The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 881

Chapter 881

Chapter 881: CHAPTER 850 CHAOS ||

Without hesitation, the succubus queen activate their kingdom’s defence, arrays started activating from one city to another, this sudden action of theirs have stunned all the demons resting on these cities.

The demon god received this news and wasn’t surprised, he knew that the white female fox would definitely found out about his plan but it is too late, once the things he had put inside all the demon kingdoms have awakened, nothing would stop them.

‘I still cannot believe that they managed to find a dead vessel of a celestial demon, fools! Once I seized this vessel, I’ll definitely escape the seal!’ Thinking about this, he couldn’t help but become excited.

The existence of the vessel might be a threat to him but as long as his enemies doesn’t know how to fully activate it, he wouldn’t be afraid, the Lucifer, Mammon and Satan family might hidden it well but as a former Pseudo Celestial, he knew what they are hiding.

He can call himself a god in the lower plane of existence, he can call himself a powerhouse in the higher plane of existence but he’ll never be something in the divine realm, each being that have managed to transcends from the higher plane of existence to divine realm all have one thing in common, all of them are celestials.

Celestials are beings that have shed off their mortality and have truly become a god, they can create worlds of their own, that is why, even with all the worlds on the lower plane of existence combined, it is still smaller compared to the size of the divine realm.

Sensing the remnant energy of a celestial, the demon god immediately knew that this was his opportunity to break out of his seal and once again bear his fangs, with his powerful puppets stopping all the True Saints of the seven royal demon family returning, he is confident that he’ll be able to conquer this world.


He hadn’t made any move for centuries because he knew that even if he conquer this world, it would be useless, he still can’t escape his seal, that is why he was fervently searching for Gulli and Kuros.

They have obtain the inheritance of two gods or Pseudo Celestial, with the large amount of energy hidden in their body, there is an extremely high chance that with these, he can destroy the seal.

Unfortunately for him, he was unable to capture them, first, the seven royal demon family were just acting when they said that they would follow his orders, they truly weren’t intending to give Gulli and Kuros to him, once they were captured.

Secondly, they seems to have hidden on one of the broken worlds scattered in this world, he might be able to sense their presence as long as he could sense them but he cannot do it if they were inside a broken world.

Thirdly, Shadowslash’s presence have shocked him, even with just his soul, he is still powerful enough to defeat Gulli and his group but against him, his soul was actually devoured.

He had realised that a tiny part of his soul have totally disappears, the strength of his soul is extremely important to him, only if he has a strong soul would he able to control his puppets.

Back at the present, Shadowslash who was now flown into the edge of Lust Kingdom started frowning, he passed through villages and towns without any obstruction or problem.

The situation is different now that he had arrived in a city, there is now an array that is protecting it, his expression become a bit solemn, he couldn’t help but thought, ‘So you intend to stop me with these arrays.’

He didn’t know that this was something that the Asmodeus royal family have initiated to fight against the demon god and wasn’t intend for him, he sighed and continue to fly to the main city.

The white female fox couldn’t help but tremble, the succubus queen came next to her and asks, “What have you seen? Is our kingdom on grave danger? What is it?! Evangeline!”

Evangeline snap out of her dazed state and quickly explains, “The demon god have started acting, his secret weapons that he had hidden deep inside each kingdom of the seven royal demon family have started to awaken.”

The succubus queen frowns, she said, “So what if he activate his secret weapon, we also have been preparing for this for a couple of centuries now, besides, we have already activated our arrays.”

Evangeline shook her head, “The demon god have put five disaster beasts on each kingdom, all of them are on True Saint Realm, he had also put chaos flowers on specific part of our kingdoms, also undead poison is scattering as we speak.”

The succubus queen shouted instantly once she heard this, “Have the demon god gone insane?! Does he intend to destroy this world, to actually dare to use disaster beasts, he also dares to use the dreaded chaos flower and undead poison, this world would become impure!”

Disaster beasts are beings that exist on the higher plane of existence, their entire existence is to bring destruction, hence, their names, there are countless worlds in the lower realm, to control the population, chaos brought the disaster beasts into existence.

They don’t need to cultivate, the more they kill, the stronger they would become, their body could adapt to all the attacks thrown at them, once they participate in the destruction of one hundred worlds, they’ll automatically ascend to divine realm.

They exist to bring both chaos and order but as time passes by, the powerhouse have started using them to destroy the worlds of their enemies, these beasts are uncontrollable but they can be transported in their hibernation state.

They could also be awakened prematurely, for the demon god to use them, it seems that he is hellbent on destroying the seven royal demon family, the succubus queen knew that even with her, the elders and their soldiers fighting against this calamity, their future is looking a little bleak.

Evangeline then sensed something and she started tearing up, she quickly said, “We still have a chance to survive, quickly use our large transmission array and spread the news about what is currently happening!”

The succubus queen frowns and asks, “That wouldn’t be of help, even if the other demon kingdoms received this news, the disaster beasts would have already awaken and the demons would have already become crazy, in fact, this move would only make our subject panic.”

Evangeline shook her head, she explains, “They aren’t the target of our message.”

She looks at the direction of Emily’s room, the succubus queen quickly realised what she meant, she asks, “Is our target him?”

Evangeline nodded, she frowns once again, “Do you really think he will help our kingdom?”

Evangeline started laughing, “He’ll definitely do it, you just need to spread the news that his child is now being carried by Emily.”

The succubus queen no longer hesitated, she went into the secret room in the palace and activate the large transmission array, instantly each city shows her image.

She started speaking, “Everyone, if you can hear me, our world is now undergoing a calamity, the demon god have forsaken all of us and release beings that will destroy this world.”

“I also have a message to a certain powerful powerhouse, whoever you are, protect our kingdom, your child is now inside Emily’s belly.”

Shadowslash instantly knew that she was speaking to him, he cursed the entire Asmodeus Royal Family for using his child against him but he could only sigh sadly because he cannot fight against them now that this had happened.

He knew that this was his fault for just sleeping to any beautiful demons that he had encountered in this world, just one thing confuses him, how did Emily got pregnant this quickly. josei

He took out a crystal ball and inputs a message to it, he threw it inside his Dantian World.

Once the crystal ball hit the ground, it exploded and his image appears, “Gulli, if you can hear me right now, quickly go to Sloth Kingdom and help the Belphegor royal family protect their kingdom.”

“You no longer need to hide yourselves, the demon god have made all seven royal demon family his enemy.”

Gulli and the others were shocked but they didn’t hesitate to follow Shadowslash’s command, all of them got out of the Dantian World and immediately started flying to Sloth Kingdom.

The entrance of the Dantian World then disappears, since they’ll be busy, no one would protect the entrance, so he quickly sealed it, he can just open it after accumulating more energy.

He looks at the direction of the main city of the Lust Kingdom and stops hiding himself, he lets out a loud roar and transformed into his battle form, his aura shook the sky.

Every powerhouse of this world sensed his aura and all of them couldn’t help but become shock.

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