The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 825

Chapter 825


Of course, this erratic thoughts of theirs were suppressed by another announcement from Shadowslash, whoever survive this war would be deemed as heroes and obtain a territory of their own, the amount of contribution they have would determine how large their territory to is.

Those that have truly made great contribution has a special reward, they would be able to receive the authority to go in and out of Safehaven Paradise, the person who had contributed the most would become a member of Hope Family.

It meant that even if you are a commoner, as long as you become the greatest contributor of this war, you’ll become a royalty, such tenrotiny reward drove the soldiers and the adventurers crazy, especially the strategists, commanders and generals.

The other major forces in Thousand Forest Continent heard this news and they were shocked, their expression then became pained, even though they knew that they will have a chance to become a part of the Thousand Race Empire’s royal family, they knew that it was practically impossible.

Dragon King Tristan, Luminous Queen, Elf Queen and King Archinviel have different plan, they decided to support different general or commander, they knew that France and those that were part of Hope Family wouldn’t need to be rewarded, so it is easier to pick side.

Each one of them reach an agreement to partner up with different general and strategist, they knew that as long as the people they support become the number one contributor, they would obtain a tight relationship with Hope Family, other than supporting them, their own force were also working with great determination.

Even though they might not obtain the top ten spots, they’ll still be able to rank into top 100, as long as they are in top one hundred, they’ll have a chance to obtain the authority to go inside Safehaven Paradise and train there in a periodic amount of time, that meant that their strength would definitely rise.


The residents of Safehaven Paradise that joined the war knew that Shadowslash have a different reward for them but they still doesn’t want others to obtain the opportunity to live in the same place as theirs, they’ll definitely work hard to monopolize the top 100.

Elf captain Lily doesn’t want anyone to desecrate their holy land, she and her clansmen were determined to monopolize the top 100 spots, it would also show that the elves are the strongest force under Hope Family, this type of thoughts are also running in the other clans or tribe that are residing on Safehaven Paradise.

Lily was now leading her group, they have been building a prototype kingdom, the forest have now become their territory, the giant trees were being affected by their Mana, some found century old trees and turned them into powerful Treants.

The scholars have decided to build an artificial Mana stone mine, they managed to do it by having their runemasters and elite mages build a magic rune circle to transform spirit Qi into Mana, as long as Mana continue to spread in this world, it would change a lot of this world’s structure.

It would also become much more beneficial for Thousand Forest Continent, they don’t care about the effect of Mana towards the residents of this world, even though it is a cruel thing to do, they are mortal enemy, unless Thousand Race Empire managed to conquer the entirety of Murim World.

As long as they achieved world conquest, they’ll be able to rewrite history, even though it would take an extremely long time, it would still work, after all, history are written by victors, the winner became the king and the loser became the bandit.

While Lily was turning the forest closest to their military base as another kingdom for elves, in a plain, countless beastman soldiers were killing savages, they are humans but they act like beasts, the beastman doesn’t kill any women and children, for them, they could become prize or soldiers.

A scholar was within their group, she was talking with the women and children, it seems that it was normal for them for this type of event to happen, what was surprising for them is that their enemy didn’t indiscriminately slaughter their entire tribe.

The women would either be enslaved or raped, the children would either be killed for entertainment or food, their greatest treatment is that they would become slaves, hearing such thing, a disgusted expression appeared on the female scholar.

The white tiger beastman approached the female scholar, he wraps his hand around her waist but he was actually pushed away, her expression was very awful, seeing this, the tiger beastman couldn’t help but become confuse.

One of the men under him laughs and approaches him, just like him, he is also a white tiger beastman, he puts his hand on his shoulder and teases him, “What did you do sister-in-law now? You know, even of you are the young master of our tribe, you would have a hard time finding such an exceptional woman as sister-in-law.”

The female scholar took a deep breath and grabs the weapons on one of the beastman’s hand and slash all the heads of savages, she returns the weapon as if nothing had happened, she explains herself, “I am not angry at any of you, I am furious about these savages!”

She then told them about her discovery, hearing this, the beastmen looks at the corpses of the savages and their expression warps into disgust, one of them that looks like a red tiger opens his mouth and burned the corpses.

She nodded upon seeing this, the women and children who saw this became scared, for them, a warior that is able to breathe out fire is extremely dreadful, meanwhile, the soldiers from Thousand Race Empire felt proud that they aren’t savages and are actually well cultured people

In another location, the human clan that resides in Safehaven Paradise have just conquered a city, they immediately gather all the people in the city, the scholars then started spreading the greatness of Shadowslash to the residents, the people doesn’t know what was happening.

The children were shivering in fear but after a while, they realised that they weren’t being harmed and are only there to listen the scholars preaching, the cowards cower because of the aura being emitted by the soldiers, they are the first ones to bow.

Seeing this, the others copies them, the children also follows the example of the adults, those that were injured or having medical condition were exempted but they still need to listen to the preach, the entire ordeal took two to three hours.

After two to three hours, the soldiers started to scatter around the city, their intimidating presence cause the people to thread carefully, the scholars then gathers the people that are involved in the major control of the city, the city lord force vehemently disagree to give up the city. josei

After this, all the major powers of the city saw a situation that they would never forget, the powerful city lord force that was protected by a pseudo Saint was destroyed with ease by the soldiers, all of the valuables were taken, the city lord estate was also occupied.

Asking the city lord to give up the city’s ownership was just a polite gesture, if the city lord agrees, then the soldiers wouldn’t kill him or her, actually, they wouldn’t take the control of the city but they would control the city lord him/herself.

The scholars then asks if any major family, group of clan if they had any problem with giving the power to them, of course, no one dares to refute, even though they are unwilling inwardly, they rather want to preserve their clan’s foundation than being destroyed.

The scholars then gave a mission to every major power, they would keep their territory and shops, the only thing they need is that they need to spread the teachings or preach about Shadowslash’s greatness, the soldiers then brought out a lifelike statue of their lord.

In an another location, a team of soldiers have brought out numerous ships, even though this world contains powerful aquatic beasts, the soldiers are confident that they would be able to survive, all of those that are intending to travel into sea have adapted to life near bodies of water.

The soldiers started to spread, they are either brainwashing or what they call it, teaching the people the method to escape from suffering, because of their method, the major powers of this world were alarmed but no one still made a move, they could see even though many have died, the soldiers aren’t that bloodthirsty.

Back to Don2, he was now pacing back and forth with an expression that tells that he is extremely worried, Qi Nulong who have just returned was stunned, she hadn’t seen him this worried, anyone could interpret that he is very anxious.

She approached him and asks, “Master Adonis, why are you pacing back and forth? Did something happened to your group? But that cannot be! The scholars are too intelligent for your force to be taken down that easily.

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