The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 549

Chapter 549


Back on the battlefield, the soldiers from Shadowslash’s side were getting overwhelmed the only reason that they still managed to hold on is because of the support of the scarabs and the spiritual support Shadowslash is giving them.

The chosen ones together with the special force and personal guards were also performing greatly in the battlefield.

They could tie up an elite of the Aqua Race Clan with either teamwork or just individual strength.

Roar! A battle cry was heard sounding almost like a roar of a beast, A giant figure landed on the battlefield with it’s appearance the morale on Shadowslash’s group took a hit.

On the other hand the morale on the Aqua Race Clan group rose to its peak, they then kept on chanting ‘Aqua Race is invincible throughout!’.

Hilda climbs on top of the barricade as she shouted using her tiger roar “Everyone do not fret the dragon clones and the powerful bugs are still fighting that means lord Leo is still alive and well, We must not lost hope as he will definitely come and turn this situation around!.” josei

The Aqua Race commander started laughing in a mocking manner as he pointed his trident at Hilda and shouted “Begone half beast w*nch!.”


A powerful gush of water was shot from the trident and to Hilda, The Xiantian Realm expert that was guarding the barricade hurriedly blocked the attack.

Bam! The expert wasn’t able to take the hit as he was thrown backwards with blood seeping out of his mouth.

The expression of Hilda became ugly as she looks at the Aqua Race commander furiously her fur started rising as she released a dense killing intent from her being.

The Aqua Race commander sneered as he once again shot a powerful gush of water to Hilda.

Hilda stomps her feet as she left a blur and managed to dodge the attack but not entirely as the clothes on her shoulder was torn off because of the water pressure.

Her left arms were dangling down, it was the arm that was hit by the water attack she felt like her entire arm was ripped off if it wasn’t for her intense physical training it would have definitely did so.

The Aqua Race commander spoke in a mocking manner as he saw Hilda’s pitiful appearance “Don’t hope that your so called lord is able to save you now, I am sure that he would be dying soon considering that the one he is fighting right now is a powerhouse from our race which had the cultivation level of Xiantian King Realm!”

The despair on the faces of the beastmen were evident Shadowslash is the person they look up to the most and without him they have no chance of winning.

Suddenly an harrumph was heard followed by an another one as two old men floats just above the battlefield.

They released their aura intimidating everyone in the battlefield.

“So the Aqua Race Clan shamelessly sent a Xiantian King expert to finish off a Xiantian Realm expert such a shameless method we the twin vajra lion brothers will finish this so called Aqua Race powerhouse ourselves but before that we will finish you off first!.” With a boom the two old men transformed into their beast form, The two look exactly alike.

A shout came from behind “The reinforcement from Westward City have arrived!.”

Fang Gui and his sons figure appeared behind them were a battalion of soldiers.

The two old men that were floating above the battlefield at the present were the same old men that came with Fang Cang.

The two lions let’s out a roar as they charged towards the Aqua Race commander.

Facing two pseudo Xiantian King experts the Aqua Race commander was having a hard time defending himself.

The rain continue to pour as the water become more and more deeper the beastmen soldiers were now having a hard time fighting.

During the high intensity fight there are already numerous corpses that were floating in the water.

A part of the water is dyed red but the two forces continue to attack each other.

Arghh! Finally the first Xiantian Realm expert falls and he belongs to the beastmen race so the pressure on the other Xiantian Realm beastmen increased.

Just as the entire battlefield was in chaos as blood and sweats were flying everywhere the entire area suddenly started shaking as an earthquake occured.

Bam! A figure was thrown in the battlefield and this person created a powerful impact that those were near on his landing sight were affected and those that were extremely close died.

The figure stood up as a giant crack could be seen on his armor the crack could be seen in the chest part of the armor.

Seeing the appearance of the figure the Aqua Race commander shouted “Uncle!.”

Back to where Shadowslash is, Rewinding the time when he was still searching for an opening to get close towards the Aqua Race powerhouse.

‘I need to bypass this six armed water elemental but how?’ Shadowslash thought as he realized that the greatest stumbling block for him is the six armed water elemental.

With it on control he wouldn’t be able to approach the Aqua Race powerhouse because his domain was broken earlier he wouldn’t be able to summon it at the present.

His illusions were also of no use against these elementals but suddenly he realised he still hadn’t tried his illusion!.

He remembers that he had trained his mastery over his illusion and learned that as long as one has consciousness they could be tricked as long as one spiritual sense is powerful enough.

He then opens his mouth and used his roar skill to disrupt the movement of the two water elementals for one second.

He then used his illusion to trap them before flying towards his opponent the female figure water elemental is still conscious because she wasn’t affected since she was standing on a distance against Shadowslash.

Using his powerful spiritual sense he caused the movement of the female figure water elemental to be dull.

Shadowslash let’s out a powerful roar as he clenched his arm and magnify it’s size and punched out.

Powerful wind accompanied his punch but the Aqua Race powerhouse continue to chant unbothered by the powerful punch.

Bam! A thin but extremely powerful barrier appeared just a couple of inches from the Aqua Race powerhouse.

This thin water barrier actually managed to block Shadowslash’s all out attack like it’s nothing.

But Shadowslash knew his punch had an effect as the sceptre actually trembled when his fist collided with the barrier.

He continue punching the barrier as cracks finally forms on it but he stop his assault as he flew to the side dodging an attack from the female figure water elemental.

The other two elementals have also recovered from their daze as they once again attacks Shadowslash preventing him to come close to the barrier.

The cracks on the barrier started to disappear as the Aqua Race powerhouse finally opens his eyes and spread his palm high as the dark clouds started converging on top of him.

The three water elementals were pulled into the clouds as Shadowslash took this chance to once again charged towards his enemy.

Bam! Because the Aqua Race powerhouse was now using his sceptre the water barrier was easily destroyed by Shadowslash.

His fist continue to travel at the Aqua Race powerhouse as his fist hits the armor the Aqua Race powerhouse took the punch and spat out blood but he still did not stop what he was doing.

Just as Shadowslash was about to continue his assault the dark clouds rumbles as a giant being made up of dark clouds was created.

It then punched him as the speed of the punch was extremely fast and he was thrown backwards his body was also zapped by electricity.

The Aqua Race powerhouse started laughing manically he then shouted “See this, This beautiful thing is my strongest summon, Tremble in fear as you succumb to your despair!.”

Shadowslash was badly hurt by that punch and since he was forcing his body right now he knew that he wouldn’t be able to move if he ever survive this fight.

“Bettlegor, Finish this insignificant being” Once it received it’s order the giant cloud monster let’s out a roar as he generated giant balls of electricity in the air and threw them towards Shadowslash.

Shadowslash immediately stood up as he started dodging the barrage but he was still hit by the powerful balls of electricity.

The reason for this is because of the chains made up of water appearing underneath him stopping his movement.

The giant cloud monster flew towards him with breakneck speed.

Bam! Bam! Bam! The giant cloud monster started ramming it’s fist towards Shadowslash.

Aqua Race powerhouse: “Hahaha, no one could save you now!”

Suddenly an unknown voice was heard in the sky as it spoke “Oh? Really? I think that you celebrated too soon fish head!.”

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