The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 665

Chapter 665


Shadowslash could only shake his head when he saw her reaction, it seems that the fox village was too poor to have a decent equipment and even their village chief have to use a dull semi broken dagger.

Because Hentai was unaccessible he wasn’t able to open it’s storage but he do have other items in his storage ring, he had ignored it most of the time because the items inside his storage ring is considered trash compared to the items that Hentai was keeping.

Taking out a sword that resembles his katanas he threw it to Phina, the sword he had picked is considered one of the best swords inside his storage ring.

This sword was made by the dwarves back on Thousand Forest Continent, he was reluctant to use it because even if he wasn’t fighting as long as he swings the sword using his full strength it would definitely break but he was also reluctant to throw it away because it was given to him by a young dwarf aspiring to be a grandmaster blacksmith.

He hadn’t thought that he would be able to make use of this item right now, seeing the weapon in her hand Phina was quite confused that is until she unsheathes it.

Seeing it’s appearance her pupils seems to have transformed into hearts, feeling the cold blade on her new sword her heart couldn’t help but flutter.

“So beautiful.” She said in a dazed manner, it seems that she had fallen in love with her new blade.


Seeing how much she appreciates the sword he gave to her Shadowslash was satisfied, he then said “It seems that you like your new weapon, it is a suitable weapon for your current strength, why don’t you name it?”

Because she was too focused to the sword on her hand she didn’t realised that Shadowslash was now right behind her so when she heard him talking extremely close she lets out a yelp as she took a couple of steps back.

Shadowslash frowns as he appears besides her and caught her, Phina was still stunned by what was happening that she hadn’t realised she was actually falling because she had tripped from a stump.

Sensing the arm that was supporting she couldn’t but blush, Shadowslash realised that she was acting a bit weird and asks “Are you feeling weird?”

Hearing this Phina shook her head and explained in an extremely small voice “No it’s not that, it’s just this was the first time I was approached and touched by a man.”

Shadowslash’s expression became strange from all his observation he knew that the old doctor would always be close to her “But isn’t old doctor Ben always right besides you?”

Hearing this Phina remember something and her blushing expression became that of a strange one “Well doctor Ben is different after all he isn’t considered a man anyone, he lacks the most precious thing that a man should have.”

Shadowslash felt a chill running down his spine when he heard this but quickly he shook his head as he had scanned old doctor’s Ben condition and knew for a fact that he wasn’t injured in the slightest.

He shook his head and disperse this thought as he quickly asks “So what do you think? Naming such a weapon is only normal isn’t it?”

Phina nods her head as she immediately agreed on that sentence, for her such magnificent weapon is deserving of an equally magnificent name.

Pondering something she quickly thought of a name, without hesitation she quickly raise her katana and spoke in a loud and bold manner “This sword is extremely sharp and it’s appearance is extremely beautiful so it is deserving to have the name of the moon goddess!”

“I shall call you in this moment and afterward as Luna!”

Shadowslash nodded he then said “I think you need to get use to your new weapon first so let us continue our hunt.”

Phina nodded she then brought him deeper into the forest because of the powerful beasts roaming in the forest she was moving in a cautious manner.

Unlike her Shadowslash was walking in a rather casual manner as if he was just taking a casual stroll but in reality he was using his spiritual sense to scan throughout the entire area around him.

While the two were walking deeper into the forest they quickly stops, Phina was confused as to why Shadowslash grabs her so suddenly after all she was still uncomfortable with men touching her.

Shadowslash then grabs her and the two quickly arrives at a spot not far them, there they saw a giant tiger with green fur and four eyes.

Upon seeing this Phina was shocked and she immediately pales in fear, she shouted “Tree Tiger!”

“What’s a Tree Tiger?” Because this was the first time he saw such creature Shadowslash was of course curious about it’s origin.

“A Tree Tiger is a very strange beast, it is an omnivore but it prefers eating a very specific tree called Vitality Tree.”

“The tree just liks it’s name is filled with vitality and it would bore fruits that could enhanced ones vitality.”

Shadowslash nodded as he knew beasts loves this type of fruit but this beast in front of him actually prefers the tree more than the fruits. josei

“Since it prefers to eat trees why are you so afraid of it?”

“It’s because it is considered as a tiger type beast and all tiger type beasts are very proud creatures, all of them are very territorial.”

Exactly just as she finished her explanation the Tree Tiger let’s out a roar as it’s fur starts to rise and it’s entire aura became menacing.

Phina gulped nervously as she quickly unsheathes her sword and made an attacking stance towards the tiger but because of her trembling anyone would realised that she was actually very afraid.

Shadowslash upon seeing this let’s out a laugh as he looks at the Tree Tiger with interest “A beast with carnivorous bloodline actually prefers to eat trees this beast is actually quite unique.”

“I am going to tame it.”

Phina was stunned she couldn’t believe what she just had heard but before she could persuade him an incredibly power and malevolent aura started emitting from Shadowslash.

Phina froze so did the Tree Tiger other than the killing intent that made it soul shiver the absolute difference between bloodlines cause this beast to be unable to move.

Shadowslash walks towards it in a calm and steady manner but his momentum causes the entire surrounding to become silent as every beasts in the forest screams in terror in their soul.

He arrives in front of the tiger and puts his hand on its head and only spoke one sentence “Submit.”

Phina then opens her mouth wide but because of her veil nobody would able to notice if not for the movement of the veil, she was shocked because she saw the Tree Tiger bowing it’s head in front of Shadowslash.

Realising it had submitted to him he couldn’t help but let out a bold laugh as he immediately rode the tiger, the tiger strength is comparable to someone from Gold Rank or Marrow Tempering Rank making it quite a threat to a village like the fox village.

Looking at the dazed Phina he lets out a chuckle as he asks “Want to ride this beast with me?”

Finally recovering from her daze Phina shook her head, she then answered “I am actually tempted but I want to train my legs so I’ll just walk.”

Respecting her decision he could only follow her while riding the Tree Tiger but while the three of them were traveling he was actually checking the body of the tiger.

He realised that in terms of physical quality this tiger is superior to Superior Grade monster back on his second world (AKA the world that he was born as a monster).

But even though this tiger has a much stronger body than a Superior Grade monster and is actually nearly compatibile with Legendary grade monsters focus on body strength it does have a weakness.

It’s intelligence, ability to control elemental energy and it’s affinity to any other elements other than Nature element.

The nature Qi in it’s body have been distributed smoothly throughout it’s entire body making it comparable to a treasure beast but it couldn’t control the nature Qi on its body at will and the only usage of such energy is amplifying it’s regeneration ability.

‘It seems that this beast is quite suitable to be a mount considering how much vitality it has and it’s ability to quickly recover it’s stamina.’ While he was deep in thought he discover numerous figures entering his spiritual sense domain.

He then told the Tree Tiger to stop and told Phina “Be ready to battle we got numerous incoming enemies.”

“Use this chance to familiarize yourself with your new weapon, I have Green help you in fending off these enemies.”

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