The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 782

Chapter 782

Chapter 782: CHAPTER 751 MEI MEI VS

She knew a lot of knowledge regarding the miracle twins of Shadowslash Kingdom, she knew that the twin that has the title of Starlight Maiden is a fighter that excels in close combat just like her father and brother.

She use this knowledge to her advantage, she quickly widens the distance between the two of them and at the same time trying to drain her stamina, if the opportunity arises, she will give a lethal blow.

But after fighting for a minute or two, her opponent hadn’t move from her position, she only threw a couple of sword strikes that would drain her Qi confusing her greatly, this made the situation quite strange for her.

She quickly realised that her opponent is preparing something, and this move would definitely be a threat to her, she knew this because of his raging instinct telling her of an incoming danger.

She decided to take the battle to her, since her opponent is reluctant to approach her, she will be the one to take the initiative, Mei2’s expression didn’t change but inwardly she was nervous.

She hadn’t thought that she would be seen through this quickly, everyone thought that she had complete control over her domain but this is only half truth, if it was night, she would be able to easily summon her domain.

But this had become a burden to her during the day, she looks up to the sky and couldn’t help but feel helpless, she look at the sun with a bit of resentment, she then realised something.


The sun and the stars seems to be the same thing, the only thing that is different from her perspective is that the energy of the stars she absorbed contains mysterious type of energy, while the sun is much more oriented to yang Qi.

She decided to gamble in this thought, without hesitation, she directed her absorption towards the sun, she immediately felt her body heating up and she was quickly assaulted by burning pain.

Shadowslash who was watching from afar smiles, the sun is ball of gas just like the stars, actually he doesn’t know how large the sun is in this world but back on his first world, the sun is tiny compared to other giant stars.

The energy of the stars that those that have astral attribute absorb is much more calm because of how far they are to this world, the sun is also a star but it is too close and absorbing it’s energy isn’t for everyone.

Mei2 who was in the state of pain wanted to cry but she continue to bear with it, she waves her sword trying to buy some more time for her, Houlong Youhuo might be fast but she still couldn’t get close that quickly with the power behind the sword Qi.

She couldn’t risk it all, her body might be strong compared to most mages because of her dragon bloodline but the person in front of her is someone that the continent acknowledge as a genius.

Her instinct also told her that she wouldn’t be able to take the powerful blows that her opponent was throwing at her, even though she doesn’t want to say it but in terms of pure brute strength, she who has a dragon bloodline is actually weaker.

Boom! Mei2 shines incredibly bright, she then dims down, the heat that Houlong Youhuo have felt made her stop, the feeling of the heat that her opponent have released seems to beckon towards her.

Mei2 knew that she had to cut off the connection between her and the sun, if not, she will burn herself, she already had enough energy to summon her domain, she activates it, suddenly the sky seems to dim down slightly.

FD shook his head, he realised that because of his daughter reliant on her instinct, she didn’t dove in, if she had, Mei2 wouldn’t have been able to activate her domain, Shadowslash saw his friend’s reaction and nodges him lightly.

He spoke to him via spiritual sense ‘Hide your expression, someone might saw it, I know that the choices of your daughter was wrong but still, she is just a child, what you need to do is to cultivate her mind’

FD nodded, he realised that his friend was right, his daughter hadn’t fought anyone as strong as Mei2 at her age, she had always been fighting the soldiers in the mansion, she had been too cautious because of this..

He decided to train her after this battle, only following one’s instinct isn’t that healthy, you also need to take risk and use your mind rationally, there might come a time that your instinct would lead to your demise. josei

The battle continue, with the domain activated, the star’s power started descending towards Mei2, she use this opportunity to close in the distance is a blink, but before she was able to attack, Houlong Youhuo exploded into great flame.

A dragon roar was heard, a flaming dragon started surrounding the arena, the heat also increases, FD and Shadowslash noticed something and they look at each other’s eyes, they saw amazement within their eyes.

In this short amount of time, Houlong Youhuo have also comprehended her very own domain, her domain isn’t just flame but something bright and powerful, it was the sun, her domain is linked at the sun.

Shadowslash spoke “She gain an enlightenment after Mei2 absorbed the yang Qi from the sun and released it, but she wouldn’t have been able to create her domain without prior training, it seems she is like Feng Shin.”

FD nodded feeling proud of his daughter, Feng Shin grips his fist tightly, he hadn’t thought that he would be surpassed by Houlong Youhuo, but even with the training he had with his master, he still haven’t mastered his domain.

Shadowslash sensed this and decided that once they return back to Thousand Race Empire, he would have Karl teach Feng Shin to control his domain, both of them have the same domain.

It wasn’t an elemental one nor a natural one but a personal domain, one that is built by the soul not the environment, his despair domain is a different domain, it is called a compound domain, only individuals that learns how to fuse two domains are able to create one.

Back at the present, both girls were facing each other with their domain clashing against each other, on one side was a glowing bright light that carries power, on the other side was a flaming chaos that is filled with flaming dragons.

Mei2 charges with her glowing broadsword, she flaps her wings increasing her speed, Houlong Youhuo saw this and started firing one explosive magic skills one after another, Shadowslash was quite impressed by her, if she ever obtain Mana, her strength would multiply.

With her increased speed, Mei2 was able to dodge the attack but she was attacked at all directions by the flaming dragons on her opponent’s domain, she saw her opponent smiling at her making her furious.

She then started spinning creating a tornado that blocks all the flaming dragons, Houlong Youhuo have already expected this, she knew that her attack wouldn’t defeat the renowned Starlight Maiden that easily.

She had been charging her power since her domain had activated, she flew towards the sky, she then looks at the sun and her entire aura started rising, FD wanted to stand up and start clapping.

Shadowslash actually knew what was flying through his head, he wanted to laugh but he holds himself back, but at least he now realised just how much love and care his friend has to his daughter.

He then said “Aren’t you celebrating too early, I’ll say this to you, your daughter is truly a genius in terms of magic arts but this doesn’t meant that my daughter would lose, watch closely.”

FD became nervous when he heard this, he knew just how sharp his friend’s eyes is, he looks at the arena with much more focus and sensed something, his expression changes and looks at his friend with a complicated look.

Houlong Youhuo raise her hand and all the flaming dragons converged towards her, her aura cause even her eldest brother to feel pressure, she smiles as she and the flaming dragons fused becoming a giant flaming dragon.

She opens her mouth and fires a genuine dragon breath, the heat of the flame made the aura around the arena sizle, the tornado broke and with a loud explosion, the top floor of the arena was destroyed.

If it weren’t for Shadowslash using his spiritual sense barrier to protect the arena and it’s surrounding, the entire around them would have been destroyed in that attack.

Houlong Youhuo’s expression didn’t change, she started looking around, her instinct told her that she was still in danger, her expression finally changes as she raises her head.

Mei2 was diving towards her, fortunately, she had enough battle experience to know what to do when fighting against an individual just like Houlong Youhuo.

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