The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 696

Chapter 696


While the two were marveling about their ancestor, Shadowslash on the other hand realised that as long as he continue to get stronger, he would be able to increase the overall strength of his second world.

When the two finally come out of the room, he immediately sat in a lotus position and continue absorbing the spirit Qi of the surrounding.

Meanwhile his consciousness is transfered to his clone that was leading the Saints, when he saw that they had already arrived at the territory of the One Hundred Poison Worm, he spoke.

“Be careful venerables, the One Hundred Poison Worm could control it’s poisonous gas, even though it hadn’t had enough time to refine much powerful poison, as a Rune Beast it is still considered powerful.”

One of the Saints snorted, the others were also displeased, Shadowslash could only smile bitterly when he saw this, he knew that these Saints felt that he was underestimating them too much.

He could only silently mourn for them, without any surprises, the One Hundred Poison Worm appeared, it was now controlling Vlaze.

Vlaze appearance have changed, it’s body was pure white, it had a pair of butterfly wings that seems to have hypnotic ability, each flap of the wings would produce tiny particles that glows.


Shadowslash expression became solemn, he realised unlike the Saints from his side, the One Hundred Poison Worm gives him more pressure, he doesn’t know if it’s just because he was using the body of his clone or just his sharp instinct.

The Saints doesn’t dare to make the first move, it seems that they have also sensed the danger that was emitting from the One Hundred Poison Worm.

Knowing that there should be a volunteer to make a first move, he could only sigh and decided to sacrifice his clone, he then looks at the Saints and said “Everyone, it seems that Sky Piercing Tree have once again activates it’s curse, but don’t worry, it seems that it was only affecting Saints.”

Immediately the Saints that have some idea about the Sky Piercing Tree became furious, but before they could blow a fuse Shadowslash continue on his explanation.

“It seems that this is something that it had done because of the danger that the One Hundred Poison Worm impose on it.”

The others could not refute his reason, they then look at the One Hundred Poison Worm with great hostility, since they were already certain that the Sky Piercing Tree is the reason why their world is connected to the higher plane of existence, all the things that threatens it also threatens their interest.

However none of them still dares to make the first move, none of them wanted to become the cannon fodder in the fight.

Shadowslash could only snort in disdain inwardly, without hesitation he lets out a loud roar and his clone started transforming into a giant fox.

But before he could attack, the One Hundred Poison Worm let’s out a loud shriek as it’s white body starts changing colors, it looks very mesmerizing.

It then charged towards the closest individual without hesitation, Shadowslash who was the closest immediately realised that he was the target, even though he knew he was not a match against the One Hundred Poison Worm using the body of his clone, he still doesn’t want to surrender.

He then opens his mouth and spat out a dragon breath towards the charging One Hundred Poison Worm, the worm let’s out a loud shriek and the gas on the surrounding blocks the dragon breath.

Seeing this, Shadowslash spreads his arms wide and his claws became longer and were covered with black flames.

Swish! Swish! The sharp Qi flew towards the gas but this doesn’t cause any harm to the worm, it opens it’s mouth and fired a fast beam that nearly pierces the clone’s body.

Shadowslash managed to tilt his body to the side dodging the lethal beam but this doesn’t meant that he was safe, the worm continue to fire beams at him.

He transformed back to his human form dodging the beams, he then opens his mouth and breaths out large amount of smoke that conceal him.

The other Saints watch the battle from afar, they are still evaluating the combat strength of the worm, they are quite surprised by how nimble Shadowslash move.

The worm could no longer see it’s target, so it looks at the other Saints and charge towards them without any sign of fear, the Saints that were watching the fight hadn’t thought that the worm would abandon Shadowslash and actually targets them.

Since they could no longer watch and evaluate the strength of the worm, all of them decided to quickly finish the battle.

Attacks were thrown at the worm but because of its toxic characteristics, the Saints doesn’t dare to approach it and only attacks at a distance.

Shadowslash who was hiding in the clouds of smoke, watched as the worm tries to capture one of the Saint, he realised that the worm has no combat experience and was only fighting on instinct.

His eyes then brightens, he realised he could use the Saints to obtain the worm, as long as they could deal some serious injuries on it, then he would be able to use [Spirit Enslavement].

The Saints became more and more experienced dealing against the worm, just like Shadowslash they had also discover the worm’s weakness.

But as time passes by, the expression of the Saints became more uglier, they realised that the worm started to become stronger and it’s attack pattern became more powerful and lethal.

Shadowslash also realised this, he couldn’t help but curse at the cowardice of the Saints inwardly, he knew that if this continue on, then the situation of Mortal City would become more and more dire.

The Saints also had this thought and all of them started attacking using their full strength but they still doesn’t dare to fight at close quarter.

The worm got better at dodging and it’s attacks became more precise, not to mention it’s speed is also quite fast.

It then managed to get closer with one of the Saint, the Saint that looks like a lizard with iron scales knew that he wouldn’t be able to escape, speed isn’t his forte.

Knowing this he could only fight with the One Hundred Poison Worm in close range, the worm was hit by his tail and immediately it was thrown to the ground. josei

But before it was thrown it managed to grab the tail of the lizard and with the help of the attacks from other Saints, it managed to bring the lizard with it.

Shadowslash shook his head and thought that the Saints truly doesn’t care about their teammates, without hesitation he also dove into the thick colorful gas.

Even though he knew that this was the territory of his enemy, he doesn’t want to leave it alone, he is not tempted to obtain it as a tamed monster.

He realised that he should have send his real body, using his clone is too much of an hindrance but he knew that it is too dangerous to move personally.

The Saints flying in the air could no longer see the two but they could still sense where is the location of the two, after all the commotion that the two creates when they are battling is just too eye catching.

The lizardman was now having a hard time, not only his whole surrounding is filled with poisonous gas making him unable to breath normally but he also have to fight against the One Hundred Poison Worm.

Suddenly numerous attacks descended towards them, the lizardman knew that it was the other Saints that are responsible for all of this.

He couldn’t help but become furious, he was already expending large amount of energy to keep the gas away from but now he also needs to defend from attacks of his own group.

Shadowslash was using his powerful spiritual sense to watch the entire event, he isn’t able to approach the fight because of the intensity of the attacks.

The lizardman let’s out a roar and flew up but before he could get away, a fast beam hits him on the chest causing him to fly backwards because of the force.

Fortunately for him, he had tough iron scales but still, taking a direct cause him some damage, he puts his arm on his chest and felt the sizzling poison that is now melting his scales.

He got up and once again tries to get away but numerous beams were fired on his direction, because of the last attack he was now prepared.

Just as he managed to dodge every beam, the worm managed to arrive close to him without him being able to sensed him.

Bang! He was hit on the stomach with a powerful punch, the One Hundred Poison Worm use the gas and blends its own aura with it to catch the lizardman on surprise.

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