The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 397

Chapter 397


Just like what the black cloth man have thought the two ninjas quickly made their way towards him.

He quickly called his monster companion the Six Eyed Devil Snake with his staff he amplified it’s strength.

The Six Eyed Devil Snake lets out a hoarse roar and not a hiss as demonic qi started radiating out of it’s body.

The two ninjas were unperturbed but suddenly the sand controller fighter and the trident wielding fighter from The Supremes blocked their path.

Upon seeing this the two girls quickly ran after the two ninjas only to be stopped by two of the fighters from The Supremes.

Leo quickly calls out his monster companion the Thunder Condor as he unsheathes his saber and charge.

The Thunder Condor lets out a piercing cry as electricity started sparkling out of its body it then sent a thunderbolt attack towards the Six Eyed Devil Snake.


The Six Eyed Devil Snake responded with a skill of its own.

Second Skill! [Dark Flame Breath].

When the black flames and the thunderbolt slams with each other it causes a powerful explosion and smoke started to scatter in the stage.

The two ninjas’ eyes lit up as they quickly went towards the smoke while the sand controller and the trident wielding fighter was bewildered by their clones as there were a dozen clones of the two ninjas in the stage.

Ninja Ato: Hyaku Kuron No Maiso (Ninja Art: Hundred Clone Burial)

As more than a dozen clones run about in the stage even the audience were confused suddenly the trident wielding fighter leaps towards the two ninjas that were running towards the smoke.

“Kuro! Shiro! The two of you might fool the others but not me!” As he shouted this his trident burst into black flames as he stood in front of the two.

The sand controller also went towards the two ninjas that he was blocking.

Kuro and Shiro looks at each other and saw no surprises only bitterness they knew they couldn’t fool the trident wielding fighter as he was sensitive to life aura so he could see through the lifeless clones.

But it was already in their plan that the trident wielding fighter would stop them as the two of them took out their katanas and attack.

Both of them then used their secret technique as both of them moved in an incredible speed.

Okunote: Sairentodakusurasshu (Secret Skill: Silent Dark Slash

They cut the trident wielding fighter in half but their swords just passed through the fighter as the trident wielding fighter turn into a black flame.

The two ninjas then sent a couple of shurikens towards the trident wielding fighter they were not surprised on what had happened.

Ninja Ato: Kage Shuriken Ninja Art: Shadow Shuriken

The trident wielding fighter swings his trident as he shouted “Hell’s Sweep!”

As the black flames destroyed the fake shurikens and throw the real shurikens backwards the trident wielding fighter then kneels on the stage as he spat out some blood.

His combat technique the Elemental Body Mode is one of his lifesaving technique it would negate all physical harm inflicted to him into nothing but the attack of the two ninjas were not only physical but involves dark energy so he still took quite a blow.

Just as the two ninjas were about to reach the cloud of smokes they felt their legs being shackled by something.

Without looking backwards Shiro quickly stops and attacked while Kuro continue his advance towards the cloud of smokes as he forced the thing that shackling him to break using his chakra.

“Suiton: U~otataiga!” (Water Style: Water Tiger)

As the water Tiger was formed it lets out a roar as it leaps towards the injured trident wielding fighter.

“Sand pyramid!” Sand started to enveloping the trident wielding fighter as he was now encased in an extremely small pyramid.

Boom! The water tiger slams itself at the pyramid causing sand to scatter but the pyramid did save the trident wielding fighter.

Shiro did not stop attacking he then started throwing shurikens towards the trident wielding fighter as he knew that the sand controller would save him.

Yes the one that put a shackle on their legs was the sand controller but this was easily broken by their chakra.

Kuro’s chakra was extremely hot to the point that the sand shackle became a crystal as it tried to bind him while his became wet.

The sand controller then slams his scimitar towards the floor as sharp sand was formed running towards Shiro.

Shiro quickly ran towards the side as he used another one of his ninja skill to attack the trident wielding fighter.

“Suiton: Suiryu no Hoko!” (Water Style: Water Dragon Roar)

This time a water dragon was formed seeing this the sand controller cursed inwardly as he knew he needs to use his stronger skill as he knew that this was one of Shiro’s stronger skill.

“Sandstorm!” The sand controller shouted as he started spinning and a sand tornado was form as the dragons slams itself towards it.

The powerful sand tornado started spinning slower and slower as the sand started falling off revealing the sand controller in the center. josei

Shiro was waiting for this chance as he threw a kunai towards the sand controller’s chest attached from his kunai was a paper with flames on it.

Shadowslash who was watching from above saw that in the paper rune marks was actually written on them.

He was curious of what it’s effect is but just as the kunai was about to passed through the sand tornado a pillar of flames blocks it.

“Hell’s Carpet!” The trident wielding fighter recovered albeit slightly but he could now move.

Boom! As the kunai was enveloped in flames an explosion occured in the pillar of flames as the remnant of the shock threw the sand controller and the trident wielding fighter backwards.

Shiro did not immediately attacked as he started to do a couple of complex hand gestures.

The two fighters that were thrown backwards suffered quite a bit of shock.

The sand controller was okay as his sands absorbed the shock but the trident wielding fighter took a bit of damage and together with the injury suffered from before he once again spat out blood.

They then look at Shiro and saw him doing a couple of hand gestures and their expression changed as they quickly charged towards him.

They have the same intent and that is to stop him from finishing his chant and gestures.

But the trident wielding fighter buck in as he slumps into the floor as he knew he forced his body too much.

The sand controller on the other hand was coming up fast as he rode his sands towards Shiro.

Shiro ignored the sand controller as he knew somebody would stop the guy.

Suddenly a hiss could be heard in the smoke as a giant flaming phyton came out.

Kuro was on top of it as the flames did not harm him.

The reason why both of them wanted to go inside the smokes was to cover themselves and use their summoning technique.

Shokan-jutsu: Moeru yona paison (Summoning Art: Flaming Phyton).

But just as the flaming phyton appeared the black cloth man also finishes his summoning chant as once again the bat winged demon and the worm demon appeared.

While the audience thought that these two demons were the same demons as before Shadowslash knew

for a fact they aren’t.

The summoning chant is random since the black cloth man summons only bat winged demons and worm demons they look exactly the same but it’s just their appearance not their soul.

These two demons are different bat winged demon and worm demon they just look the same because they are the same specie as the earlier summons.

Unlike elementalist mages which signed a contract with their summons summoners could have or have not signed a contract with their summons.

The bat winged demon and worm demon are specie with low intelligence, aptitude and potential so there aren’t any good points in signing a contract with these two unless they are unique in their specie but only a couple of instances would a summoner be able to summon such creature.

The two demons in the stage let’s out their weird cry as the bat winged demon flew towards the flaming phyton while the worm demon slithers itself towards Leo.

Leo who was secretly advancing towards the black cloth man cursed when he saw this he thought that he erased his presence perfectly but to think that his opponent actually knew what he was doing it was extremely embarrassing.

He then dashed towards the black cloth man but he knew for a fact that he wouldn’t be able to reach him.

Numerous black chains appeared around the black cloth man as they started flying towards Leo.

Leo harrumphed as he moves sideway and started swinging his saber as the chains were being pushed backwards.

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