The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 531

Chapter 531

Chapter 531: CHAPTER 502 BULL MONKS josei

Suddenly a voice was heard behind him “So you have returned”.

He knew who’s voice was that as he looks behind and saw old man emerald bringing an old ox with a monk outfit.

He belongs to the animal head beastman which is different from most beastman as the bloodline of their ancestor were downgraded making them look a lot more like beast than a person.

Upon seeing there is a stranger Shadowslash quickly holds off his tongue as he greeted old man emerald in a polite manner “Venerable Emerald I your trusted subordinate greets you”.

Old man emerald punch Shadowslash’s head as he laughs out loud “Don’t treat me in such manner this person besides me ain’t no stranger he is one of my closest friend you could just call him old bull”.

The old bull in a monk clothing suddenly elbowed old man emerald as he smiled in a kind manner towards Shadowslash.

Seeing how the two interact Shadowslash knew that they were close so he drops his subservient attitude and greeted the old bull “Greetings to you Venerable one”.


The old bull laughs in a unrestrained manner he then introduced himself “Young one don’t be too polite to me since this old brute treats you as his friend that means you are at least not a bad person”.

“I am called Venerable Unrestrained I am an elder of the Buddha Beast Sect it”.

Knowing how ignorant Shadowslash is and looking at how proud his friend look like old man emerald started laughing out loud causing everyone in the room to look confused.

Old man emerald then started speaking “The Buddha Beast Sect is one of the strongest sect in this continent that is why this guy looks proud when he told you he was an elder of that sect”.

Shadowslash have a look of realisation while Venerable Unrestrained looks extremely embarrassed as he finally realized that Shadowslash haven’t heard of his sect so he was secretly proud for nothing.

Shadowslash smiled he then asks old man emerald “where are we? I though it would take more than one month to arrive at the said location”.

Old man emerald nodded “Yes that is the truth but since there is meeting all the teleportation circle in the inner part of the cities were active but only a couple of them is working so it actually took more time than I estimated”.

Shadowslash looks confused “Took more time but you estimated more than two months”.

Old man emerald started coughing in an embarrassed manner as he explained “Actually what I meant from that time is the amount of days I could came up with a perfect plan to announce my presence in the meeting”.

Shadowslash smiled bitterly he knew that this was the old man personality but still to say it out loud without being shy about it take guts.

He then took out a large vase full of his improvised liquor he had his clone bring his storage ring since his real body already have Hentai to store things.

Smelling the liquor the old bull’s ears started flapping as he looks at the vase full of desire.

Upon seeing his expression old man emerald patted his back and said “Old friend what Leo was holding right now is one of the most delicious wine I have ever tasted he sure to control yourself later or I’ll beat you up”.

Venerable Unrestrained snorted as he said “Of course I’ll conduct myself in the most righteous manner besides you could never beat me in a fight”.

Old man emerald blew a fuse as he shouted “I have beaten you numerous times before”.

This time it was Venerable Unrestrained that blew a fuse “Humansh*t you have never beaten me on the contrary I have beaten you numerous times before”.

Seeing how they looks at each other as if they wanted to rip each other’s throats our Shadowslash smiled it seems that they are really close they consider themselves both friends and rivals at the same time.

“Gentlemen how about we do a drinking competition I’ll be the judge”.

Immediately the two took a chair and a table and sat down in front of Shadowslash.

Shadowslash then took out a vase much smaller than the one he was holding before filling them up and giving them to the two old men.

The two looks at each other with sharp looks before chugging down their wine Shadowslash suddenly noticed that the face of the old bull become beet red as his ears started flapping in an incredibly fast manner.

Shadowslash was dumbfounded it seems that the old bull has low alcohol tolerance he became drunk in the start.

Shadowslash then noticed that the eyes of old man emerald contains a hint of schadenfreude in them it seems that he already knew that this would happen.

He could only shake his head and pray for the old bull silently after a while the face of the old bull became entirely red as he started to hiccup.

Old man emerald on the other hand have an average alcohol tolerance according to Shadowslash’s standard so he was still okay.

He then started patting the old bull’s back in a rather strong manner as he started provoking him “What’s the matter old bull can’t take the heat and you said you have beaten me you couldn’t even beat me in a drinking competition how dare you proclaimed you have managed to beat me”.

The old bull waves his hand and shouted “Who said I am drunk I am not drunk yet I’ll drink you under the table don’t feel too cocky!”.

After a couple of drinks the old bull slams his head on the table as he finally become too drunk to be conscious.

Old man emerald stood up in the table and started laughing out loud as he continue chugging down his wine after a while of celebrating he drops into the ground dead drunk.

Looking at the two old men in front of him Shadowslash shook his head feeling extremely helpless he then left the room he was in.

Once he was out of the room he was greeted by a bull with a monk outfit unlike the old bull in the room this one is young and much more energetic.

The greatest difference between them is this one has the head of a human.

Seeing a stranger came out of the room the bull monk was startled he then took a step forward as he looks down on Shadowslash with his fist clenched hard.

“Who are you and why are you inside the room” His expression is extremely solemn as his aura started bearing down at Shadowslash.

Shadowslash raised his eyebrow as he realized that this person at least have the cultivation of high gate Xiantian Realm.

He then smiled and said “I accompany Venerable Emerald Dragon”.

Hearing this the monk bull loosen his fist he then looks confuses as he looks at Shadowslash with a rather doubtful look.

“How come Martial Uncle Emerald Dragon have a disciple as weak as you I could easily crush you with one hand”.

Hearing this Shadowslash’s eyebrow started twitching he thought that this monk bull was insulting him but seeing his honest and confused expression he knew that this was actually his honest opinion which hurts even more.

He then smiled and said “Brother bull how about we spar so that you could realized why Venerable Emerald Dragon brought me with him in this important meeting”.

Hearing this the bull in a monk outfit nodded as he was extremely straightforward he was also interested finding the reason why his martial uncle brought Shadowslash with him.

Arriving at a spacious place Shadowslash saw numerous individuals sparring their strength is extremely powerful despite their young appearance.

He whistled as he felt shocked he then realized that all of this young geniuses present in this place is clearly much more powerful and talented compared to Fang Cang.

Shadowslash and the bull monk then went into one of the platform as many individual became curious about them.

After all as one of the core disciple of Buddha Beast Sect he must be well known.

Shadowslash on the other hand is a new face not only he was incredibly handsome he looks like someone from the fox clan but his appearance is clearly from the dragon clan.

“Brother I don’t know your name yet so that I wouldn’t seen as someone rude I will introduce myself first”.

“My name is Gongniu Jinde I am the only disciple of Venerable Unrestrained and the third ranking disciple of Buddha Beast Sect and finally I am ranked 37th from the Heavenly Beast Ranking”.

Shadowslash nodded he then introduced himself “I am Shadowslash the city lord of Shadowslash’s City”.

His introduction is quite short but he felt relief when he announced this since he had been keeping his real name a secret for a long time to finally be able say his name without hesitation he felt relieved.

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