The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 674

Chapter 674

Chapter 674: CHAPTER 644 MINING

“That is just one of the reasons my lord, the main reasons why our two tribes went to war is because we both covets each other’s territory.”

“Our Iron Boar Tribe has a large amount of stored iron on our reserves but because of it there are no parts of this mountain sustainable for plants to grow.”

“On the other hand the Long Armed Monkey Tribe has land but because they rely more on their weapons to reign on their territory they desire our mine reserved.”

Shadowslash nodded as back when he was killing the men from the two tribes he realised that the tribesman of the Long Armed Monkey Tribe relies on their weapons to defend and attack more than their body.

Upon thinking about it he had another idea for the iron reserved and how to mend and strengthens the relationship between the two tribes.

“Okay I want you to send a letter to the Long Armed Monkey Tribe and tell them that they should bring their chief and some of their capable men here.”

Without hesitation the Iron Boar Tribe chief left and quickly wrote a letter to the Long Armed Monkey Tribe, he was happy inwardly as he finally found someone that would bear the pressure with him.


Shadowslash’s presence was just too great, even though the two of them were just chatting he still felt his life was hanging on a ledge ready to fall in any second.

Shadowslash stays on the cave and continue to experiment on his two new eyes, after experimenting on it some more he discover more and more abilities of his two eyes.

Three days later, the Long Armed Monkey Tribe have finally arrived the appearance of the people from the tribe were extremely exhausted.

They had rushed into this place once they received the message from the messager bird, fortunately for them the beasts on the forest became inactive because of the fear from the event that Shadowslash have caused prior before he reached the Iron Boar Tribe.

Shadowslash back on the cave opens his eyes, both eyes were entirely black except for the pupils which is light blue in color it has a mysterious attractive aura coming from it.

This was the new skill he had created, a eye technique that puts the target in an extremely lifelike illusion.

With the strength of his spiritual sense and the power of his soul power together with the help of the Yin and Yang Spirit Yuan Fish

Also during these past three days all the two have ever done was refining the spiritual essence he had given them.


Name: Chaos (Yin)/ Harmony (Yang)

Race: Spirit

Species: Yin and Yang Spiritual Yuan Fish (Summon)

Grade: Heavenly Creature

Level: Silver Rank

Attributes: Spirit/Yin/Yang

Spirit Qi: Tied to Host

Elemental Energy: [Spirit Qi: Tied To Host], [Yin Qi: Pseudo Earth Tier], [Yang Qi: Pseudo Earth Tier]

Skills: [Spirit Beam], [Yin and Yang Explosion]

Racial Trait: [Spiritual Link], [Yin and Yang Manifestation], [Spiritual Refinement], [Spiritual Absorption], [Yin and Yang Spirit Eyes], [Spiritual Devouring]

Passive Abilities: None

Active Abilities: None

Forbidden/Berserk Ability: [Spirit Enslavement]


If it were anyone else they would have a hard time increasing the level of these two but with his soul strength and his capacity it is easy for him to do so.

His eyes then became white before turning into golden in color, this is the a combination of his dragon eyes and the power of the [Yin and Yang Spirit Eyes].

With these eyes he could increase his pressure on his target’s soul and he discover that as long as he continue to develop his golden eye it would definitely become a trump card for him in the future.

Unfortunately because of how hard it is to control and the fact that he just recently acquire this ability he wasn’t able to use both eyes at the same time, there is also a time limit of one minute for how long he could stay in either state.

Hearing the footsteps that were approaching the cave he is now residing he shut his eyes close, he doesn’t want to harm his current subordinates as they are now the foundation of his power on this world.

The monkey chief and the boar chief entered the cave, both hate each other very much but neither is now thinking of fighting they are only thinking how to survive this session with Shadowslash.

Shadowslash nodded in satisfaction as he realised how fast the monkey chief have arrived, traveling here should take at least a week and there is also a fact that there is many danger in the forest but they have arrived here in only 3 days.

What he didn’t know is that he is the biggest reason why they are able to arrive quickly, back in the present the two were now trembling under his gaze.

He opens his mouth and speak “I’ll cut to the chase, I want your two tribes to work together and create a city.”

Hearing this the two chiefs were startled, they then look at him on confusion as they are still processing what he meant by build a city.

“I want your two tribes to build a city between the three territories of the Red Fox Village, the Iron Boar Tribe and the Long Armed Monkey Tribe.”

The two looks at each other and saw hesitation in both of their eyes, seeing this Shadowslash did not get angry as he only asks them calmly “Is there anything either of the two of you wants to add?”

After a minute of silence the monkey chief took in a deep breath and spoke “My lord, it is not because we are reluctant to follow your order it’s just the fact that the location that corresponds to your requirement is in the forest.”

“As a resident of the forest I could confidently say that it is an extremely dangerous place.”

Shadowslash smiles as he had already guessed this was the worry of the two “Do not worry, I’ll be responsible for security in the city.”

Hearing this the two looks at each other and nodded as they had have confidence that he is able to secure their safety.

He then adds “Once the city is built the three forces would be able to trade, this city would definitely be beneficial for your two tribes.”

The two became confused as they knew what each other’s value was and the only thing that seems to be a value to them is their territories.

Seeing the two looking very confused Shadowslash just smiles as he already have a plan in mind.

After discussing with the two some more they then agrees that when there is enough able man on either tribe they would immediately start building the city.

Shadowslash nodded as he knew that killing most of the warriors in the two tribes have cause the number of their able bodied men to dwindle.

He then told the Long Armed Monkey Tribe chief and his tribesman that they would be able to obtain iron once the city is built making the entire group to be ecstatic.

Summoning his clone to escort them back he then started counting the number of men that their tribe have brought.

It seems that unlike the Iron Boar Tribe that mostly have younger men and women the Long Armed Monkey Tribe still has some able bodied men in their tribe.

But he wasn’t surprised, for the Long Armed Monkey Tribe they needed a lot of capable warriors to protect their territory since they reside inside the forest.

Because they reside in such bountiful forest they wouldn’t get hungry if there was no threat but the Iron Boar Tribe is different, their territory is barren and isn’t suitable for any regular plants to grow.

Not to mention their appetite is also quite large, so them putting restriction in their number is very understandable.

Back on the Iron Boar Tribe Shadowslash have gathered all the able man and strong woman in the tribe.

He then passed them many pickaxe that Hentai have made, the Iron Boar Tribe mines the iron ore quite crudely so he was here to teach them how to properly mine.

They don’t do anything but just smash the rocks that contains the ore and tries to smelt it right away to turn the rock into ashes.

It was simply too crude on his standard, without hesitation he then told them the steps that he knew regarding mining.

Because this world is a different world he had to add other steps to it, mining in this world full of mystical abilities is actually much easier compared to mining back on his first world. josei

The tribesman then started picking up their pickaxe and went to their mine pit, because their tools are much more handy than before all of the tribesman felt happy.

Especially the woman, they have always been just seen as carrier of a man seed so they always felf inferior but Shadowslash didn’t look at their gender he looks at their capability.

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