The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 863

Chapter 863


After breaking every bones that the demon have, he then took out his soul and have Grim torture it, he doesn’t want to give him a short and easy death.

He entered the house together with the little demon girl, she looks at her mother and started crying, she knew just how she had suffered in the hands of the male demons in the area, especially to the demon that Shadowslash had just punished.

While the daughter was crying her heart out, the mother continue to lie there in a lifeless manner, Shadowslash saw all of this and sighed.

He knew that the mother no longer has any will to live, he could see countless bruises all over her body, he decided to send her off painlessly.

The little girl doesn’t know his plan, he lifted her and her little baby sister up with his tails, the baby stop crying as she hugs her furry soft tail, he took out some nutritious milk from his storage and fed it to her.

The little girl cries her heart out, he felt that she was extremely pitiful, he sighed and hugs her tightly, she instinctively knew that her mother no longer exist in this world.

After a couple of hours of grieving, they have decided to burn the corpse of the mother and the entire house within it.


Shadowslash have finally decided, he’ll built his power in the underground territory of this kingdom, since this is the demon realm, the most profitable business would definitely belong to the dark market.

His first mission is to recruit as much orphans as he could, they’ll definitely grow into capable demons under his care, since this world is quite cruel to these children, he will give them love to obtain their loyalty.

First order ov business, getting revenge to all the demons that killed the little girl’s mom to exhaustion, he asks her, “What’s your name little one?”

The little girl was still grieving over her mother’s death, it seems that after crying her heart out, she had fallen asleep.

He could only shake his head, meanwhile, the news about the burning house quickly spreads in the slum, many demons were shocked by this, not because of the people involved but because of the audacity to actually burn a house inside the capital city of Lust Kingdom.

Thousands of demons hiding in the slum couldn’t help but grumble and curse the people that have done such a thing, they knew that they wouldn’t be able to continue hiding, they have to go deeper into the underground territory.

The people that was involved doesn’t care about the consequences, a couple of days passes by, the entire slum was now in a tense atmosphere, numerous city guards could be seen walking by, checking every home.

Shadowslash was watching a couple of demons fighting against each other, after obtaining her revenge, the little girl swore loyalty to him, she had even swore it on her soul, she had given him her devil soul contract.

They are currently in an underground battle arena, there is a coliseum above them but it was only reserve to high class demons, here in the underground battle arena, anyone with money could enter.

Shadowslash then snaps his finger, people with cloaks appeared, they are the demons that he had killed and reanimated, he commanded, “I have already dealt with the banker and the dealer, bet all of the money on me.”

The little girl nodded, she and two cloaked undeads walks to the booth and bet their entire money on Shadowslash, the money that they have came from all the gangs and demons that they have raided during all of this time.

The people responsible for the booth doesn’t react, they were already controlled by Shadowslash, he knew that demons couldn’t be trusted, after the little girl bet all of their money which were seen by the demons around, they started feeling greedy.

“Hey that little girl is loaded!”

“Her parents might be a noble, she might come here to experience the nightlife.”

They started approaching her but when the closest demon was about to reach her, one of the undeads that Shadowslash have assigned as guards moves to intercept it and crushed it’s heart.

The demon was stunned, it could then feel it’s life slipping away, the undead demon then devours it, the people quickly run away, they created a clear path.

They aren’t surprised as to what had happened, they were already used to the sight of death, they also knew that the first one to die would always used to gauge the strength of their target.

The little girl snorted, she wasn’t afraid of people looking at her with greedy and malicious eyes, for her, Shadowslash was her god, since he had commanded her, she wouldn’t be harmed.

She sat on the chair like an arrogant noble, a beautiful succubus appeared besides her, she was carrying her baby sister, she looks at her and touch her face gently with her eyes full of love.

The succubus spoke, “To think that lord Shadowslash would be fighting this low level demons, it should be their honor to be killed by the likes of him.”

The little girl nodded, shr asks, “Violet, you were once a Saint, can you tell me just how powerful lord Shadowslash is?”

Violet trembles for a bit, her expression was complicated, being reminded that she was once a Saint hurts her quite deep but she knew that she cannot be violent against this little girl.

She was sad but she still answers, “Lord Shadowslash is comparable to True Saints, if it was a one on one, he could hold his ground against one of the True Saints under lord demon god.”

The little girl have already heard this answer multiple times but she couldn’t help herself wanting to listen to it over and over again, this only strengthen her faith over her lord.

In the arena, Shadowslash was up against a troll looking demon with two heads, seeing that his enemy is much smaller than him, the two troll heads started laughing, “To think that I am matched against a pipsqueak.” josei

With the sound of the horn, the battle starts, the two headed troll immediately burst into a bloody pulp, shocking everyone, Shadowslash then went out like it was nothing.

Violet wasn’t surprised by this, after all, she had the memories of Shadowslash’s battle on her mind, constantly reminding her just how weak she is against him.

He came back in the room and patted her shoulder, the energy of the two headed troll instantly flows within her, she couldn’t help but moan because of the wonderful feeling, she also felt her body becoming stronger.

Shadowslash sat down and puts Alexandra on his legs, Alexandra was the name he had given to the girl, she smiles blissfully as he rubs his hand to her head.

He and his group are now waiting for the higher ups of this arena to come to them, the large amount of money they have won would have definitely alarmed the people in interest.

The people working on the betting booth have already sent the money before the match even ended, Violet exhaled and spoke, “I wish that there are at least demons that have high class bloodline.”

Shadowslash shook his head, “I doubt it, the higher ups of this arena might be connected to the major powers of the kingdom but their goons would definitely just be medium class demons.”

Violet snorted, she knew that this was the truth but she still hope that there are at least one high class demon, she’ll be able to recover her strength quicker if this was the case.

After all, she is still obsessed with greater strength, she became silent, she then asks, “Are you sure Gulli doesn’t know about my existence?”

Even though she had achieved Saint Realm before, the price was her friendship with Gulli, if she could reverse time, she wanted to stop herself, after all, even after she had achieved Sainthood, her life was constantly in danger because of that.

“Big sister Violet, according to what you have said, this Gulli demon, he is considered one our lord’s trusted subordinates, so how strong is he really?” She had been with Violet for a couple of days.

Shadowslash smiles and answered her questions, his one sentence have greatly shaken her.

“Strong enough to threaten the demon god.”

Violet didn’t argue with this, she knew that Gulli only needs time to finally achieve True Saint Realm, once he did, together with Shadowslash, they’ll be able to threaten the immovable demon god.

Alexandra grips her fist tight, she wanted to become stronger too, if she continue to stay on Silver Rank, she would be left behind.

“It seems that our targer have started moving.” Sensing the movements in the arena, Shadowslash smiled, Violet and Alexandra became excited, after all, they would receive large amount of benefits after receiving the essence of these demons.

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