The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 883

Chapter 883


The tiger used it’s two heads to bite the foot, they did managed to but before they could celebrate, two fish have appeared below them and hit them in the stomach.

The attack actually managed to hurt them but their expression doesn’t change one bit, they just stare at their opponent coldly, Shadowslash frowns, he had expected them to reel in pain but it seems that he was wrong.

The tiger knew just how dangerous he is and didn’t even look at the two fish, he could only fight head, he took a deep breath, upon seeing this, the tiger also did the same thing, he breathes out a stream of extremely hot flame that seemingly burns the space surrounding it.

The three tiger heads let’s out a loud roar at the same time, they managed to create a sonic wave that stops the flame from reaching them, the two attacks started to break the space apart.

Shadowslash then activates his Sun Rune, his flames started to overpower the sonic wave, the tiger realised this, they stop roaring and once again summoned their domain, a massive black hole appears below them.

It looks exactly the same as before but this time it was bigger, Shadowslash wasn’t afraid, he closed his eyes and started to feel the sensation of the black hole, Chaos and Harmony charges forward to distract the tiger.

‘That is it!’ He opens his eyes and quickly resummon his Despair Domain, the two domains clashes but this time, the black hole domain seems to resonates with something, the tiger doesn’t noticed this.


Inside of Shadowslash’s Despair Domain, another black hole could be actually seen but unlike the tiger’s were it was made up of chaos energy entirely, this black hole is made up of both chaos energy and the accumulation of Heaven Swallowing Technique in the form of Devouring Rune.

The two black holes resonates with one another, they continue to blend, becoming both stronger and more terrifying, Shadowslash sensed all of this and became excited.

He looks at the tiger and flew towards them, he joins the fight once again, the two fish were having a hard time fighting against their opponent, it’s not because they are weak but because they cannot approach them.

They moved through the void, their body isn’t real, so even if they suffer an attack that destroys their body, they wouldn’t truly be harmed, as long as their real body is safe and sound inside Shadowslash’s spiritual world, they are immortal.

The tiger noticed this and disrupt the space around it with it’s vibration domain, the two fish were having a hard time approaching them since the void is either sealed or in a mess but this all changes when Shadowslash joins the battle.

He punches the vibration domain and with sheer brute strength, he managed to destroy it, the tiger was stunned for the first time, they were confused, the black hole should have either slow their opponent down or directly absorbs them.

Currently, their opponent doesn’t exhibit any of this, on the contrary, he seems to be more lively than ever, Shadowslash doesn’t explain himself, he grabs the sword and slashes towards one of the head of his opponent.

The tiger risk it all, they stop the blade from cutting one of them but because of this, Chaos and Harmony took this opportunity to open their mouth and bit hard, Chaos actually managed to bit off one of the scorpion tail.

It’s body then started to become black and finally, the physical form that it uses was destroyed, Harmony saw this and also charges towards one of the tails, it’s ending was the same as Chaos.

Shadowslash couldn’t help but click his tongue upon seeing this, he knew that the poison that his opponent possess is extremely powerful but he hadn’t thought that Chaos and Harmony’s physical form would be destroyed after a couple of seconds.

He also feel his body churning, fortunately, his divine bloodlines were countering the poison, his bones that have countless ancient marks on them also helps in suppressing the poison, his Devouring Rune seems to be able to absorb the poison, albeit in an extremely slow pace.

The tiger only has one remaining tail left and after losing two parts of their body, their aura became weak, Shadowslash eyes lits up, since his opponent doesn’t have a soul, their body is extremely important to them, losing a part of them would definitely weaken them.

He changes his fighting style, he is no longer fighting at close range, he retreated and raised his hand before bringing down a Lunar Fang, the tiger raised their paw and also fires a sharp blade of Qi.

The two attacks collided and cancels each other out.

Shadowslash flashes next to them and his two swords were glowing brightly.

Secret Sword Technique: Flash Slash!

Even with such quick strike, the tiger still managed to save themselves but only barely, if they hadn’t make use of their quick speed, at least one of their heads would have been cut off.

Above them, Shadowslash was already preparing his next attack, he expected them to escape safely, that is why, he had been charging his next move just after he sent the attack.

“Hoko Nitoryu!: Arekuruu Tsuin Doragon” (Roaring Two Swords Style!: Raging Twin Dragon)

Roar! Roar! His two swords seems to let out a cry that is similar to that of a dragon, he then started falling, his two swords were coated with his internal Qi and sword intent, both type of energy transformed into dragon heads. josei

The tiger tried to escape but it was too late, the sword strike cut off their wings, Shadowslash summoned his illusionary heads and made them materialize in their physical form.

The two heads opens their mouth and devours the two bat wings, he quickly spat out blood after he did, his chaos bloodline is still too weak, suddenly forcing his body to adapt with such higher quality chaos energy is harmful but he cannot just not devour it.

This might be the only time he’ll meet a being such as this, Amethyst cannot store the body parts because they would destroy the items inside her storage.

If her ability was fully operational, she might be able to create a seperate space that could store the body parts of the disaster beasts but most of her function right now is being used to connect Safehaven Paradise with Dantian World.

The tiger knew that they can no longer beat him, they also knew that their opponent wouldn’t let them recover tbeir true cultivation, without hesitation, they flee towards their companions.

“Do you think that you could escape from me?!” Shadowslash chases after it, without their wings, their speed have decreased, he is now faster than them, he flew towards them at breakneck speed, two wings appeared besides him, one was glowing like the sun and one was darkness.

“Nitoryu: Ekuripusuu~ingusu” (Two Sword Style: Eclipse Wings)

Bang! The tiger let’s out a mournful cry that shook the heavens, it’s body was split into halves with that strike but they still survive, Shadowslash on the other hand noticed something.

His sword intent was actually working lesser than before, it’s as if, his opponent was quickly adapting to his attack, he was greatly shaken, his eyes widen with the next scene.

The tiger that have their body splits into three parts transformed into three different tigers, only one of them has a tail, the other two does not.

Their aura have become weaker, they were also having difficulty walking, noticing this, he was shocked inwardly, ‘This isn’t some sort of ability, they managed to split themselves because of the feeling of death, their lifeforce are extremely tenacious!’

Since he cannot split them into parts after realising that their body have adapted another survival mechanism against his sword, he kept his swords back and charges to one of them.

He lets out a loud roar and burns one of them with his flaming breath, they have weakened after splitting into three parts, the other two sensed the burning sensation and their body developed a counter for the extreme flames.

But one of them were directly hit and was burned alive, Shadowslash opens his mouth once again and absorbed the burnt body, he holds his stomach as he felt his organs aching, he also started bleeding on his nose, ears and mouth.

The two tigers noticed this but they didn’t attack, they use this opportunity to flee, he could only watch them gets away, he was gritting his teeth because of the pain, he started sweating.

He also felt his soul was being burned, he only recovers after his Despair Domain have fully fused with the black hole he had stolen, he stood up but his movement is still wobbly.

He knew that he had to fight against the other disaster beasts, so he shook his head and took out large amount of alcohol and food inside Amethyst’s storage and quickly operates Heaven Swallowing Technique to recover his body.

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