The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 490

Chapter 490


Anna could see Shadowslash inquiring look so the pressure is great for her she then starts to ponder.

Her eyes then lit up as she pointed at one of the fox beastman in the group.

“Your lordship perhaps miss Elli could be of service she is a half beastman and she was also one of the rarest and strongest beastman in Beast Continent the Fox Beast Clan”

“She is incredibly smart and witty” Hearing this Shadowslash gaze turns towards the fox beastman she is one of the most precious slaves in the captives it seems that the captain have kept her for himself.

Too bad he was killed before he could pluck her flower.

Shadowslash then nods at her as she threw a book to her the book is the spiritual type cultivation book that he had given his fox clone.

It would help her he also decided to train her in using illusion as he realised that those that have powerful spiritual sense is able to thrive in this continent.


Elli was stunned she then caught the book and looks at the words written on them with confusion as she couldn’t understand them.

Shadowslash voice was then heard “Come into my room later I will train you into a powerful warrior”

Hearing this excitement flashes into her eyes as the others looks at her with envy.

Everyone then starts to have a meeting which of them should go and build a village and which of them would stay.

Shadowslash inside his room was actually embarrassed he had given a cultivation book to Elli with words from Thousand Forest Continent which is quite unreadable to people in Beast Continent.

He then sighed as he sat there waiting for Elli to come to his room and starts their training.

He needs powerful warriors but there are only two guys in this cave and both of them are just pretty face it seems that pervert that likes raping men really stick to his taste.

Those two men aren’t that physically fit which is quite rare for beastman but considering they are of the bunny clan it was quite understandable that they look like a girl.

He decided to train them in assassination since they are quite good at running and quite nimble in their movements.

He then starts to ponder on what to do about the city that Leo owned he couldn’t believe he just stayed here in three months he would own a city already.

And judging from the strength Leo has he was clearly stronger than him if he had any treasure that is able to counter illusion then even if he was heavily injured Shadowslash have a low chance on winning.

Suddenly while he was deep in thought sounds of footsteps could be heard as Elli arrived she then looks at him with hopeful eyes.

Shadowslash nodded as he transformed into his fox beastman form surprising Elli as she stumble backwards.

Seeing this he could only shake his head he haven’t shown any of his other forms to the captives other than his dragon form.

He then gestures her to come closer Elli realized what she had done and became embarrassed as she quickly went and kneels in from of Shadowslash with the expression of excitement.

Shadowslash have already translated the words on the cultivation book to Elli he was still on the elementary level regarding writing in Beast Continent so that is the reason he haven’t made a book written in Beast Continent language.

For cultivation precise information is needed so he wouldn’t risk this kind of thing.

The whole session went on and was only interrupted when the stomach of Elli starts to make noises.

Shadowslash realised that it was already evening so he told Elli to have dinner and return early in the morning.

He then told her to inform the two guys to come with her tomorrow.

Elli respectfully nodded as she went out of his room hope could be seen in her eyes as she took something from her voluptuous chest.

It was a necklace inside it was a picture of a fair maiden smiling in the other part of it was a picture of two old couple smiling.

She grips her fist as tears falls down on her eyes when she saw this pictures.

This pictures were drawn by a person from her village the fair maiden in the picture was her mother a human while her father left them after impregnating her mother he truly did not love her as those from fox beast clan were known to be quite lustful.

Unlike most of her group in the cave she was actually captured by slave traders after their entire village was massacred by bandits.

After she was sold to slavery the pirates managed to encounter the slave traders and after nearly killing all of those in her group she and some others were brought into this cave as workers.

Most of those that are with her were either killed just for fun, starved to death or was abused by the pirates to the point they died.

But since she was extremely smart in her entire group she managed to survive but as she grew older her charm causes her situation to go awry but who would have thought when she was about to be assaulted by the pirate captain Shadowslash arrived.

And now that she was presented hope as long as she obtains enough power she have a chance obtaining her revenge.

Back in the room Shadowslash started drinking as he felt lonesome now that King Kong have died he was drinking alone once again.

He wasn’t an alcoholic but after being used to always celebrate he became accustomed to drinking.

He then sighed as he now knew that the Beast Continent is really a whole new level compared to Thousand Forest Continent.

Thankfully his growth also increased as the abundance of energy and food started repairing the destroyed cells inside his body because of forceful growth.

He now realised that because he was a monster and together with Hentai’s help just by eating he was increasing his strength.

With large amount of Crimson Gold Rank meat he managed to improve his body constitution not to mention he was now not feeling uncomfortable in every now and then.

It seems that his body is now catching up to his growth which is a great news for him.

The next day Shadowslash was visited by Elli and the two guys in the cave he then brought them out of the cave.

Then hellish training started in that very day because of their training the two guys obtain rapid increase in their strength and combat prowess.

The other captives were extremely envious but Shadowslash have other plans for them for example the three rabbit beastman that were taking care of his garden he had taught them simple cultivation techniques that also correspond with nature element.

Most of the techniques were derived by the elves but only some of the techniques were usable for other races other than elves.

The middle aged woman who was called Anna was someone from the cat beast clan so he had given her an assassin type cultivation technique that focus on speed.

Because of this he was extremely busy since he needs to translate the words written in their cultivation books.

5 months later Shadowslash’s group finally managed to build the village on the spot Shadowslash have found.

The giant village were now refuge for the captives and also some of the beastman Shadowslash have rescued.

Those beastmen came from the Lion City which was the city Leo rules the entire city was now in an oppressive mood as Leo still did not return. josei

Shadowslash just watching the entire scene as he wanted to know whom was Leo’s allies and whom was his enemies.

After nearly half a year of observing he now has a deeper understanding of how the city work without hesitation he got out of the city and transform himself into the image of Leo.

He then summoned his clones and order them to finish off the knights that he had let go five months ago.

As his appearance appeared on the city gate commotion could be heard throughout of the city as numerous individuals started to come out and greets him.

Suddenly just as he step inside the city a little girl came running towards him.

He freeze as a feeling of guilt sprouts in his heart from the information he gathered this little girl was one of the three children Leo has.

The first one was a boy and also Leo’s successor he was quite arrogant and Shadowslash do not like him one bit.

The other one was the twin sister of this girl that was hanging on his neck.

Leo has three wives and all of them were from the lion beast clan.

Leo belongs to the main branch of the Lion Beast Clan while his three wives came from the branch of their clan.

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