The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 409

Chapter 409

Chapter 409: CHAPTER 381 THE CLONE ll

The clone was finally grasped by the chains but it pulled them as the chains started making creaking noises as if they will break in any second.

Wouldn’t let this chance pass the others started to attack in a mad manner as the life bar of the clone started to rapidly decrease.

The clone finally broke the chains after getting out it grabs the head of the sand controller before flying high and dives down.

Boom! The sand controller was eliminated just as the clone was about to raised it’s head it flew backwards after receiving a kick from Niko.

Standing on the path where it flew was the leader of The Supremes he helds his sword tightly as he slashed.

“Killing Devil Technique: God Killing Slash!” As the clone received the attack it’s life bar depleted into 10%.

Once the clone reached low life level it started to move in a unique manner as it charged towards Niko once again.


Just as Niko was about to received it the clone stops as it quickly changed its direction towards the black cloth man.

The black cloth man started waving his hand as numerous black laser beam was thrown at the clone but all of them were dodged.

The clone managed to get close to him just as he thought he would be taken out someone pushed him away.

Boom! The person that pushed him received the clone’s devastating attack.

The person who pushed was the halberd wielder of their group the attack would have destroyed his heart if Shadowslash hadn’t protected him.

Another fighter of The Supremes was taken out the trident wielder and the eggblade wielder tried to pincer the clone but it flew upwards.

It then used it’s tail to grabs the heck of the trident wielder.

The eggblade wielder hurried grabs the trident wielder.

Niko jumps towards the clone and punched it as the clone crossed it’s arm to block the attack it was slammed back into the stage.

Bam! Niko was also away by it’s wings as once again he was slammed into the wall.

The eggblade wielder let’s go of the trident wielder and slashed the clone.

The clone did a back flip avoiding the attack it then tilts sideward as the leader of The Supremes tried to hack it.

The trident wielder threw it’s trident towards the clone only to grabs it but it was thrown backward when the black cloth man fired a powerful energy bomb towards it.

Even though they received harm from the energy bomb the other members of The Supremes weren’t angry but actually gesture a thumbs up to the black cloth man.

The black cloth man then told them something his spiritual sense causing their expression to change but all of them nods solemnly.

The clone’s life bar was once again reduced it then flew towards the black cloth man and grabs him in the head.

Suddenly the black cloth man started shining in black light as he exploded.

The clone was thrown into the wall as the black cloth man was now floating in the stage meaning he was eliminated.

The remaining members of The Supremes then started to charge towards the clone as it’s life bar was now in critical level.

After a couple of minutes the clone was defeated the result was there are only two members of The Supremes left.

It was Niko the Metal God Technique practitioner and the leader of their group not to mention both fighters were heavily injured.

The one who emptied the clone’s life bar wasn’t actually these two as after reaching critical level the clone became much more harder to defeat.

The trident wielder manage to pierce it’s heart after the two manage to hold the clone down but the trident wielder also suffers from the clone’s blow.

The two in the stage let’s out a roar as they won they felt extremely proud of their victory as they raised their fist and roars.

Shadowslash smiled as he lifted the two gently out of the stage they still needs to rest but he had Leafinia heal them so that they could watch the next group that would be fighting his clone.

As Shadowslash looks at the group that would be fighting next five people shouted in unison.

“The Monstrous Adventurers volunteers to fight the lord Shadowslash clone next!”

“The Peerless Sword Warriors wouldn’t cower to any challenge were up next!”

“Interesting it seems that this would be quite a challenge we wanted to try! we’ll prove that the title of the number one Adventure Group isn’t just for show!”

“We will accomplish the task given to us let us the knight of justice fight next!”

“We would like to try how strong the clone is if it could destroy our shield!”.

The 6 people were the 6 leaders of the remaining group other than the Archinviel Adventure Group every leaders of the other group was rearing to go.

The leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group was hesitant with Shiro and Kuro being out of the group since they still need to recover from the last fight their group battle prowess is truly lacking.

Seeing this Shadowslash then shouted “Those that have lingering injury or any ailment that causes their battle prowess to decease come forward I will let Leafinia heal you”

Leafinia then step forward as she heard this Shadowslash then apologized to her since she was still working even now.

Quinn and some of the other fighters went to be treated while the leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group went into the clinic and retrieves the two ninjas.

With Leafinia and Herish helping each other they quickly treated everyone of the people that went forward.

Once they were treated their confidence and the confidence of their group rose as they are now rearing to go.

The group that Shadowslash picked was the Archinviel Adventure Group since they were the reason that he had Leafinia and Herish healed all the injured fighters.

The leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group then started discussing with his team as they approach the stage.

Once they were now in front of the clone the two ninjas quickly retreats far from their leader while Leo was standing besides their leader.

Shun was now in the back of their leader holding his weapon tightly.

The two girls were face to face with their leader to be more accurate they were surrounding their leader.

Shadowslash smiles it was a clever idea since he orders the clone to attack the strongest person in the group from the start.

Reias then bangs the gong initiating the start of the battle.

The Archinviel Adventure Group was facing a different clone.

This time the clone wasn’t a fox nor a dragon but now in a human form holding a sword.

When the gong sounded out it quickly charged towards the leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group.

It’s aura was sharp but his lifebar isn’t as large as the dragon form clone but strangly the Archinviel Adventure Group felt some pressure that causes them to feel grim.

When the clone slashed out a powerful sword intent was thrown.

The leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group quickly slashed out too.

Clang! The two weapons collided numerous cuts suddenly appeared on the arms of the leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group.

He was shocked by this his other team on the other hand started releasing their attack.

Coming out of his stupor the leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group lunged towards the clone.

The clone tried to stabs his heart but he manage to redirect the strike into his chest but his lungs were pierced because of this.

“Rock Piercing Stab!”

“Mad Dragon Leaping towards the sky!”

“Katon: Karyu no hoko!” (Fire Style: Fire Dragon Roar)

“Suiton: Suiryu no Hoko!” (Water Style: Water Dragon Roar)

“Saigo no Dansu: Yuri ga saku!” (Final Dance: Lilies Bloom) josei

“Saigo no Dansu: Yuri ga saku!” (Final Dance: Lilies Bloom)

6 attacks landed on the clone and the leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group.

Boom! The leader of the Archinviel Adventure Group was lifted up in the stage he was eliminated.

He wasn’t eliminated because of the 6 attack but because the clone tried to twist his neck.

But his desperate move did cause large amount of damage to the clone as the life bar of the clone was now lower than half.

The clone started to change as it grabs the second sword and unsheathes it the sword intent on it multiplied.

Kuro suddenly shouted as he started changing like last time he was now becoming a spider demon.

Kinji rareta tekunikku: Akuma no henka” (Forbidden Technique: Demonic Change).

He decided this time he would be the person that would sacrifice himself so that the clone would be hit.

The clone on the other hand only looks at the monsterfied Kuro before slashing his legs off.

Kuro stumbles down in the stage as his two legs were cut off.


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