The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 766

Chapter 766


Shadowslash sensed a powerful bloodline coming from this behemoth and he couldn’t help but be interested on it, meanwhile, Illumise kneels in front of him and held his hand, tears were pouring on her eyes, she spoke in a gentle and caring manner “Dad, I have returned”.

Shadowslash was shocked, he knew that this being isn’t related to Illumise by blood, even without Amethyst, his ability to scan a body of any being is much more greater compared to ordinary beings.

His powerful spiritual sense is the reason for this, that is why he is confident that the behemoth in front of him doesn’t have any connection to Illumise, but only biological, he knew that if they aren’t connected by blood, then she might be adopted.

Not many of this world wanted to adopt a child, they put great importance towards bloodline, especially to the monsters, he couldn’t help but smile as he found a kindred spirit.

He had adopted many children of different races, he unconsciously done it because he just felt like it, maybe because he wanted to watch how they would grow up, would they became great people or broken ones.

He couldn’t help but think of his adopted children back on Beast Continent, he decided after choosing a world guardian in this place, he’ll go to there to see how they have been, he was fond of the two twin girls.

He then approached the behemoth and use his bloodline to stimulate his, instantly the energy inside the independent realm became chaotic, a dragon and a fox appeared, the one confronting the two images was a giant white figure standing on two legs.


The giant white figure was defeated but it puts up a fight, Shadowslash knew that it was a divine beast bloodline, only divine beast bloodline would dare to fight against his two origin bloodlines.

He started laughing, he had never thought that he would find a suitable individual in such a short amount of time, he actually wanted to test his personality because he doesn’t want to choose a wrong world guardian, but considering Illumise’s personality, he knew that she was raised with integrity.

He looks at the wounds and realized that they had a hint of power that came from a heavenly tribulation, he looks at Illumise and had a realization, he said “He was the one who received the heavenly tribulation for you, didn’t he?”

Illumise trembles slightly, but her sad expression and teary eyes said it all, Shadowslash also knew that such a being that had divine beast bloodline wouldn’t be easily hurt, but because it is a descendant of a divine beast, challenging the heaven resulted in his present state.

Divine beasts might be called as heaven’s blessed children but if they ever challenged, the amount of danger they experienced is much more scarier than any normal beings, many divine beasts deaths are because of this reason.

Shadowslash became more sure that this beast in front of him is a perfect candidate to be chosen as a world guardian, he then use his powerful spiritual sense to enter his spiritual world.

This is quite dangerous but after his soul transformation, going to another individual spiritual world is no longer as dangerous as before, when he pierced through the spiritual world, he immediately sensed that the world is quite silent and dull.

He couldn’t help but click his tongue, he realised that this behemoth soul was also injured, he was confused as to why he managed to easily pierced the barrier of his soul, almost like nothing hindered him.

He had thought that it was because of his powerful soul, he quickly use Grim’s power to awaken the soul of the behemoth, with the power injected into it, the spiritual world started to become active.

Then a figure that had the same appearance like the behemoth appeared, he looks confused, judging from the chaotic state that his spiritual world is and his own expression, he doesn’t remember anything.

Shadowslash knew that the behemoth needs a catalyst to stimulate his memory, he spreads out his arm and summoned a image of Illume, the image stunned the behemoth, his eyes started tearing up and he couldn’t help but approached the image.

He wanted to hug the image but because it’s just an image and the fact that he isn’t controlling his spiritual world correctly, the image broke like glass, he started trembling, before the situation got any worse, Shadowslash spoke.

“Please calm down, what you have seen is just an image copy of your daughter, I came here because of her and also because I need something from you” With his words, the behemoth gradually calms down.

The behemoth started recovering his memory, the energy that Shadowslash have given earlier is quite beneficial for the soul so the process of recovery is much more smoother than usual. josei

He then asks “Since you have been brought here by my daughter that means that you are quite close to her, do tell me, are you my son-in-law?”

Shadowslash was stunned, he had never thought that the behemoth would have this train of thought, he couldn’t help but chuckle bitterly and said “No, me and your daughter have no romantic relationship whatsoever.”

He then release his domineering aura that made the soul of the behemoth to shiver, he started introducing himself “I am Shadowslash! The ruler of Thousand Race Empire and the chosen one of this world.”

“I am here to appoint you as this world’s new world guardian!”

The behemoth became confused, Shadowslash knew why he was confused, he then explains what a world guardian is, what’s it’s duty and restrictions that he needs to abide, he then warns him that if he broke any rule or restriction that this world had imposed on him, he will be punished gravely.

The behemoth listens very carefully, he then nodded, he had accepted the duty of being this world’s guardian, he sighed and said “Tell Illumise that I might not be in her side anymore but I’ll do my best to protect this world, for her”.

Shadowslash was stunned, he then started laughing, he quickly said “Illumise is a seer, she already defies the heaven and because of it, her fate is no longer connected to this world, you don’t need to worry associating with her”.

He then left the spiritual world, Illumise quickly approaches him with an anxious expression, she knew that even with her request, if her father doesn’t pass the requirement, he wouldn’t be chosen.

Shadowslash smiles at her and said “Your father has a divine beast bloodline, his cultivation rank is also in Saint Realm, he has all the requirement to be this world guardian”.

When she heard this, Illumise tears started pouring down but it wasn’t because of sadness like before but because of happiness, she then kowtows to him and repeatedly thanked him.

Shadowslash quickly stops her and said to her “You don’t need to thank me miss Illumise, on the contrary, I should be the one to thank you, without you, I would have a hard time finding a suitable candidate”.

Illumise smiles, she then sensed that her father moves and she quickly ran towards him with anxiety and anticipation, she had always wanted to help her father and awaken him from his deep slumber.

But even after reaching Saint Realm, she wasn’t able to do anything, she then looks at her father’s face and saw that his closed eyes started twitching, then it opens and the two of them saw each other, their tears started pouring down.

They started crying, Shadowslash realised that the behemoth must have been in slumber for a couple of years but he doesn’t get it, if he was asleep for a couple of years, then how did he reach Saint Realm.

But seeing that the two were having a heartwarming reunion, he could only shut up and erase his presence so that he wouldn’t disturb the two pairs, maybe because of the two of them have been waiting for too long, they spent a couple of minutes crying and many more chatting with each other.

Realising that the two were now finishing their chat, Shadowslash decided to inform them that he is still in the area, with a light cough, the two quickly froze and they realised that the person that reunited them was ignored for an hour or so.

They immediately felt guilty for ignoring him, especially Illumise, her father might not know his identity or he doesn’t know just how much weight his name carries but she do, she knew that if a fight broke out between the three of them.

Then even with her father and her working together, they wouldn’t be able to defeat him, he is the individual that fought against Saints even though his cultivation realm was only Xiantian Emperor Realm.

Now that he had returned, the title of the ‘strongest’ is still on his hand and no powerhouse in this world thought or felt that he doesn’t deserve it.

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