The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 515

Chapter 515

Chapter 515: CHAPTER 486 BROWN CLOWN

The turtle beast clan is known for their defense and knowledge but they are a mysterious clan as the other major clan does not dare light them even though their strength is only average.

Besides the turtle beast clan have numerous individuals in their clan joined the ranks of the dragon clan and other reptile clan.

So their status is quite stable which is enough for them.

Back in the present the brown clown has a giant war hammer he was smashing it towards the people of White Shoal City.

But the three individuals from the turtle beast clan have covered the entire city with powerful defensive technique as a shell shape dome is protecting them from the clown’s attack.

Just as the brown clown raised his hammer once again the three [Dragon Breath] that the clones thrown at it finally landed.

Bam! Bam! Bam! The clown took all the attack but wasn’t harmed at all he shook his body as he looks at where the attacks came from.


He then saw two giant dragon charging towards it sensing their aura he sneered as he flew down to the ground and raised his hammer before smashing them to the earth.

Suddenly rumbling sounds could be heard as two giant golems appeared they then charged towards the clones.

The brown clown then ignored the clones as he went back and started smashing his hammer to the barrier once again as booming sounds could be heard.

Roar! Roar! The two dragon clones and the two Rock golems attacked each other as the rock golems were having trouble dealing with the clones as they are too slow.

Inside White Shoal City a person with a turtle shell on his back went near an old man who was spitting out blood.

“Dad please don’t force yourself!” He looks aggrieved as the old man was clearly dying and yet he was still protecting them.

Other than this old man two other old men were also lying in the corner with pale expression but their condition were still much better compared to the old man sitting in the center.

Just as the people inside the room were crying suddenly the blow in the dome once again stops.

The man crying did not noticed as they thought that their enemy would return shortly but after crying for more than ten minutes they realized that the dome wasn’t being attacked anymore.

One of them who does not belong to the turtle beast clan went out to see what is happening.

The person was from the crayfish clan which is considered someone from the Aqua Race Clan which is different and similar to the beastman.

Outside of the dome Shadowslash was fighting with the brown clown he realised that the clown relied on his tremendous strength and powerful physique to overwhelm his opponent.

He also has a pressure emitting from his body that caused people near him to feel heavy but for Shadowslash this was useless.

Not only he trains himself in this gravity fold like area using the Immemorial Golden Barrier he was also mentally strong so the pressure does not affect his spirit so his reaction isn’t dulled.

The brown clown was like King Kong he was stronger than him and yet he couldn’t defeat him.

The brown clown was incredibly furious as Shadowslash was slippery like a loach he was being hit numerous of times and yet he hadn’t hit him even once.

The person from the crayfish clan seeing this situation rejoiced unlike the rest of his clan he was an orphan raised by an old man from the turtle beast clan so he was incredibly loyal to this city so seeing that they had hope of survival he was incredibly ecstatic.

He then ran back to the city lord mansion as he slams the door open as he shouted “We are saved!”

Hearing this everyone in the room was shocked but after a couple of seconds ticked down they recovered before bursting in an uproar.

The one who was crying earlier asks in a nervous time “Cray is what you said true?”.

Cray nodded as he started telling what he saw “Lord Leo have come to rescue us he was now fighting the enemy as we speak and looking at their situation the fight is in a stalemate we could use this chance to escape to the ocean”.

Suddenly one of the old man shouted “Impossible we couldn’t escape to the ocean as you should know the Aqua Race Clan is now having an internal strife and just like us they are in a war if we go there now we are going to suffer”.

The turtle beast clan is considered both a beast clan and a part of the Aqua Race Clan so they could live at sea if they wanted to but considering that they couldn’t really stay for a long time they rather stay in land. josei

Other than that the beasts lurking on the ocean is much more scarier than those on land not only they are giant but considering their movement on water the most likely path they would go if they went into the ocean right now is death.

Everyone was silent but the dying old man started speaking shocking everyone “Go to Shadowslash’s City”.

His voice was weak and feeble but his order is absolute as everyone realised the safest plan for them is to go to Shadowslash’s City.

Besides they knew that Shadowslash is quite a great ally in times of their need he had arrived to rescue them.

Without hesitation everyone started preparing one of the dragon clone of Shadowslash escape from the entanglement of the rock golem as it flew towards the dome.

Landing on top of the dome he knocks at it as the people were at first surprised they then saw a dragon doing hand gestures telling them something.

The three old men opens an entrance on the dome as the dragon went in it then starts telling the people about Shadowslash’s plan and the rescue team that is traveling towards this place.

Hearing this everyone in the city celebrated the clone told them all of this with just papers since it couldn’t speak and the one who was controlling it was Hentai.

Shadowslash receives Hentai’s message that the people inside White Shoal City is now preparing to evacuate so he knew he had to lead this clown away.

So without hesitation he lets the clown hit him but of course he was only hit with residual power from the clown’s attack but this still caused him to fly backwards as the clone he was controlling was nearly destroyed.

The brown clown’s eyes lit up as he realized his opponent is quite weak in taking attacks so he quickly chases after Shadowslash as their fight still caused tremors in the surrounding.

The brown clown was once again rendered helpless as his attacks were all dodged while Shadowslash was attacking him without holding back hitting any part of the clown searching for any weakness.

He had even hit his man jewels but he received no reaction whatsoever he knew he was paper while his enemy is rock he could envelops it but will never be able to destroy it.

The swords that Shadowslash was wielding started to become dull as the sharp part of the sword was chipped off after hitting the clone numerous of times.

Peng! One of his sword finally snaps as the blade flew away seeing this Shadowslash used his fist but after punching the clown he realised the fist on the clone was destroyed.

Because he had connected his spirit on the clone he could feel the pain as he reel in pain but only just a second after that he quickly acclimated.

He then realised why the clown wasn’t able to destroy the White Shoal City he was powerful in physical attack but his elemental attacks is quite lackluster it seems that the only scary elemental move he could use was summoning the rock golems.

Knowing this Shadowslash quickly retreated as he decides to stop attacking the brown clown only focus on dodging as he only had one remaining weapon.

The brown clown was still furiously attacking his every step and assault causes the earth to tremble.

Shadowslash knew that as long as the brown clown has his feet on the ground he would be inexhaustible as he knew this ability this is an ability to obtain energy from earth.

The clown tried to punch his head as he tilted it sideway before jumping sideward.

Because of his force the brown clown slams down in the ground as falls headfirst.

Shadowslash slashed his sword in the clown’s bottom as finally his last sword snapped but this move made the clown even more furious as the earth started shaking.

Argghhh! The brown clown let’s out a loud enraged shout as he stood up and chased after Shadowslash.

With a stomp he managed to propel himself immediately as Shadowslash quickly ducks down because of shock the speed of the attack is much faster than before.

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