The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 692

Chapter 692


The others still felt scared, the notoriety of Rune Beasts are well known and people both admire and fear them, each Rune Beasts have their own specialty and each one of them would be able to reach the supreme state of their specialty.

Shadowslash saw this and he decided to release his scarabs, immediately the entire room is filled with buzzing noises, the giant tree that had already formed it’s consciousness suddenly trembles.

But sensing that the scarabs doesn’t hold any hostility with it and the fact that they have Shadowslash’s aura, the tree immediately calms down.

Everyone inside the room felt the tremor earlier and their gaze couldn’t help but become transfixed to the giant green core in front of them.

Meowy then seemed to realised something and said “There is a chance that a plant would obtain its own sentience after countless of years, it seems that this world tree have already developed its own sentience.”

The three leaders were shocked by this, but the expression of Meowy is that of confusion, Lionheart who always treasure knowledge couldn’t help but ask “Tribe chief Meowy is there something wrong?”

Meowy shook her head but her expression stays the same, upon seeing that she is deep in thought, left guardian decided to explain her confusion “Plants would obtain sentience after countless of years of existing but the higher the grade the tree is the harder for it to fully forms it’s consciousness.”


Hearing this a look of realization appeared on Lionheart’s face, this tree in front of them is no ordinary tree, it is a void class tree, it is considered one of the highest class of being in this universe.

Shadowslash saw all of this and said “Tribe chief Meowy’s confusion is not unfounded, the truth is that high class plants already have their own sentience but they cannot fully form their own sentient form.”

He then thought of Leafinia and said “The reason that the great Sky Piercing Tree have submitted to me because I have the aura of its kind.”

“Not to mention, I could grant its wish to form it’s sentient form.”

Meowy was about to say that it was impossible but after thinking about the miracle that he had shown to them, she shut her mouth.

Everyone believes him, seeing this he felt gratified, he then pointed at the scarabs and said “The tree have trembled earlier because it had sensed something that could pose a threat to it.”

The others then directed their gaze at the buzzing bugs in front of them, they were confused as to why the void class tree was afraid of them.

Suddenly a flash of light appears on the eyes of Meowy and Lionheart, the two of them shouted at the same time “Rune Beasts!”

Quickly the three leaders of Mortal City who were observing the scarabs up close and personal stumble backwards, their faces were pale because of fear.

Shadowslash laughs at their reaction and said “You guys don’t need to worry, these little critters are my subordinates, they wouldn’t harm anyone as long as I don’t tell to.”

The others were amazed by this, Meowy and the two guardians were the ones that felt the most surprised by this information, because they belong to a former Supreme Tribe they knew how much difficult for it to subdue a Rune Beast. josei

“These little critters are called Primordial Rune Scarabs, their rune is the devouring rune, just like what their rune name suggest, their strongest ability is to devour.”

Hearing this, Meowy seems to recall something and she started trembling as she asks him “Venerable Shadowslash do you know what kind of ancestor these little creatures have?”

Of course Shadowslash knew but this information came from his second world, judging from Meowy’s expression she knew more information about his scarabs.

“These scarabs have the greatest number in the Rune Beasts community since they could be spawned by Ancient Jewel Scarabs, even though their parents are extremely rare it, they could still found in most worlds.”

Shadowslash already knew this but considering how Meowy knew this information, it seems that he still has little information about these scarabs.

“Ancient Jewel Scarabs could be spawned by Poisonous Corpse Eating Scarabs but because of their innate limitation they could easily be eradicated by powerful individuals.”

Lionheart then spoke “I also have information about Ancient Jewel Scarabs and Poisonous Corpse Eating Scarabs but to think that they are related to these Rune Beasts, it is very unbelievable.”

Meowy nodded “Yes, the number of Rune Beasts shouldn’t be that great and only Rune Beasts begets Rune Beasts, so these scarabs became one of the most confusing thing to everyone in the higher plane.”

She then took out a book and said “In this book, information about Rune Beasts are recorded, in the section where the Primordial Rune Scarabs could be seen”

“Their information is stated as, Descendent Of Cosmo Insects, beings that heavens does not accept, they would bring chaos without leaving anything behind.”

Shadowslash’s eyes widen but after remembering the Cosmo Insects that he and the gray knight have fought on his second world, the two really have the same ability and temperament.

Meowy continue “Each Rune Beasts can bring about large amount of destruction but also blessing, for example in this book, the One Hundred Poison Worm could create a poison that serves as a powerful medicine that could help others.”

Shadowslash was quite surprised but looking at his little critters he realised that they only brought disaster and nothing else, fortunately he had subdued them immediately when they went amok on his second world.

He then said “Can you give me a copy of that book, I am really interested in knowing more information about other Rune Beasts.”

Without hesitation Meowy threw the book at him and bows “Venerable Shadowslash doesn’t need to wait, this book might be important but not as important as the debt my tribe owes you.”

Hearing this he smiles and store the book inside his space ring, this is only to fool everyone inside the room, he had given the book to Hentai to record all the information inside.

He then thought of something and said “Actually with these little critters we could slow down the One Hundred Poison Worm but this isn’t an absolute solution, if we give our enemy more time to improve, our chances of surviving would become lesser and lesser.”

The others nodded, without further discussion, Shadowslash and Meowy have decided to go to the Devil Cat Tribe territory and bring back the Saint flare.

The two guardians wanted to come but they knew that they would only slow down Shadowslash so they had decided to stay but their expression is full of worry.

Because of the fact that he is now leaving, Lionheart have been promoted as the temporary city lord which he vehemently doesn’t want to obtain.

He rather spends his time reading books and gathering more information, but in the end he still accepted the responsibility, he had no other choice.

Shadowslash pats his shoulder and said to him “I have great confidence in you, you are the only person I could trust to manage the entire city while I’m gone.”

Just these words are enough to convince him to accept the responsibility, he didn’t know why but he had the feeling that he wanted to impress Shadowslash and disappointing him seems to have become one of his worst fear.

Shadowslash transformed into his dragon form, Meowy rode his back as the two of them flew towards the direction of the Devil Cat Tribe at incredible speed.

Meowy is quite surprised by his ability to change form at will and even with her bloodline she could feel the bloodline suppression coming from him.

She became more curious of his origin but because she thinks that it would be disrespectful to just ask him she could only speculate in silence.

When they finally arrived at the Devil Cat Tribe territory, Meowy couldn’t help but tremble in anger, her once prosperous and grand home have become a toxic wasteland.

Colorful gas could be seen covering the entire place, Shadowslash then dove down surprising her, just as they were about to submerged into the toxic gas she felt she was covered by something.

She then saw that even though they are now inside the toxic wasteland the colorful gas doesn’t get close to either of them.

But because of the thick gas, she wasn’t able to see much and she became confused as to where to go, she then looks at Shadowslash and saw that he wasn’t worried.

Actually if it weren’t for the fact that Vlaze soul is peak of Xiantian Emperor Realm, he would have used Chaos and Harmony’s [Spirit Enslavement] to subdue the One Hundred Poison Worm.

Not only he would obtain a true Rune Beast but also a powerful subordinate that could solve the problem that was plaguing his second world.

Especially now that they have once again rank up, but now that the One Hundred Poison Worm have Saint Qi protecting it, it’s now impossible to use such skill.

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