The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 656

Chapter 656


The knight in the gray suite was now waiting for Shadowslash to appear, his right hand is now resting upon his sword as a demeanor of a powerful knight starts to exudes from his body.

Boom! With the explosion of the air Shadowslash finally appears, both immediately locked upon each other as their eyes contain different meaning but the same intent.

Shadowslash was shocked when his gaze landed upon the gray knight, he and Sans are exactly alike in terms of demeanor and upon realising this he knew that this man he is facing right now is a capable fighter.

Even though he already knew the answer of this question but he still asks “Are you the one that destroyed the village in this location.”

“Yes” The gray knight answered in a clear cut manner he didn’t even bother to lie as he was already ready for a fight, Shadowslash smiles when he heard this then without any warning he summoned his sword and slashed it towards the gray knight.

The gray knight was already prepared for Shadowslash to attack so without any change in emotion he unsheathes his sword and slash it towards the incoming attack.

Peng! The gray knight was force to retreat because he was clearly outmatched in strength, his eyes then started to glow in gray light and his aura suddenly spiked.


Shadowslash felt a powerful force coming from his sword as he was actually slowly being forced to retreat, frowning he realized that he shouldn’t do this half heatedly.

The muscles on his arm started to bulge as his form once again transformed into battle mode, his chaotic demonic fox dragon form.

Four horns grew from his head two from the dragon clan and the other two from the demon clan, four illusionary but at the same time real arms appeared around him.

His other eight tails came out from his back and gray balls of chaos Qi started floating around him.

He was now serious, he had been holding himself back because he realized that his strength was now too much for this world, unless the limit of this world is finally broken he wouldn’t be able to use all of his strength that is the reason why all of his stats is in the perfect 100 mark because if it passes through this number he might break a part of this world.

The gray knight wasn’t expecting this he was shocked but only a second he put his other arm on his sword’s handle and let’s out a battle cry as his aura once again exploded.

Shadowslash wasn’t going to let him just be without hesitation he also summoned his other sword and slash out.

Peng! The two force collided causing the air to explode and even though they are in the sky the ground beneath them still cracked because of the pressure.

The gray knight then kicked Shadowslash and made an attack stance that seems to cause the entire surrounding to freeze, Shadowslash realised that the incoming attack or attacks would definitely be a powerful one so he quickly crossed his two huge swords in front of him as the gray balls of chaos Qi burns with demonic flames and flew towards the gray knight.

“Ashtar Heavenly Sword Technique: Rain of Terror!” The gray knight chanted before attacking, countless sword beams started from towards Shadowslash.

‘So fast!’ Shadowslash thought as he saw the countless sword beams flying towards him, he quickly realised that he wouldn’t be able to block all the sword beams if he just cross his sword in front of him.

Without hesitation he started spinning his giant sword creating a shield from the rain but the power of the technique is just too powerful he was slowly being pushed backward.

The demonic flaming balls that he had thrown earlier were also being supressed as they travel at a much slower rate not to mention their power continue to declines as they got closer.

‘This shouldn’t go on!’ He then brought his other swords and grabs them using his illusionary arms before using his personal technique.

Heavenly Imperial Slash!

Lunar Fang!

There were four swords in total and he had fired four powerful attacks that flew towards the gray knight but even with those four powerful sword Qi they still didn’t managed to reach the gray knight because of the barrage of sword beams.

He continue to attack as he knew that as long as one attack managed to reach his opponent he would recover his footing, but the gray knight also knew this as his Xiantian Image appeared behind him.

An image of a skull that seems to bring despair to those that saw it appeared behind the gray knight, unlike Shadowslash he decided to go all out now that he had the advantage.

Shadowslash realised that his opponent is quite a decisive individual so he also decided to go all out from the start now that he was being pressured by his enemy he doesn’t care of the consequences of him going all out.

[Demonic Berserk] + [Chaos Berserk] + Way of Slaughter + Emperor Dignity!

His aura exploded as he charged towards the gray knight even though the rain of sword beams continue to fly towards him.

The land underneath the two was already ravaged from the powerful blows that they made and if they continue to fight without any doubt the entire island would definitely be destroyed.

Shadowslash’s six swords continue to block the rain of sword beams aa he continue to force himself to advance.

The gray knight’s eyes narrows as he stops his attack and change it into a new type of attack.

“Ashtar Heavenly Sword Technique: Sword Of Destruction!”

Suddenly Shadowslash’s instinct told him that an incoming death threat is going to appear, immediately he crosses his six swords in front of him and his tails started moving writing some kind of runes.

A wide sword beam full of destructive aura fly towards Shadowslash at incredible speed, Shadowslash realised that all the attacks of the gray knight was accompanied by incredible speed and power.

Bang! The powerful attack landed on the six swords and Shadowslash immediately felt the powerful force coming from the attack.

Boom! He crashed to the land below creating a huge pit, the force was too great that he was buried more that a thousand meters deep and continue to be forced downward by the force.

Only with the power of runes behind him did he finally manage to stop, above the sky the gray knight’s aura couldn’t help but wane as that attack of his was one of his trump card he needed to wait a couple of hours before he could unleash another attack just like earlier.

But he had sensed that Shadowslash was still breathing even after receiving that devastating blow he couldn’t help but praise him a little.

The state of the entire island was now pitiful because of Shadowslash’s crash the entire island was now shaking as it seems that it would fall in any second now.

That is just from one attack that Shadowslash managed to block because of the power of his attack the gray knight thought that he could finish any opponent the same level as him.

The gray knight realised that he might not able to defeat Shadowslash so without hesitation he decided to retreat.

Boom! A powerful aura came out of the giant pit and loud sounds could be heard as the entire island continue to shake Shadowslash finally came out of the huge pit he was pissed off.

Roar! He lets out a roar and flew towards the gray knight and behind him were countless runes that enhances his speed.

The gray knight attacks with his sword as a powerful sword Qi once again flew towards Shadowslash.

“Ashtar Heavenly Sword Technique: Heaven Splitting Slash!”

Shadowslash tilts from the side barely managing to dodge the attack but this move of his alarmed the gray knight he realizes that his opponent is adapting to the speed of his attacks.

He was correct, Shadowslash haven’t encountered an individual that attack as fast as the gray knight fortunately he wasn’t the same as before.

The gray knight continue to dish out several attacks that were mostly blocked by Shadowslash and some of them were dodged by him.

When he finally arrives in front of the gray knight he attack, because his four swords were destroyed by the earlier attack of the knight he could only use his two innate swords to attack.

The gray knight raises his sword to defend as he took a couple of steps backwards after receiving the attack but before he could stabilized his body another attack came from the side.

The gray knight have already noticed the illusionary arm coming for him so he use his sheath to block the attack but there were another 3 illusionary arms coming for him in different direction not to mention Shadowslash was already preparing for his next attack.josei

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