The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 392

Chapter 392

Chapter 392: CHAPTER 364 THE DEFEAT

The situation of the Peerless Sword Warriors weren’t good thankfully for them the fighter that defeated the leader of their group did not immediately attack the other members of their group.

He was only watching from the side and was intent on not interfering of course this cause the fighters of the Peerless Sword Warriors some relief but it won’t take long since their situation isn’t any good.

Boom! Suddenly Rafael’s sister burst with bright light as light energy started bursting out in the stage.

The three fighters from The Supremes were thrown backwards as they felt their innards shook slightly.

When the pillar of bright light subsided everyone saw Rafael’s sister once again but she had undergone a drastic change.

Everyone now saw her face it was beautiful and untainted she has a pair of wings behind her unlike feather wings her wings were made up of sword qi.

Her long black hair waves around in the air as she grips her sword and looks at the three fighters that have surrounded her earlier.


She then disappears as clashing sounds of swords was heard when the audience shift their gaze towards the sound they saw the sand controller fighter was nearly hacked by Rafael’s sister but a fighter was standing in front of him blocking the attack.

Suddenly Rafael’s sister pupils shrinks as she used her wings to cover herself. josei

Bang! She flew away after taking the blow as she was slammed into the wall.

Rafael who was busy with his opponent look back and saw this instinctively he shouted “Rafaela!”

Seizing this moment the bat winged demon punched him and causes him to flew away but Rafael landed gracefully as he looks at his sister or Rafaela’s direction.

He was always overprotective to his sister as she was too kind she is unlike him who was apathic to killing but this is the reason why he and his bro Zerg the leader of their group was protective towards her.

He would have never thought that his bro would have been defeated quite easily after all in terms of strength his bro is clearly stronger than him.

What he did not know that his bro couldn’t unleash all of his strength fighting his opponent as the killing intent pressures him.

While he was anxious for his sister the fighter from The Supremes strikes again as he scent of blood could immediately be smelled.

Rafaela have just opened her eyes when she sensed danger coming towards her without hesitation he used her wings to block once again.

Bam! Bam! Bam! The fighter from The Supremes was relentless he continue to attack as Rafaela has no choice but to be passive.

Other than that she felt awful as the bloody scent trickles down her nose she was nearing the point that she would cry.

She has never ever kill a person before nor a monster to the fact as everytime it would always be solved by his two brothers even though Zerf isn’t related to the two of them by blood they still treat each other as family.

Now that she is facing an opponent that is quite an experienced killer she felt nuch greater pressure than when Zerf fought with her opponent.

Other than that she was losing in terms of brute strength and lethal attacks as she is now fighting someone superior to her.

The fighter from The Supremes also felt awful as he did not like the feeling of bullying an innocent girl.

Especially when he saw the eyes of his opponent who is already to the point of tearing up.

He cursed inwardly as he immediately retreated and target another swordsman no he decided to target the remaining two swordsman of the Peerless Sword Warriors as he left Rafaela to his other members while he couldn’t interfere with the fight against the black cloth man and Rafael.

The other fighters from The Supremes were stunned by this they then changed their targets to Rafaela.

Rafaela heaved a sigh of relief as she rather fight this 5 fighters from The Supremes than her earlier opponent since she couldn’t even unleash a tenth of her strength as she felt afraid.

But she knew she couldn’t defeat them as that is what exactly happened during the next minute of the battle even though with her transformation she could at least make a tie with two fighters from The Supremes against five she was helpless.

After three minutes she was cornered and after 5 minutes she was finally taken down with such disadvantage against numbers she had no hope from the start.

The two swordsmen from the Peerless Sword Warriors were quickly taken out in fact they were taken out faster than Rafaela did.

The only fighter remaining in the Peerless Sword Warriors was Rafael and his situation was still in a stalemate as the demons have more or less finally felt some injury in their body.

Even if Rafael managed to win against the black cloth guy he would never win against the remaining members of The Supremes.

The black cloth man is terrifying but he couldn’t finish Rafael that quickly even with his curses and dark attribute attacks his opponent is still gaining the upper hand.

He then saw that his other members have managed to finish off the other members of their enemy team.

Since it’s like this he decided to asks for help he then made a a hand sign towards the strongest fighter in their group the one who managed to defeat Zerf and corner Rafaela all by himself.

Seeing this he nods as he signaled the other members of his group as the five fighters quickly charged towards Rafael.

Rafael knew that he was in a precarious situation but he knew that he could use these two demons but just as he thought about this the two demons let’s out a shout as they were pulled by chains that appeared out of nowhere.

They were pulled into a black hole as they vanished from the stage immediately Rafael realised what had happened the black cloth man recalled the two demons back to the demon realm.

Now that he knew he couldn’t use the two demons to trouble the five fighters he realised that he would definitely lose.

He lets out a battle cry and decided that he won’t go down without a fight his sword intent correspond with his will as it started to rise up.

The five fighters together with the support of the black cloth man quickly surrounds him and started to attack him.

When half an hour passed by Rafael was finally taken down but the spiritual sense barrier that Shadowslash have developed to the stage was nearly cut by his sword qi.

Rafael was taken out not because he was defeated but because he was too tired to go on he totally empty his energy and Mana reserve.

He was standing while he was unconscious he managed to take down two members of The Supremes before he fainted.

The audience started clapping for him the display of his courage and strength even to the face of defeat he lost in the most honorable way.

But this did not change the result as The Supremes won so Reias started to operate the shuffling machine once again.

One of the said champions have now been taken out so the only ones left were the Genius Group, Heavenly Sword Sect and the Dark Triad these are the only groups that still haven’t lost a single match two of them might have a draw but no lose.

Reias finished shuffling and took out two paper slips “Next Group”

“The Hunters!”

“The Genius Group!”

Everyone sighed once again after all they rather like the group The Hunters but their opponent during this two rounds were too powerful for them.

But some of them started praying that they would at least survive for half an hour.

With the entrance of the two groups the audience heaved a sigh of relief as the members of the Genius Group were now replaced by the weaker group.

While the audience were heaving a sigh of relief so did the members of The Hunters on the other hand Haze was feeling pressure on his shoulder so did the others as they knew that Shadowslash have told the other Adventure Group that whoever managed to survive at least half an hour would be able to reside on Safehaven Paradise.

Haze, Star, Big Bear and Terriz might not know what kind of place Safehaven Paradise is but they knew it was extremely important to their group.

To maximize their strength they returned to their old group only with the addition of Shena and Al.

The members of The Hunters started to huddle up and talk seeing this Reias let’s out a loud cough that rang in their mind as she had used her spiritual sense to amplify her cough.

“I hereby declare the match start!” Dong!

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