The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 748

Chapter 748


They then went to Clwyd’s territory, Shadowslash was a bit confused as to why Sans still haven’t returned, but he wasn’t worried about him, no matter how ferocious a fallen fierce beast is, Sans is someone considered to be one of the strongest powerhouse of this world.

Shadowslash was taken aback when he and the three Gals got closer to Clwyd’s territory, because it looks extremely different compared to the past, the spot is now covered with snow and it is as wide as a medium sized province.

He then use his yang Qi to cover himself with heat, because he cannot use his Xiantian Qi just like before, he use this method instead, for the three Gals they don’t have to do anything as their Xiantian Qi would automatically prevent the cold from harming them.

But as they got closer to Clwyd’s main territory, the temperature started becoming colder, if it was any ordinary Gold Rank or Marrow Tempering Rank individual then they would have froze to death.

Shadowslash eyebrow rose as he realised that his friend have become powerful enough to actually cause such a change, he started advancing, he realised as he got deeper the number of beasts started to become lesser but the number of plants seems to doesn’t changed.

When they finally reached the final destination, Shadowslash eyes open wide when he saw a blue skinned individual that was wearing an incredibly awesome battle armor, he had a pair of wings that would change into solid/frozen and liquid in a certain amount of seconds.

The blue skinned individual has a curly hair that doesn’t suit his appearance, Shadowslash immediately knew who it was, that’s what had shocked him, because the person that was in front of him was his dear friend Clwyd!


He had always thought that he had managed to formed a physical form but he hadn’t expected him to transform into a humanoid form, after all he is an elemental and they are very different compared to beasts.

Clwyd was sleeping while standing, it seems that this was his cultivation method, Shadowslash knew this because he sensed the water and ice energy flowing towards him, they did not disturb him and they quietly left.

Shadowslash sighed inwardly, he sensed his friend’s aura and knew that he had reached Saint Realm, it seems that even if his cultivation would return, he would still be the person that has the lowest cultivation rank in his family. josei

This made him glum but he quickly recovers and decided to double down on his cultivation when his strength finally returns, they went to Rose’s territory, since Clwyd is unavailable at the moment, Shadowslash was actually quite curious about the changes that had occured on the Everlasting Dark Rose.

When they reached the location, the entire place was covered with roses, it looks like they entered a rose garden but all the roses are black rose, the three Gals wanted to make a path by destroying the thorny roses but Shadowslash stops them.

He sensed that the roses have a familiar aura, not to mention, they seemed to be connected to one source, he release his aura and the roses started moving as if they were alive, they parted and quickly made a path for him that leads to the center of the garden.

Some of the roses flew and became crowns then transformed into tiny humanoid figures that has pointy ears and small wings, they are like Yshelia but only miniature, it seems that they are fairies but what was confusing is that they are all females.

But Shadowslash quickly realised the reason, the Everlasting Dark Rose have evolved from Bewitching Dark Rose, the crows were loyal followers of Rose but during his absence, it seems that they have become a part of her.

He smiled and the four of them advanced towards the center of the garden, wolves started appearing but they are hidden in the deep cover of the bushes, they are looking at the four of them but they don’t have any hostile thought.

They all observed Shadowslash with curiosity and interest, they are the clan members of the Dark Wolves that had swore loyalty to him in the past, they are stily loyal to the empire and were considered one of the elites in the empire’s assassin organization.

The four arrived at the center of the garden, in the garden there was a giant black rose that emits an incredibly tempting aura and scent, the expression of Daisy quickly changes, she was shocked because she was affected, so does the other two Gals.

They have never been in this location, before they spend most of their time helping Leviathan but after the Invincible kingdom finally went on the right track with the help of the mermaid queen and the sea dragon princess, the three Gals left and went to Thousand Forest Continent.

They were warmly accepted and was even granted access to Safehaven Paradise, when they first arrive inside the legendary place of Thousand Race Empire, they were shaken to their very soul, they quickly falls in love with the place.

But during their time in this place they don’t visit the territory of the powerhouses, it was a form of respect from them but now that they have met two of the reclusive powerhouses of Safehaven Paradise, they realised that this place wsd truly terrifying, even without Sans and Leafinia, the empire would still have the title of the number one power of Gaia.

Rose who has an appearance that is equal to Leafinia’s divine beauty quickly flew towards Shadowslash and hugs him, just like the attitude of her subordinates, she was extremely loyal to him.

Shadowslash smiles and rubs he head, she had grown to a mature lady from a young lady, but her body have changed to accommodate her ability, it was extremely tempting and she might even compare to the Succubus of the demon race.

Rose felt a burning gaze that was locking on her, the gaze was different from what she is familiar with, it felt like, the owner of the gaze wants to battle with her, making her incredibly confused.

She looks towards the source of the gaze and she quickly became daze as her eyes started to emit the light of infatuation, she quickly broke the effect and she became enraged, this was the first time she had been bewitched by an another being except for her master.

Of course she became pissed off, Shadowslash who was watching their interaction shook his head and laugh lightly, he knew that Daisy became furious when Rose tried to bewitched them earlier.

She had decided to have her taste her own medicine, the two locks on each other gaze and sparks immediately flew, just as they were about to battle, he decided to stop them and he told the Gals to leave for now.

Rose wanted to make it hard for them to leave but he gave her a stern gaze making her lower her head, because of this she hadn’t made it hard for the Gals, but she and Daisy have already formed a sense of rivalry.

The two had a chat, during this time period Rose have tried to tempt him, his will and soul is extremely powerful and her bewitching ability have no effect on him but he was attracted by her appearance.

He wasn’t interested in doing anything to her though, he was still waiting for Sans to return, he doesn’t want to delay his experiment, he wants to discover what had happened to his body first before thinking of other things.

The two ended their chat when Shadowslash received the news of Sans return, he obtain this news from the leftover control of Hentai over this realm, with the evolution of his soul, he could activate a part of Hentai that isn’t on his Nascent Soul.

He left the garden and one could see he was trembling excitement, they once again flew to the entrance of the chaos realm, when they arrive there, Sans was already present together with his knights.

They were forcefully restraining ten different types of beast, all of the beasts exudes fierce Qi, all of them are struggling with all they got just to get out of the soul chains that were wrapped around their body.

There was an elephant that is much bigger than a house, a lion that has a scorpion tail and a pair of wings, a horse that has dragon scales and horn, a frog that has hundreds of eyes all around it’s body, a blood red jiao, A giant black bird, a spider that is the size of a house, a beast that was standing on two legs and have numerous spikes on its back.

Finally there was a pair of bull that had the same appearance, unlike the other eight, the two bulls exudes an aura that belongs to mid stage Xiantian Emperor Realm, Shadowslash raised his eyebrow but when he carefully checks their aura, he realized that they aren’t truly in mid stage.

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