The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 592

Chapter 592


The Demon Fox Clan wanted to befriend him so they have decided to let three of their clan member stay with him.

There were three gorgeous female from their clan but the difference between their age and Shadowslash were too great.

All three of them were even older than Old man emerald and Fire Demon Dragon King whom were hundreds of years old.

One of the three was Fragrance because she had read the memory of Mary she knew a lot about Shadowslash because of this reason she was chosen to be one of the envoy of their clan.

The other two that were chosen were quite close to her, just this reason made them to be chosen to stay. josei

Because the members of the Demon Fox Clan couldn’t stay for so long they left after staying in Shadowslash’s City for a week.

As they got to learn more about Shadowslash, the more they became quite cautious and afraid of him.


They realized what scary about him is not his combat strength but all his ability and his ways on changing a place making all the people subservient towards him.

On the other hand Old man emerald was beaten up by Shadowslash and Fire Demon Dragon King and was now tied in the garden because of the crime he committed and was about to commit.

In Shadowslash’s garden, There were two individuals walking around a pole, in that pole was a person tied with a rope and was now being beaten by the two individual in the garden.

The two individuals were Shadowslash and Fire Demon Dragon King and the person tied in the pole was Old man emerald.

Shadowslash and Fire Demon Dragon King kept on shouting the word “Shame” as they beat up Old man emerald with logs.

Shadowslash: “I have trusted you and you do this, I have never felt so betrayed”

Fire Demon Dragon King: “I know you are a virgin and very desperate because of your age but to think you would actually-”

*Sigh* “I blame myself for always insulting if not you wouldn’t be so desperate and would actually try to make a move to our friend’s mother.”

Yes, the crime that Old man emerald committed is falling in love with Mary and tried to court her.

After finding this out, Shadowslash and Fire Demon Dragon King immediately captured him and beaten him up and tied him into a pole and put him into the garden as they continue to beat him up.

Old man emerald continue on being silent even though he was now being beaten up, he did not feel pain but he felt guilty and now wasn’t able to look Shadowslash on his eyes.

But he couldn’t erase the image of Mary on his head, not only she is extremely gentle and caring but she has an aura that draws him towards her.

What he did not realised that the aura he was attracted to was actually Mary’s motherly aura, that meant only one thing, he loves MILFs.

But of all the MILFs he had to chose it was the mother of his bro, of course he felt really guilty and just let the two tie him up into a pole and let them beat him up with logs.

Suddenly as the two were doing their routine of beating Old man emerald up, a soldier appeared and saluted Shadowslash, he then shouted “Lord! The artificial beach is now on its primary form!”

Hearing this Shadowslash and Fire Demon Dragon King stops what they were doing and looks at Old man emerald with a hint of disgust, of course they just wanted him to feel bad, they really did not feel disgust towards him.

As Shadowslash and Fire Demon Dragon King left the scene, Old man emerald escape his bind and sighed.

He then shook his head and thought ‘D*mn if I don’t fix this soon, the relation between me and the brat would become strange.’

‘Also that bastard battle maniac, he did not help me and even cause more chaos.’

After finding out what he had been doing, Fire Demon Dragon King immediately spreads the news that he had fallen in love with Shadowslash’s mother to their entire group of friends.

Even though the mutual friend the two have were quite little but still to spread this kind of thing to others, Old man emerald was deeply humiliated but he couldn’t do anything because he could not deny hard cold facts.

On other hand, Shadowslash and Fire Demon Dragon King have arrived to where the artificial beach is located.

Old man emerald have been helping build this project during his absence so their progress isn’t low.

When he finally took over the project it increases the rate of the progress and was now in it’s final phase.

Looking at the beautiful white sand beach with clear water he couldn’t help but smile in satisfaction.

He then dove into the beach as Fire Demon Dragon King just stood there, he was a fire type beast so of course he dislike getting very wet.

He doesn’t hate water but he just doesn’t want to submerge his entire body in water especially ocean water.

Shadowslash was now looking at the beautiful beach he had created.

The depth of the artificial sea is in varying degrees but the deepest part goes to 8,850 m.

On the bottom of this artificial sea is filled with numerous Mana and spirit stones. Their light illuminated the entire dark sea.

There is also a giant hole located on the deepest part of the sea and it connects itself on the real ocean.

After looking around, Shadowslash nodded as this entire place is to his liking, he then decided to proceed to his next plan and that is to transfer the Crystal crabs and his entire crew into this place.

Another week passed

After proceeding to his next plan the artificial beach project was finally complete and because of this Shadowslash, Old man emerald and Fire Demon Dragon King were now focusing on another thing.

And that is to take back the land that the Aqua Race Clan have taken from the Beast Continent.

Now that Shadowslash’s territory have started to become much more advanced as the Aqua Race Clan stop on attacking their part of the continent because of Shadowslash’s deterrence.

While the people in Shadowslash’s territory were going about of their daily lives, Shadowslash and old man emerald were busy building their sect and Fire Demon Dragon King was busy on searching for any spies from the clowns or the Aqua Race Clan lurking on the city.

They have been very busy during this time, what they did not realized is that the three girls from the Demon Fox Clan were recording all their movements and were now quite informed about many of their habits and also their personalities.

Shadowslash was the center of the group as always but unlike the others who forced his ideas into others, he seeked confirmation to Old man emerald and Fire Demon Dragon King as he work.

The two on other hand were quite used in following Shadowslash’s plans and they also receive quite large benefits for their cultivation level.

Old man emerald was feeling guilty so he hadn’t truly shown his true personality but the three girls assumed that he is like the second brother in the three.

Fire Demon Dragon King was a person with brawns more than brain, he is extremely confident in his battle prowess and yet he had never won against any sparring against Shadowslash or Old man emerald.

So the three girls deemed him as an arrogant fool that is not to be taken serious.

Their rating towards him might be harsh but they have the ability to ignore Fire Demon Dragon King because of their strength.

They deemed Old man emerald as a bit of a special individual but they still aren’t worried about him but Fragrance seems to put a bit if attention to him as she saw something the other two girls don’t.

And that is Shadowslash have been treating Old man emerald as a member of his family not as a friend.

Fragrance who had seen Mary’s memories is confident from her assumption that there is some secret that Shadowslash and Old man emerald were hiding.

At the present, inside the secret cave of Shadowslash, moans and sometimes grunt could be heard at rhythmic manner.

Shadowslash was now thrusting behind Anna, he had been holding himself for a long time since the three girls from the Demon Fox Clan were living on his mansion.

When he arrived at this place he immediately went to Anna and made a passionate and intense bonding activity with her.

He then increased his pace as he releases his seed deep inside her causing her to slumps down onto the ground but before she could his tail manage to catch her.

He then carries her into his room and gently put her into his bed as he covers her with his blanket.

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