The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 465

Chapter 465

Chapter 465: CHAPTER 437 ELF KINGDOM

Shadowslash just smiled as he spoke “Leafinia and Yshelia will lead the human group and the other humanoid group towards a different direction towards the Bewildering Forest” josei

“Gulli, Red and Blacky would lead the demons and travel via water”

“Finally Sans will lead the undeads towards different direction from Yshelia and Leafinia”

“For me I will investigate what is the thing that is causing the strange phenomenon in this land”

Everyone then nodded as they started to travel in different direction there were 5 of them group.

The humanoid group, demon group, undead group, elemental group and monster group.

Blaze decided to travel with Clwyd together with miniature fire demons.


The miniature flame demons are his creation with fire elementals basking in demonic Qi they would evolve into fire demons.

The miniature fire demons are incredibly weak so they needed to devour a large amount of fire and demonic Qi to evolve into a small fire demons.

Their strength isn’t that much but with each enlargement their strength would increase.

In their miniature form their strength is the same as those of the Non Ranked in their small form their strength would rise to Bronze Rank and their grades would become Good.

Their grade would correspond also with their size as they would evolve into medium size but after that their evolution would varied.

They would either become big fire demons or change into different forms increasing their strength compared to the ordinary big fire demons.

But once they went into this route they would have a hard time evolving into their stronger forms.

Blaze knew of this because he also evolved just like this he did not evolve into a special form though but went into the normal process.

His limit should have been Gold Rank and needed at least 100 years of accumulation to evolve into a higher entity.

But with Shadowslash’s help he skipped this and became a being that has surpassed numerous piers.

He also obtained intelligence which greatly increased his potential as long as he kept on evolving he would obtain the ability to morphed into a humanoid form.

As everyone started traveling towards different direction Shadowslash started flying towards the center of the Forgotten Land.

But as he flew closer towards the center he was being assaulted by some kind of unique energy that disrupt his senses.

He grins as he spreads his illusion to counter the attack the strange energy assaulting him is like his illusion.

With his Transcendent level illusion he wasn’t afraid of fighting the illusion with his own illusion.

But he knew that he would have hard time countering this strange energy assault if it was focused only to him.

After all this strange type of energy is affecting this whole land earning the title of a land that is like of the forbidden land.

It’s quite funny actually since the Elf Kingdom has two forbidden lands and one pseudo forbidden land.

The Forgotten Land, Bewildering Forest and the Elven Forest.

But the Orc Empire and the Necromancer Association still managed to attack then which confused Shadowslash he knew that the Forgotten Land is easily be transversed since you only need to stay away from the center.

But the Bewildering Forest is a true blue forbidden land the monsters living in there should be comparable to the Howling Ridge which has numerous Gold Rank and a couple of Crimson Gold Rank.

Even if the two forces travel via water they still need to pass through a part of the Bewildering Forest to think that the Elf Kingdom still had a hard time fighting against these two forces causes Shadowslash to disdain them a bit.

Back in where he is Shadowslash stumbled in something extraordinary it was a barrier but it was no ordinary barrier it was a barrier that is created via spiritual sense.

He was shocked even he wouldn’t be able to create such powerful and sturdy barrier not to mention that this barrier might have existed a long time already.

He then tried to pierce through the barrier but he was rebounded backwards as he landed on the ground creating a pit.

His expression changed into a solemn one as he knew that he encountered something that might surpassed his current strength.

He got up and started stretching as he clenched his fist tightly and he dashed towards the barrier.

Boom! A powerful explosion occured scattering dust everywhere as a figure rapidly flew backward in more accurate term been thrown backwards.

Boom! Shadowslash was then slammed into the ground as another crater was formed this time it was much more widers than before.

Roar! He lets out a loud roar as he transformed into gigantic fox form but his expression changed suddenly as he hurriedly transformed back to his human form.

Back in his human form he looks extremely pale as he looks at the barrier in front of him with trepidation.

Thankfully he has a powerful mental strength if not he would have suffered dire consequences.

He had never thought his emotion would be affected by this barrier disregarding everything he actually transformed into his gigantic fox form which exudes Transcendent Qi.

He is still inside the continent if he finished his transformation he would also be finished.

The continent suppression is no laughing matter as this was the bane of his existence no it was the bane of all Transcendents that is on or try to enter this continent.

The continent suppression is considered both a blessing and a curse if the continent wanted to improve it’s strength then the suppression needed to be destroyed but the suppression also protects the continent from higher beings that tries to conquer or enter.

But the strength of this continent is just too low to the point that demons and chaos beasts that was only Crimson Gold Rank level nearly conquered the continue if it weren’t for Long Yi and his followers then the continent would have been conquered.

Shadowslash wanted to change the destiny of this continent and he would be the one leading this change.

Looking at this powerful barrier he gritted his teeth and stood up once again and without hesitation he ran towards the barrier with his left hand covered in blue flame and his right hand covered in golden flame.

“Yin Yang Flaming Fist” He shouted as he punched out and an another explosion occured once again.

The result did not change as Shadowslash was once again thrown backwards by the rebound effect.

But he continue to attack the barrier either by technique or his skills craters started forming around the barrier.

While Shadowslash was repeatedly attacking the barrier with his physical body his group was now in the boundary of the Bewildering Forest.

Looking at the fog infested forest in front of them the people from the humanoid group gulped nervously before advancing.

Leading the front was Yshelia and Leafinia’s Treants as their momentum was extremely great not to mention Yshelia’s powerful spiritual sense started pressuring the surrounding.

In another direction Blaze and Clwyd was advancing in a rather calm or more accurately indifferent manner.

Blaze aura that causes the surrounding monsters trembling is enough for them to arrive at the Elf Kingdom safely.

But they suddenly felt a strange feeling that the Bewildering Forest is quite empty as if most of the monsters have been killed.

All the group also felt this one group actually was sure that the monsters in the forest were killed.

It was Sans’s group they are undeads they are quite sharp in things regarding life and death the whole forest was covered in death Qi.

Not only death Qi there is also other Qi that actually came from undeads that means the whole forest was ravaged by the Necromancer Association already.

Sans immediately knew that someone or something capable of doing this is extremely powerful.

He advanced fearlessly knowing this his yin flames were blazing brightly as his will to fight is erupting.

After passing through the Bewildering Forest all the group meet each other again as they saw that the other group also suffered no harm they felt strange.

Suddenly Sans told them about what he had found and look of realisation appeared on their faces before turning solemn.

They now knew why there were no powerful monster that had stopped them they also now knew that the Necromancer Association and the Orc Empire they are going to fight is no pushover.

They then passed through the final boundary before finally setting foot on the true forest of the elves.

They were shocked to what they saw the forest is now gone the luscious and beautiful forest of elves depicted in the books are now gone.

Suddenly they heard explosions and sounds of battle in front of them without hesitation they charged towards the location of the battle with raging battle intent.

When they arrived at said location they saw a giant tree towering towards the sky there were hundreds of thousands of elves guarding the giant tree.

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