The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 488

Chapter 488

Chapter 488: CHAPTER 459 MONKE

While he was searching for a suitable place to build a village near his territory a group of knights started marching.

“Lord Leo we truly did found a great fortune now to think that we found two early level Xiantian Beast in these part of the forest as long as we could either subdue or capture them we will earn big”

The leading man nodded he was Leo a lion beastman and one of the city lord in this part of the continent his strength is the third level of Xiantian Realm which was also called the Transcendent Realm by those from Thousand Forest Continent.

Suddenly while they were marching the mage of their group a beastman with a dog face started speaking “My lord we should still be cautious against that dragon it was eerily too smart most of the member of our division was killed by it as if it knew we are the ones responsible for weakening them”

Suddenly one of the beastman that have a human face but bear ears snarled “Shut up! With the level of those two beasts my lord could easily solo the two of them”

Leo then waves his hand and spoke “Its ok Bearry being cautious wouldn’t hurt since it was a dragon”

The rest of his group nodded since before the Beast Continent always revered the dragon kind and able to subdue a dragon is something that every beastman in the continent will be proud of.


As they arrive at the former territory of King Kong Leo and his men couldn’t help but frown as one of the surviving knights that have came here before said in a perplexed manner “Why is there no monkeys here anymore this was the territory of that ape Xiantian Beast King just a month ago”

The others that came here last month also nodded they managed to obtain a great haul of monkey wine strengthening their body strength and constitution.

While they were confused the dog head mage spoke “Maybe the dragon have help that ape because they are friend and after we left it helped that ape relocate its territory.

Upon hearing this they were stunned after all a beast taking relocating its territory is much unheard of but after thinking of Shadowslash once again most of the group believed that it might be true.

After all Shadowslash actually mocked them before when they were fighting not a characteristic of a normal beast.

Just as they were confused on what to do the leader of their group Leo spoke “everyone quiet we are being watched”

Instantly the entire group became silent near them in one of the giant trees covered itself with leaves King Kong was observing the group.

King Kong felt danger coming from Leo so he did not immediately attacked after all he learned his lesson from before.

Suddenly the ear of Leo twitch as he disappears from his spot and arrived at a certain spot before punching out.

Boom! The area around the impact shook as a lump of meat was blasted throughout the surrounding.

After seeing this the entire group relaxed but

Leo spoke again “Don’t let your guards down I can still feel the stare observing us”

The entire group became silent one again Leo orders “But it seems that the person or thing observing us wouldn’t make a move for a while so let us advance in a cautious manner”

The entire group then starts to advance towards a certain direction upon seeing the direction where they are advancing King Kong’s expression changed slightly as his muscle tensed up ready to make a move.

The direction where Leo’s group take was the direction of the cave since Shadowslash was busy improving the surrounding he still did not create a rune of illusion around his base.

Besides his runes are only strong enough to affect those that are the late stage of first level of Transcendent Realm.

He doesn’t want to waste his time as he wanted to make a rune of Illusion once his skills on illusion imprinting have increased.

Back in the present Leo and his group got more and more closer into the new territory of King Kong’s clan.

Suddenly King Kong couldn’t just sit and wait anymore with a roar he grabs a branch and threw it towards Leo.

Leo was already on guard he then spun as he waves his sword and the branch was cut in half.

King Kong expression did not change as he made a middle finger gestures as he remembers Shadowslash told him that this was a type of curse.

Leo did not become angry as he did not know what that gesture mean but his eyes did lit up when he saw King Kong.

Without hesitation he charged towards him King Kong on the other hand was already in his small form his speed were now as fast as Shadowslash with a leap he moved in an incredible speed.

Leo’s expression became serious upon seeing this he increased his speed but he was no match in a game of chase inside a forest against King Kong.

His entire group also started to chase after King Kong but Leo’s booming voice stops them “Scatter inside the forest lets corner this beast”

King Kong on the other hand has a look of determination in his eyes he clenched his fists hard and looks at the direction of his territory with sadness.

Three days passed in a meadow King Kong was standing in front of Leo with a will to battle.

Leo on the other hand took out his giant battle ax looking at King Kong with a solemn manner he knew once a beast is cornered their strength would rise.

Around them were the knights of Leo’s group each one of them were holding thick shield.

The thick shields needed three strong beastmen to hold them it is for King Kong so that he wouldn’t able to escape.



Both let’s out a loud battle cry before charging with each other King Kong did not increase his size into a giant but actually only as tall as a tree.

Boom! He punched out only to be dodged by his opponent but the power of the attack created a dent on the ground.

Leo swings his giant battle ax as the sharp ax actually managed to wound King Kong’s tough body.

King Kong did not lets out out a yelp and only punched out.

He knew crying in pain wouldn’t help him and he knew that this might be his last battle.

He punched and punched and he also changed his size to confuse his enemy he managed to hit his enemy a couple of times.

After a couple of rounds the two were spent King Kong was full of wounds some are heavy as bones could be seen in them.

After chasing each other for three days the two were already exhausted now that they fought their stamina finally gave out.

Roar! With one last roar he punched Leo away he was a beast his stamina and endurance is much more greater than those of humanoid form.

But after punching Leo he kneels down as blood seeps out of his body he then looks up in the blue sky and smiled.

Suddenly numerous arrows were released as magic were also thrown.

With that King Kong the first friend Shadowslash have made in Beast Continent died.

Shadowslash who did not know anything still kept on searching for a suitable spot for a village.

After continuously searching for three days he finally found one.

A nice location near a clear river devoid of strong monsters that might endanger the people.

Actually the monsters that might threaten the people were all killed by him.

He became happy as he decided to celebrate with King Kong when he returns after all only King Kong is able to interact with him like a friend.

He had Hentai memorised the location as he speeds up and return to his base within just one day but his expression became solemn when he had returned.

He had encountered knights during his journey thankfully he was in his fox form which is quite harmless in appearance that is why he was just ignored.

He had also found out they were searching for him in his dragon form after returning back to the cave he told everyone to be careful and hide he then started to travel around as hew wanted to find King Kong and group up.

“Hahaha that monkey was killed by our group but it was really strong master Leo was actually injured by it his armors were still being fixed right now” Shadowslash freezes when he heard this he then couldn’t help but starts to go berserk.

Just as the two were happily laughing they momentarily stops as their laughing expression could still be seen but after a second passed their heads falls down from their body..josei

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