The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 722

Chapter 722


The chaos world army’s elites have already started moving, Shadowslash was a bit surprised to see just how strong they are, in terms of power, they are multiple times much stronger than their side.

His plan to stall for time became more and more impossible to accomplish, and just like he had predicted, the chaos beasts manage to break through the line of defense that the marine beasts have made and started reaching the edge of the island.

The elites were unlike the mindless chaos beasts, they are much smarter and they easily took care of all the wounded marine beasts they had encountered, the number on Shadowslash’s side started dwindling down.

Old man emerald was having a hard time dealing with the injured marine beasts, even though there are some marine beasts that also have healing skills, their healing is much slower compared to the pace of the marine beasts being injured.

Shadowslash knew that the reinforcement wouldn’t arrive that quickly and could only tell LS to command his subordinates to retreat towards the other side of the island using the portal that he had built.

The island was situated in a unique location, it was blocking the entrance of the chaos world, the chaos world army could go around the island but they need to pass through the inhabitated island that is now filled with the world’s restriction because of their own doing.

The chaos world commander also doesn’t want to let Shadowslash escape and would definitely attack the island, the number of marine beasts became more and more lesser as they continue retreating to the other side.


The chaos world commander and the other intelligent ones of course have realised this, they wanted to investigate what was happening but because of the scarabs interference they had a hard time accomplishing this task.

Especially the Solar Rune Scarabs that could even deal massive blow to a group of elite chaos knights, the chaos world army doesn’t want to meaninglessly lose their lives so they could only focus on getting to the island.

Shadowslash continue protecting the marine beasts as they continue to retreat, he had taken all the corpses that he could acquire, he doesn’t want to do this but he knew that with the ability of the cloaked individuals that resembles that of a necromancer or a lich, leaving corpses behind is a bad idea.

He could only promise to either give their bodies to their descendant or bury them to Defender Island or the islands that are near, the marine beasts actually doesn’t want to retreat because the world have influenced them.

Fortunately for them, LS’s dragon aura is that of a divine beast, he is able to calm them down even after they were influenced by the world’s intent.

Shadowslash let’s out a loud roar and charge towards the cluster of chaos beasts after seeing that many more marine beasts were being killed, he did not use his true aura and copies one of the marine beast.

His appearance did not attract that much attention but when he started his wanton slaughter, he quickly became the prime target for the elite chaos knights, he knew that he had achieved his goal already and quickly swam towards the deepest part of the sea.

The elite chaos knights chase after him riding chaos beasts that are adept at swimming but they couldn’t catch up to him, not to mention it was very dark, a suitable environment for Shadowslash to fade out.

The elite chaos knights stops their pursuit and started returning back to the shore but before they could come out of the ocean, one of them attacks a teammate and continue killing more before running away.

This caused chaos for the group, as they continue to swam back up, one after another, their very own teammates started attacking them, the chaos beasts were also killed but at least not one of them attacked their riders.

When they finally got back up, they quickly jump off of their ride and separated with one another, they look at each other vigilantly, the strange action garner attention to some of the elite chaos knights.

Their commander also looks at their direction, even though he hadn’t receive any information, he had deduced what was happening and his killing intent immediately erupted.

He then nodded towards the cloaked individuals, they stop theif chanting and change it into a different one, large amount of chaos Qi, spirit Qi and death converged towards them.

Shadowslash who was watching everything under the sea had already had his guard up, he is curious on what they are gonna do, he knew that the chaos world commander have realised something but he wasn’t confident if he had discovered his identity.

Suddenly his expression changed as he quickly swam towards the island with incredible speed, he doesn’t know what was happening but his instinct told them that it was incredibly dangerous for him.

The cloaked chaos beings finished their chant, a gray beam flashes towards a specific direction hitting a marine beasts, but oddly enough the beam didn’t hurt the beast but only marked it.

The chaos world commander have already made his move when the beam flew, his attack was also a beam but it is white in color, just when it was about to hit the beast, a shocking situation occured.

The beast that was marked by the gray mark full of chaos Qi and death Qi transformed into a giant dragon that exudes thick world force but even after this the dragon was thrown backward by the powerful white beam.

Shadowslash was the marine beast, he knew that the situation isn’t looking too good for him at the moment, when he had sensed the incoming gray beam, his instinct told him that it was bad news for him.

The white beam was also bad news for him but not as much as the gray beam, without any hesitation he use the power of the white beam to propel himself towards the island but after taking the blow he realised that it was too powerful for him to take and he hurriedly shifted his body but his left chest was destroyed.

He couldn’t help but inwardly winced in pain but he still felt relieved that he managed to get away, the chaos world commander became furious because his target managed to survive his attack.

He then commanded his subordinates to continue advancing towards the island at all cost, meanwhile inside the island, numerous trees and land was destroyed because of Shadowslash.

He spat out a mouthful of blood, half of his chest was destroyed and because of the Saint Qi residing on it, the wound wasn’t regenerating, if he couldn’t activate his regeneration he wouldn’t be able to transform.

He then summoned out Toxic and told him to continue to strengthen the toxic gas now that the chaos world army have decided to advance into the island.

Looking at the destroyed part of the island, he couldn’t help but feel regretful, he hadn’t thought that the forces of the chaos world would attack so early, his preparation isn’t complete yet.

He knew that they might abandoned the island causing all of his work to be useless after this, he could only sigh and knew that this might be the last time that this island will exist in this world. josei

A fight between Saints would definitely destroy this island, unlike most open worlds, their world is still immature and it still haven’t created a law for Saints that is why advancing to Saint Realm in this world is impossible.

FD have also return back to the island but his entire body was full of wounds, even with his domineering black flame armor, he still wasn’t a match against his opponent.

Old man emerald quickly approached him and started healing his wound, but his expression immediately changed once he started doing so.

He can’t heal the wounds, his expression became more grave as time passes by, he realised that he cannot heal the wounds in just a short amount of time.

FD also realised this after sensing that his wounds were only recovering bit by bit, he knew that he would just be wasting his friend’s energy so he quickly spoke “Emerald just stop, it’s okay I’ll just rest for bit, with my vitality and regeneration, these wounds of mine would definitely disappear.”

He knew that his friend was only saying this for him to stop wasting his energy but he turns a deaf ear into it and continue to heal him.

Some scarabs flew towards FD and latched on him, Old man emerald was confused but he suddenly widens his eyes in surprise as he saw the scarabs absorbing some kind of energy, this in turn increase FD’s regeneration ability.

He quickly had a realization, he looks at Shadowslash and saw that he was doing the same thing as FD, he quickly puts his arm on FD’s back once again and push his lifeforce unto him.

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