The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Chapter 384: CHAPTER 356 DF VS. AAG

Zielong then look at Shun and said “His spear intent focus on one particular trait of the spear he is moving one step at a time building foundation for him”

Feilong nodded he is like Shun since he is training in the way of the spear focusing in the piercing trait.

But his progress were considered extremely slow so he still did not manage to develop his own spear intent.

In the stage the female knight rider was facing with the leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group.

Both of them hadn’t made a move yet but their energy was already in the state of attack as long as either one of them made a move then the collision would be explosive.

The rest of the fighters on the other hand were still in the process of meeting their opponent.

Shirayuri and Burakkuriri were still charging towards the tank behind them were Shiro and Kuro who decreased their presence to the point they were invincible to the audience.


Of course there were some of those that were watching that wasn’t easy to trick they could still see the two but like a dream they don’t feel real.

Saske clenched his fist he really wanted to learn this technique to be able to become almost invincible in plain sight it would be a great boon to him and would greatly increased his prowess.

The tanks of the Dragon Fighters looks at the two girls charging at them and raised their shield high as they started advancing albeit in a slow but powerful manner.

The two archers behind them hadn’t started shooting just yet they closed their eyes since the start of the battle.

After a couple more seconds both of them open their eyes as they shouted “Eye of Justice: The All-Seing Truth!”

Their eyes then turned bright as they lock on the two ninjas and started shooting their arrows lock on their target and flew at incredible speed.

The two ninjas felt something lock on to them they shuddered as being discovered is one of an assassin’s nightmare.

They then noticed the arrows flying towards them both of them quickly threw a couple of star shuriken to meet the arrows.

They then shot a couple of shurikens towards the archers.

Both of them then made a couple of complex hand sign.

“Ninja Ato: Kage Shuriken!” (Ninja Art: Shadow Shuriken)

As the shuriken flew they started multiplying until they were more than a dozen.

The two archers then look at each other and saw disdain in each other eyes.

The Eye of Justice: The All-Seing Truth was a skill to see through any trickery the skill was used to counter assassins.

While the audience saw numerous shurikens they only saw 6 shurikens that means that these 6 shurikens were the real ones.

Both of them then shot their arrows at the 6 shurikens.

The numerous shurikens disappears as the 6 shurikens were shot down.

The two ninjas saw this and wasn’t shocked as they knew they encountered fighters that could see through their illusions.

But to use their powerful techniques they need a couple of seconds to finish their hand signs and their opponent would definitely wouldn’t let that happen.

Besides there were two tanks that was guarding the two archers.

Shirayuri and Burakkuriri were having a hard time taking down the two but the audience was actually looking at then with admiration.

Because they were covered in veil they couldn’t see what they truly look like but just half of their face was enough to entice a man.

Together with their well endowed and sexy body most of the men in the audience were drooling.

The fighters on the other hand that were watching was looking at them with admiration their sword art were extremely graceful like a swan dancing.

But their attacks couldn’t fazed the two tanks they manage to take all the attacks without retreating.

They did not try retaliating since their opponent were swift in their attacks and move in a somewhat unpredictable way.

The archers behind them couldn’t help them as the arrows they shot were also shot down by the two ninjas’ shurikens.

Since they couldn’t take them out in an instant the two ninjas decided to block all the attacks of their opponents.

Both group fought each other but it seems that everyone of them were in the state of stalemate.

Both group couldn’t take down the other so they started to study each other.

Even though both group have already seen each other fight it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious.

Suddenly in the side where the ninjas and the archers fought both ninjas retreated one of the ninjas draws his katana while the other is initiating complex hand sign once again.

The archers saw this and shot a couple of arrows towards him but the other ninja blocked them either with his shurikens or katana.

The other ninja finished his hand signs and quickly shouted “Shokan-jutsu: Yaban’na same!” (Summoning Art: Savage Shark)

Suddenly a giant shark appeared it was entirely made up of water it was swimming in the air.

After Shiro finished his summoning Kuro also started doing the exact same hand sign as he did.

Shadowslash who was watching from above noticed that the summon is like the summon of a mage it is exactly like an elemental creature.

The giant water shark swam towards the archers seeing this the two tanks was slightly anxious but they couldn’t move since they needed to hold off these two ladies in front of them.

The giant sharp opens it’s mouth the two archers shot a couple of arrows towards it but the arrows they shot were a bit strange as they were glowing in red lights.

Bam! Bam! The arrows actually managed to hurt the giant shark Shiro quickly beckons for it to return.

The giant water shark returned to Shiro’s side but it is with suffering a couple of arrows as it swam backwards.

The giant water shark have now decreased in size.

The shark has no emotion only the desire to tear it’s enemies to shred.

The giant shark and Shiro was now standing in front of Kuro waiting for him to finish his summoning.

In the side of The Tank Masters Angela who was watching was shocked the arrows that were shot by the archers were actually laced by their own vital energy.

So even if the shark body is entirely made up of water the arrows managed to deal damage to them.

But their mastery towards the uses of their vital force weren’t as good as hers but it was still shocking.

After a couple of seconds Kuro finished his summoning ritual as he slams his palm in the floor and markings started to appear. josei

“Shokan-jutsu: Moeru yona paison!” (Summoning Art: Flaming Phyton)

A hissing sound could be heard as a fiery phyton was Summoned but unlike the shark the phyton seems not to be purely elemental but actually a monster not an elemental creature.

“Kuro save me some time I am going to use Shio No Same No Nami”

Kuro nodded as both him and his summoned beast covers Shiro.

The Flaming Phyton opens it’s mouth and squirted large amount of lava out of it’s mouth.

The speed of the lava that flew is fast the two archers were startled by this but they quickly dodged the attack.

As the lava landed on the stage a searing sound could be heard as black smoke started coming out of it.

The two archers looks at each other and started shooting their arrows at Kuro while the Flaming Phyton used it’s body to block the attacks.

Unlike the giant shark it’s body was tough and since it wasn’t entirely made up of elemental energy it manage to resist the vital force with it’s own vital energy.

The Flaming Phyton then used it’s tail like a whip and tried to smack the archers seeing this the two tanks couldn’t take it anymore their body burst into golden light as they shouted “Justice Will Prevail Over Darkness!”

“Justice Shall Vanquish Evil!”

“Justice Burst Guardian Of Justice Form!”

Boom! Their bodies started emitting golden light as they now had an awe aspiring aura they then shouted “Justice Bash!”

Bam! They slam their huge shield at the two girls before taking out their weapons and attacked.

“Justice Slash!” Both of them shouted at the same time.

The two girls knew that they should not take the attacks head on if not they would suffer great damage.

Like the two tanks they used the same technique as the other “Yurisodoato Hanabira Dansu” (Lily Sword Art Petal Dance)

The Justice Slash did not manage to touch the two as they danced elegantly around the two tanks.

The two tanks also noticed this as all of their attacks have missed.

Both of them stop and used their huge sword and slams them into their shield.

“The Siren Of Justice!”

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