The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 761

Chapter 761


The seal was fine because it was carefully carried by Shadowslash, it was also protected by his Qi, the polar bear was truly the unlucky one of them all, but after vomiting for a while, it’s instinct quickly told it that there are numerous beings in the area that are much stronger than it.

It immediately shivers in fear, it ran towards it’s new master and started looking at the beasts and monsters in the area, if it’s master wasn’t here, it would have fainted in either shock or fear because of the number of powerful beings in the area.

The seal only looks at them with curiosity and nothing more, on it’s mind, as long as it’s father/master is present, even if the sky falls down, it wouldn’t be afraid, it had already formed this thought even though it hadn’t been with him that long.

A white gorilla that has thick fur covered in snow looks at their group and snorted but didn’t do anything, it was also carrying smaller gorillas that looks at them with curiosity, it and the seal looks at each and tilted their heads sideward at the same time.

Seeing that the seal was copying it’s action, the little gorilla started making noises but from it’s tone it wasn’t actually angry, it seems to be provoking the seal, the seal looks at it and started yapping like a puppy. josei

The solemn atmosphere was broke by the two mischievous kids, because of the noise that they are making, one giant bear that is as large as a bus let’s out a loud roar scaring the little gorilla and shocking the seal.

Seeing that it’s son was scared by the white bear, the white gorilla let’s out a roar seemingly challenging the bear, instantly the entire area became tense, the other monsters and beasts watch the scene with great interest.


For them, they don’t care who won, as long as the two beasts fight, then it would definitely lead to injury and even death, this would increase their chance obtaining the treasure for themselves, just as the two were about to battle, a loud snort was heard.

The snort seems to rang into the head of all the monsters and beasts in the area, they then saw Shadowslash raising his hand and made a grasping motion towards the white bear, the bear was stunned to realised that it started floating.

It’s expression started changing and it tried to struggle from the formless hand that was gripping it, it wanted to let out a roar but it was unable to, knowing that it’s life was in danger, it decided to use it’s trump card immediately.

Ice armor started forming around it’s body, it’s body also started getting bigger and it quickly became 1.5 times bigger than before, it also has a ice armor full of spikes, it’s eyes became bloody red.

But even after going berserk, it still couldn’t escape, it then flew towards Shadowslash, he started investigating it and realised that it has a high grade bloodline, he decided to extract them by condensing all of it’s blood and vitality into a drop of blood.

His slaughter image appeared behind him and it opens it’s mouth and quickly started draining the vitality of the white bear, he then grabs the polar bear that had served as his mount for a couple of days and started transferring the vitality of the white bear into it.

The polar bear felt invigorated, while it’s vitality was being drained away and it could only watch as it’s opponent do so despair quickly rose on the white bear’s heart, it sent a pitiful gaze towards it’s opponent, begging him to let it go.

Shadowslash continue absorbing it’s vitality, he also use his powerful spiritual sense to exclude the purer blood essence of the white bear, it only took a minute to completely obtain a high grade bloodline, it was much longer than he expected.

He looks at the sleeping polar bear and planted the pure Ice Bear King bloodline into it’s heart so that it would be able to spread throughout it’s body, it would take a couple of years before it would be able to fuse with the bloodline.

But this fact isn’t suitable if Shadowslash was on the picture, with his ability to manipulate bloodlines, he is able to create an opportunity or a curse for the beings involved, and as long as he is in this world, his control became much more horrifying.

He puts his hand on the polar bear and use his Qi to guide the pure essence to travel on its body, he also use his Qi to tempter the muscles and organs of the polar bear, with the large amount of vitality swimming on its body, it would be able to endure this.

The expression of the polar bear became scrunched up, even though it was in the state of hibernation where it’s mind was asleep, the pain still continue to torture it, but it’s aura slowly increases, it’s body started making cracking sounds that would horrify any normal man.

But everyone here weren’t even fazed but all of them looks at Shadowslash in fear, they realized that this fox that has a human body is quite terrifying, they wanted to retreat but their greed got the best of them and all of them looks at the treasure with reluctance.

Shadowslash knew what they were thinking and said nothing, he wasn’t here for the treasure, he is here to search for a suitable candidate to promote as a world guardian but everyone here is only at Xiantian to Xiantian King Realm.

They are too weak for his requirement, his requirement needed at least Supreme Xiantian Emperor, he sighed and decided to find some beasts to tame for Clwyd, after all if he wanted to create a kingdom, he needs subjects for it.

He looks at the gorilla and nodded, he flashes in front of it and stab it’s nerve causing it to freeze, it then watch in horror as he puts his hand on it’s heart but it quickly realised that it doesn’t feel any danger and gradually calms down.

The gorilla also saw his son making funny faces to the seal and the two of them continue to argue and the horrifying existence in front of him wasn’t releasing any hostile intention, after being certain that this gorilla had high grade bloodline which is at least Legendary Grade, he decided that it would be perfect for Clwyd.

He then told his intention to the gorilla via spiritual sense, the gorilla is unlike the normal beasts which have survived in this harsh environment, it had intelligence and strength to back it up.

The gorilla became stunned but it quickly accepted the proposal for it to submit, the being in front of it was extremely powerful, such individual is worthy to serve, as long as it is able to continue living, it would be able to get stronger.

Shadowslash nodded before leaving, he flew towards the direction of the treasure and saw a bright crystal ball that seems to exude a chilling air that is able to freeze everything, he stretches his hand towards it and ice started forming around his hand.

He narrows his eyes and his body started exuding extreme heat, the ice on his arm started disappearing but the crystal ball is really amazing, his hand was covered with his Qi earlier but ice still managed to form around it.

If he hadn’t use his yang Qi, his hand would had been frozen completely, he realised that this thing is quite precious, if Clwyd was able to obtain this treasure, he might be able to improve his Saint Qi.

The monsters and beasts in the area couldn’t help but feel dejected when they saw that he had obtained the treasure, but before they are able to become disappointed, they saw him put the crystal ball back to it’s spot and started looking at the area as it assessing it.

The pup seal which had been protected by his Qi was given a shock earlier, not by his powerful yang Qi but just how cold the crystal ball was, even though it was beast that was born to live in the cold, it still shivers when it sensed the cold energy coming out of the crystal ball.

Shadowslash have decided to create the foundation of Clwyd’s kingdom in this exact location, regarding the crystal ball, he wasn’t afraid that someone or something would take it, the coldness that exudes is too overbearing for anyone below Supreme Xiantian Emperors.

He quickly told Amethyst to call for Clwyd and told him about his plan, he then started building a portal that would connection Thousand Forest Continent and this continent.

He had cheat like ability to use the world force to increase his efficiency, with Banjo, they would be able to maintain the portal for a long time, because of his absence, everyone who were present in the area stares at the spot where the crystal ball is.

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