The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 618

Chapter 618


Even though they look down on others they weren’t supressing them nor harming them in the least.

That is the only this that made Shadowslash less worried about them upon thinking about this information he decided that every coming of age of people from this place they should spend an amount of time outside as a form of a test.

He knew that this was the best idea he could implement after all no matter how much he speak that they should be united unless they truly experience the feeling of bonding with other people they wouldn’t truly know what it meant.

He then told everyone to rise as he decided to sleep near the Luminous Tree of Life to calm his exhausted mind.

Sans and Leafinia then told them about the festival and the people inside Safehaven Paradise immediately started decorating in their own unique way.

Shadowslash on the other hand started sleeping immediately after lying near the Luminous Tree of Life.

He finally returned home and it was truly a different feeling from all the place he had been.


He never felt the feeling of relaxation and safety like when he was inside Safehaven Paradise.

He might be quite strong so he wasn’t worried about being attacked on his sleep but he still needs to keep his guard up.

Only when he is inside Safehaven Paradise would he really had his guard down.

Seeing him sleep peacefully Leafinia smiled and combs his hair as he raised his head and put it into her lap.

She started singing a lullaby, Sans was a bit envious upon looking it he wanted to do something for Shadowslash also but he doesn’t what it should be.

Meanwhile inside Shadowslash’s, his Nascent Soul started shining.

[Initiating Teleportation Process... Takeover Process... Assimilating Process]

Unbeknownst to anyone the Safehaven Paradise is undergoing a change and runes starred flashing everywhere.

It was spreading everywhere as little by little the Safehaven Paradise started expanding.

The Immemorial Golden Barrier then starts to glow brightly as little by little it starts to assimilate into Safehaven Paradise bringing with it large amount of laws in this world.

The situation inside Safehaven Paradise were also happening in all the Sanctuaries in the continent.

The monsters living inside the Sanctuaries started rejoicing as they absorb the new and pure energy.

One by one they started breaking through their current rank what is much more scarier is that those that were in the bottleneck of Crimson Gold Rank or Dark Gold Rank started breaking through Transcendent Realm or Xiantian Realm.

On the other hand the outsiders were kicked out of the Sanctuaries while they are undergoing their change.

These changes clearly alarmed the people that were responsible for monitoring them also known as the Adventure Guilds.

Fortunately they received the news that Shadowslash have returned to the continent so they started pacifying everyone and told them that the changes were link to the creator of the Sanctuaries.

The Adventurers were of course feeling indignant but when they heard it was Shadowslash they could only shut their mouths and return back to their respective home. josei

The news that Shadowslash have returned were spread to the entire continent those that were ambitious starts to become active but more and more information started spreading and they discovered that the phenomenon that cause the entire world was actually induced by Shadowslash some of them started backing out.

On Dragon Kingdom the ruler of the kingdom announced a news that they would also be celebrating the festival of Shadowslash’s return.

The Archinviel Dukedom also did the same so does the Luminous Kingdom.

The Adventurers celebrated with great flare since they had obtain their new life because of Shadowslash.

Many high ranking Adventurers even decided to go to Thousand Race Kingdom to celebrate there.

The guildmasters were also thinking the same thing unlike before they now have an ability to travel through countless miles in just a couple of seconds.

Shadowslash was never forgotten in the continent even though the entire continent was undergoing rapid changes throughout the time of Shadowslash absence his legends and miracles still being venerated.

Meanwhile in an another location in Thousand Forest Continent, a couple of figure were discussing something.

One of the figures were quite familiar to Shadowslash he was the golden figure that was the owner of one of the Immemorial Golden Barrier.

He started discussing something “We couldn’t hold up the seal anymore, besides this world have clearly chosen a capable chosen one so we should use our remaining time on this world to help him.”

The others nodded, a figure covered in a violent haze spoke “I agree with you there, we had used our soul to hold up these seals for a long time and we already had no chance to reincarnate.”

The others felt despondent when hearing this they agreed on finally unsealing the continent but they couldn’t help but feel sad after hearing that they wouldn’t be able to reincarnate.

Suddenly the golden figure thought of something and said “Maybe not! I just felt my connection with the tablet is slowly dwindling and it’s restriction against me is slowly disappearing!”

Hearing this the other figures were shocked they couldn’t help but start grabbing him and interrogating him.

The golden figure became helpless against his comrades only after they had calmed down could he finally escape their grasps.

“It is definitely that boy he is the only one that would be able to do this considering that he have my tablet.”

A figure with brown haze shouted “So what are we still waiting for?! Let’s go over there and asks him about how to undo the seals so we could finally rest in peace!”

The others agrees with the brown figure they repeatedly nods they heads, the golden figure couldn’t fight their insistence nor he wanted to.

Without hesitation he and the others figures stated flying towards Thousand Race


The festive mood is infectious on Thousand Race Kingdom because the children have always wanted to meet their idol they were extremely excited.

Statues and figurines of Shadowslash were already got merchandise since before but now there are variety of them.

Each variety holds different concepts and images of him.

Actually the ones who started making these were people from Safehaven Paradise so they knew many of Shadowslash’s form.

The children loves the teddy bear like toys that Shadowslash have first created for the children before he left the condiment.

Now there are countless dolls made from his human and fox image since Shadowslash was the guardian in all the people’s mind on Thousand Race Kingdom there is at least one statue on every residents houses.

Shadowslash was a national icon for the Thousand Race Kingdom they would go to war with another power if they ever heard someone disrespecting him.

While the people were celebrating his return and were getting accustomed to the new power they had obtained from the blessing, the star of the show, Shadowslash is still sleeping on Leafinia’s lap.

Sans was tightly guarding the vicinity of the Luminous Tree of Life, he wouldn’t let anyone near it because he feared they might disturb Shadowslash’s rest.

When people inside Safehaven Paradise heard that their idol was resting they decided to stay away and let him rest peacefully.

Meanwhile Feifei was overwhelmed upon seeing countless elves.

Elves were no longer rare on this continent but this only applies on Thousand Race Kingdom and Luminous Kingdom.

Elves were known as Shadowslash’s messengers they were the primary reason why the vegetation of the continent have been growing rapidly.

The war torn continent was restored on its former glory all because of them, the rejuvenation of the continent might played a big role also but anyone in the continent would agree that the elves were also a part of this.

The elves were only following Shadowslash’s order for them but they didn’t realized that because of what they had done they are now seen as saviors of the continent.

The dwarves were now busy building numerous items for the kingdom some of their items were exported to other territories.

Their business have been booming, it hadn’t declined one bit on the contrary it became much more prosperous because of the chaos that is now happening on this continent.

They do not like to build weapons for other territories they were already a bit angry that some of their products were sold to other territories much less armors and weapons which were held an importance on their heart.

The dwarves were only wishing one thing for now and that is to create a weapon or an armor deserving for Shadowslash to use.

They had already known that he had two swords of the highest quality but they also knew Shadowslash fighting style involves different or multiple weapons.

So they have been arguing on what to give him when they finally achieved the state of perfection.

After all they have numerous ideas already since one of them is the leader of the Blacksmith Guild.

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