozen inside.

Rad’s other sword was also frozen within it, Shadowslash then broke the ice pillar and knocked the two unconscious.

With this both group lost a member but since the main archer of The Tank Master was still in the stage there was still hope for the group to win.


Just as the audience were focused on the fight of the two archers and swordsmen a burst of pressure came in the stage.

The ones who were releasing the pressure were Angela and Jarius.

Those that were watching their fight since earlier was on the a daze, truly focused in them.

While the other members of the two groups were going all out, the two also gone all out but after a while Angela’s thick steel skin was cut.

Her blood was now dripping, even though she was bleeding, she was still standing on the stage unfazedz the only thing zhe was thinking was awe towards her opponent.

She was confident on her steel skin, of course she knew that it would still be cut by Jarius knowing how powerful he is but she hadn’t thought it would be too easy for him to cut her.

But she wasn’t afraid, she has a trump card, it is her skeleton, it had developed like those from the Steel Ape Clan.

Seeing her wound, Jarius waves his sword once again, this time it carries his sword intent.

With every slash more cuts started to form in Angela’s skin but none of them were deep, the strike could destroy armor but it only managed to deal a shallow cut on Angela’s skin clearly showing how domineering her defence was.

Angela kept taking on the attacks, she knew Jarius still haven’t use his all, her right fist was clenched hard as she started storing power on it.

After the thirteenth attack, she unleashed her powerful blow, causing the apathic expression of Jarius to changed as he felt the threat of the attack.

He quickly took a step backwards and disappears, causing the powerful blow to land on nothing but the power behind the punch was shocking, A fist was form made out of air and flew towards a tank from her group and a swordsman of Jarius’ group.

Bam! As the air fist flew it finally landed on the two, both of them were sent flying backwards, just as the audience were stunned by it’s power, Jarius who have disappeared, reappears besides her brandishing his sword.

That was one of his movement skill that he had learned called ‘Blink Strike’.

Such skill was common for elites but those that truly managed to master it was small.

When he appeared besides her everyone could see the frustration on Angela’s eyes, the attack that she had prepared to finish off Jarius was easily dodged by him.

The unexpected attack cuts Angela’s side, Jarius wasn’t finished yet, he continue on his offense.

As he hack and slash, blood would continue drip down on Angela, seeing such bloody scene the audience sucked a cold breath.

Jarius on the other hand was also a bit angry he did not want to torture Angela, his attacks carries his sword intent, he intends on finishing her off with just a couple of attacks but she couldn’t pierced through the bone.

He couldn’t deal a massive damage so he decided to just continue waving his sword, unbeknownst to the audience except for Shadowslash, he was actually secretly charging his sword intent, he had decided to use one attack to finish the battle.

As he continue in attacking, he realised that Angela was actually becoming harder and tougher, as if his attack was actually strengthening her.

This alarmed him as he knew that something was wrong, especially when he saw his opponent adapted a defensive position quite unlike her previous fighting style.

This have made him cautious, now that he senses that she was actually becoming stronger, he knew that she was using some kind of combat technique or unique ability.

He tried to create a distance between the two of them but he immediately felt the pulling force once again.

Bam! A burst of sword intent burst out from his body to he resist the pulling force but Angela suddenly leaps towards him and hugs him.

No, it’s more like she was squeezing him, he felt her tight grip on his body he realised what she was planning to do.

Knowing that she intends to crush him, a glint passes through his eyes, he looks up in and the sky and shouted “I Am Sword Saint!”

Boom! An extremely sharp aura burst out of his body, the aura was so sharp that it started cutting Angela’s skin which had become tougher.

She quickly realised that if she doesn’t let go, she would definitely suffer massive damage, other than this, Jarius’ body is actually tougher than she expected, she couldn’t squeeze him into oblivion.

She then recalls the barrage of punches that she had sent him and yet he did not frown, that means that his body is also quite tough.

She quickly releases him, Jarius use this opportunity to attack her, his attack is much more faster and lethal than before, Angela was cut, her blood burst out as a wound appeared on her body coming from her left shoulder and sideward.

Jarius managed to cut her and the cut wasn’t any simple cut but a lethal one with his sword intent in it, but he didn’t stop his offense, he raises his sword.

Angela quickly covers her face with her two arms but even with her extremely tough arm it was cut.

Angela was appalled, her unique ability that she had gained after fortuitous encounter back on Dragon Sanctuary was proven useless against her opponent at this moment.

It was a bloodline ability that she gained after eating a carcass of an unknown monster, the monster was made up of steel scale, she thought it would enhanced her toughness and compatibility towards metal element but it had given her a passive ability instead.

The bloodline ability is called Endurance Force, as more attack she received the harder her body would get, her body would take the damage and converts it into metal Qi.

But it had its limitation, the amount of force she could take is equal to how strong her body is.

Right now Jarius’ attack is too powerful to fully convert it to endurance force, only a small amount was converted.

Her eyes turned blood red, she roars and raised her arm and aims it towards Jarius face.

Jarius facial expression was clear as he brought down his sword slashing it downward.

He then inwardly chanted ‘Sword Saint Slash: Silent Execution’.

Anothsr large cut appeared on Angela’s body, she was quickly lifted out of the stage, this caused the hopeful bettors to become listless, they sighed and knew that their bet was now lost.

Jarius then look at Krisha causing her to have a chill running down her spine.

Just as he steps forward, his pupil constricted he felt a violent force rampaging in his body, he quickly checked his body via spiritual sense.

His expression became heavy, he saw what was rampaging into his body.

It was a remnant of vital power that Angela left after punching him numerous of times, he couldn’t help but bitterly shook his head, thinking that he should have finished her in the start.

He then sighed once again, before sitting down on a lotus position, he use his sword intent to destroy the remaining vital power.

Krisha saw this and quickly charged towards him intending to finish him off.

Suddenly a sword came flying towards her, just as her head was about to be lopped off, she quickly made a roll and fired a couple of shots towards Jarius.

This caused the expression of bettors of Heavenly Sword Sest to change, Rad on the other hand wouldn’t be able to help his group, all he could see was a haze so he don’t really know what is really happening in the stage.

He could only use his spiritual sense to sense the aura of the fighters so that he knew which were is teammates and which were not.

While he was still in a groggy state, the arrows arrives in front of Jarius but the next scene startled the audience.

The arrows were cut! It looks like there was a barrier around Jarius which cut all the attacks approaching him.

Of course this wasn’t any barrier but a manifestation of sword intent, unless the attack is powerful enough, it wouldn’t reach Jarius. josei

Since she couldn’t finish Jarius, she changed her focus to the groggy Rad, she decided to finish him off first before helping Cassandra defeat Saske.

She immediately started shooting arrows after arrows at Rad but the arrows were all dodged by the seemingly funny dance Rad was doing.

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