The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 672

Chapter 672

Chapter 672: CHAPTER 642 FISH?

“Judging from the heavenly Qi surrounding the two Star Source and the direction of where they descended I narrow three worlds that he is now in.”

“Saint Monster World a world where the beast race and the beastman rules, it is a high grade world because it has more than 10 Saints on it.”

“Crystal Sea World a world governed by two powers from the elemental race, the Crystal Man race and the Aqua Spirit race. Just like the Saint Beast World it is a high grade world with more than ten saints. Not only this world is considered a high grade world it is also connected to a much higher plane, The Ashura Demon Realm and The Seven Sin Demon Realm.”

“And lastly the Plant Demon World, a world where demons and demonic plants rules, the ruler of the world is a being stronger than a Saint called the Beguiling Flower Empress.”

Sans and the other nodded as they felt grateful she shared this knowledge to them, during all of this time they have always been contacting with the Demon Fox Clan because of the pressure they are now experiencing from the invasion of the Chaos Beasts.

From what they had learned worlds are extremely large but larger than them are called existence planes which connected with different worlds.

Chaos World is considered a medium grade world but it is now considered a subordinate world of one of the high grade world the Holy Chaos World ruled by an existence stronger than a Saint the Lord of Chaos.


Sans then asks “In all three of these worlds, which do you think have the highest probability that holds master.”

“From the density of the monster Qi emitted by the two stars the world that has the highest probability of hosting your lord right now is the Saint Monster World.” The Demon Fox Clan’s ancestor spoke in a highly confident manner.

“Monster Qi?” Leafinia frowns as she heard this term, she doesn’t know why but it felt familiar to her.

The twelve-tailed fox ancestor explains “Monster Qi is a type of energy that is quite compatible to our race, this is the reason why the beast race and the beastman race are the rulers of Saint Monster World.”

Sans and the others nodded, Yshelia then asks “Is there any way that we could go there or even just send a message there?”

The twelve-tailed fox ancestor shook her head and said “All world’s have a barrier protecting it so invaders wouldn’t be able to just enter it.”

Mary became confused so does the others “If it’s like that then why did our world got invaded that easily?”

The twelve-tailed fox ancestor sighed and her expression became sad and depressed “Because our world is incomplete and even if it was in it’s complete state our enemy could still destroy the barrier protecting this world.”

The people in the room sighed but Sans gaze is still as determined as ever “Since there is a way to break the barrier of a world I will try to do so!”

The twelve-tailed fox ancestor smiles as she looks at Sans with appreciation, she then shook her head and said “You guys don’t need to worry that much, all of you know how strong and capable your lord is so don’t worry believe in him.”

Hearing this the people inside the room blanked out before looking at each other and smiling, Sans then left the room but before he left he said this “I believe in my lord so as his trusted knight I will do my best and protect this kingdom he had built.”

The people inside the room started getting up and leave, before they felt a bit unconfident because of the lack of Shadowslash’s presence but now that they know that he is alive and judging from the phenomenon that they had seen they knew that his strength have once again increased.

Back to where Shadowslash is he was now looking at the many body of beasts in front of him, the bodies of the three overlords is also in the pile.

Most of these beasts are of high quality and all of them have high grade bloodline, if any other beasts saw this pile they would immediately be tempted to take them.

But for Shadowslash this pile has other use for him, he was extremely excited for what’s going to happen.

He waw now trying to summon another companion and it wasn’t only one but two, he wanted to summon a twin type monster and the tribute he was offering were the piles in front of him.

His eyes was now blazing with excitement now that he was in a different world he wanted to know if it would have a different effect on his summoning skill.

[Preparation is now complete.]

Herring this he immediately acted and took out two drops of his essence, the drops of bloods that stays under his heart.

Throwing the two essence into the pile he sat in a lotus position and starts to let out a large amount of energy.

The pile of beasts started glowing as a magic circle or a rune circle appeared surrounding the pile of beasts.

The the pile of beasts started dispersing at incredible rate but just as Shadowslash became ecstatic the sky darkens once again and pressure from when he was experiencing the baptism once again descended.

‘What the actual f*ck is happening!’ He cursed inwardly just as he thought he was the one bring targeted he realized that the heaven seems to be targeting the pile of beasts.

[Master please do not disrupt the process, the heavenly thunder needed to descend on the center of the summoning ritual, this process is needed to complete the Summoning.]

After knowing this he finally calms down and continue to use his energy to support the ritual and this time he was giving it his all.

Before he was confident that Hentai is able to success quite easily but now that the summoning ritual seems to be different from before he could only give it his best to help it.

Thunder rumbles continuously and snake like lightning starts to move around the dark clouds, suddenly the center of the dark clouds opens and a bright light descended on the summoning ritual.

This event stuns him but finally he realizes that something horrifying is coming, this thought just pass and a giant golden dragon that is entirely made up of lighting descended.

Boom! A powerful explosion occured and the impact shook the entire forest, fortunately Shadowslash is strong enough to not be blown away.

The runes circles dims down causing Shadowslash’s expression to change as he hurriedly sent more energy to Hentai, the dim runes brightens up once again.

After the golden dragon a piercing cry that seems to pierce to the soul was heard, then a phoenix covered in crimson flame appeared but just like the golden dragon it isn’t a real thing.

It flew towards the ritual and causing a powerful explosion equal to the power of the golden dragon before.

The third came a white tiger, the fourth was a black turtle, the fifth was a kirin but the last ones were the ones truly terrifying.

Two terrifying fish appeared, one black and one white both seemingly covers everything and nothing at the same time.

They flew towards the summoning ritual and a piercing brightness occured causing Shadowslash who was watching near the area to close his eyes.

He also felt a piercing pain from his mind as he realised his spiritual sense seems to be devoured by something.

This process continue for a couple of hours before he was finally able to open his eyes but what greeted him were the miniature version of the two fish that descended on the sky.

At first he was given a fright but as he continue to look at these two fish he realised that he actually felt very intimate with them.

While he was confused the two fish flashes into black and white light and entered his head or more accurately his spiritual world.

This should alarmed him but he doesn’t know why but he wasn’t afraid nor alarmed when the two entered one of his most precious area his soul.

[Summon Successful]

[Spiritual Yuan Fish have been secured]


Species: Yin and Yang Spiritual Yuan Fish (Summoned)

Race: Spirit

Grade: Heavenly Creature

Level: 0

Attributes: Spirit/Yin/Yang

Spirit Qi: Tied to Host

Elemental Energy: [Spirit Qi: Tied To Host], [Yin Qi: 0th Tier], [Yang Qi: 0th Tier]

Skills: [Spirit Beam]

Racial Trait: [Spiritual Link], [Yin and Yang Manifestation], [Spiritual Refinement], [Spiritual Absorption]

Passive Abilities: None

Active Abilities: None

Forbidden/Berserk Ability: [Yin and Yang Explosion]


‘Level 0’ When he finished reading the information from these two fish he was confused as to why they seems to be incredibly weak. josei

[Their level increases as Master feeds them with spiritual sense or spiritual essence.]

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