The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 900

Chapter 900

Chapter 900: CHAPTER 869 DON DON VS FRANCE josei

Shadowslash could rule this world with his fist but he doesn’t want that, he would be making the connection between Gaia and the Murim World permanent, now that he had seen just how powerful the space bugs were, he started preparing for the worst.

Besides, Murim World is just like his homeworld, it is connected in a world that is full of demons, Since Gulli and the others failed at their task, they wanted another opportunity to conquer a world for their lord.

The next couple of days, Don Don have started preparing, he and France are going to fight for real, he had always wanted to know which of the two of them is stronger, he knew that this brother of his have always been one of the main fighter of their family.

He wanted to prove himself, clenching his fist, he knew that his chances of winning is actually lower than his opponent but this doesn’t mean that he will give up, he had an advantage in terms of location.

This world accepts him, not only that, it also increases his strength, he had some confident that he will win the fight as long as the battle last long, he planned to stall for time and exhausting his brother.

Meanwhile, back on the Gaia camp, Russel looks at France, he said, “I think you should return to Gaia for now, Our little brother isn’t going to hold back you know.”

France nodded, he had to disperse the uncomfortable feeling he has on his body, tgis was the accumulation of pressure that he had always experienced living on this world, he knew that this was the world rejecting him.


On the day of the battle, countless individuals have gathered towards the location of one of the main gathering camps of the devil practioners, now that this had become the venue for the two, the devil practioners cannot do anything but just escape.

They felt indignant and furious but they were afraid of the two group, the demons that they worshipped were killed easily by those from Gaia, they knew that if it weren’t for the fact that the invaders were much kinder than the demon race, a tragedy just like in the past would have already occured once again.

Fairy Su have arrived at the location of the fight, Besides her was the sword sect leader, because the location of Beast Kingdom is exactly just next to the sect, she managed to return to her former sect and also not be late to spectate this battle.

She spoke, “Sect leader, you should know that even if our strength have increased tremendously compared before, we are still no match against those from Gaia, especially to you know who.”

The sword sect leader nodded, he answered while gripping his sword tightly, “I know, that is why we are here, to see just how strong they are compared to us, I will see just how strong that bird is! It actually dares to hold back against me?!”

He gritted his teeth as he thought of France, besides him, Fairy Su was also furious, she solemnly swore that he will fight against Yshelia once again and shows her that she isn’t a weakling like she thinks she is.

Two overbearing auras descended, Don Don and France have arrived, their auras made the area silent, Russel also arrives, he looks at the people below and shouted, “Those who are present, are you sure that you are determined to watch this battle?”

No one answered him, he shook his head, he raised his foot and slams into the ground, instantly, the entire area was destroyed, those that were present have to flee because of this, seeing this, he spoke once again, “The upcoming battle would cause more destruction than this.”

His voice then became extremely solemn, “Those who are not strong enough, I advice you to retreat, those that are confident in their strength, let us be the witnesses of the great battle that would unfold today.”

There are a couple of individuals that brought their disciples or family members to watch the battle, they were feeling confident that they’ll be able to protect them from any impact or aftershock of the fight but they had now realised that they were underestimated the strength of the two powerhouses that would be fighting today.

They quickly started leaving, Fairy Su and the sword sect leader looks at the leaving people with contempt, they might have a grudge against Gaia but they also respected their strength, they knew for a fact that what Russel have just said wasn’t a lie.

Fairy Su then looks at her partner and asks, “By the way, I have heard numerous stories about this Adonis person, his name is extremely unfamiliar to me, can you tell me about him?”

The sword sect leader shook his head, he then said, “I have heard that he is a beast that have gained intelligence, he was raised by some sort of hidden sect, his strength is truly astonishing, during my return, he was the one who came to aid me when I was about to be killed by that bird.”

Fairy Su nodded, she became excited on meeting Adonis, after all, people of this world might be shocked by the fact that a beast could gain intelligence and transformed into a human but she knew more information compared to most people of this world.

According to her second master, there exist beast that were called Spirit Beasts, they are extremely intelligent and some are even more cunning than other humans, unfortunately for their race, they don’t have the same problem solving skills as humans.

Don Don and France appearance have finally became clear to everyone, one was a well built man wearing a white tunic and the other was a giant bird that has electricity flashing on it’s body, both of them locks on each other.

Russel sounds his trumpet, it seems that this was the signal for the two, France let’s out a loud cry and the sky instantly darkens, Don Don on the other hand transformed into his real form, a giant golden ape appears in front of everyone.

Skree! With France cry, thunder and lighting could be seen and heard, thunderstrikes started raining like rain drops, Don Don’s body started flashing with yellowish aura, he stood atop the ground, he was using the earth energy to counter the thunderstrikes.

He punches into the sky and his fist hits the incoming thunderstrikes, the ground beneath broke, he felt pain coursing through his body, meanwhile, the sword sect leader watching this was furious, this storm was clearly stronger than when it was during their battle.

Don Don managed to tide through the storm but he was struck by France in the back just after the storms stops, even with his powerful defense, the sharp talons of his brother broke his defense, his blood immediately flows out.

He didn’t let out a cry, he puts his hand on his chin and made a boxing stance, he expanded his extraordinary sense, France entered his pseudo domain, his eyes opens and he flashes with golden light, his speed increases tremendously.

He managed to dodge the strike, he punches but his fist just went through his brother, his expression quickly changes, he realised that his brother elemental body have actually negated his fist intent.

He was shocked, France appeared on the sky once again, he looks at his little brother, after experiencing just how vulnerable his elemental body towards weapon and attack intent, he decided to train it, now, as long as he is fast enough and have a enough Mana, he could negate his weakness.

Don Don clenches his fists and looks to his brother, he had already expected that this is going to be a difficult fight for him but he hadn’t expected this, just like him, the sword sect leader was also shocked.

Skree! He lets out a cry once again, he flaps his wings and a giant wind blade came hurling down towards Don Don.

Don Don leaps towards the wind blade and destroyed it with his punch, his eyes then turn started burning, France felt faint and he nearly falls down.

Bang! France woke up, before he could recover from his state, Don Don came crashing down on him, his fist hits his head and both of them crashed back into the ground.

Boom! The entire area once again caved in because of a powerful force, France’s head was buried deep into the ground, Don Don doesn’t want to let him go, he mounted him and continue punching.

Boom! A gigantic thunderbolt descended on the sky and hit the two of them, the shockwave throw all destroyed trees away, even the spectators were blown away.

Don Don was caught off guard, fortunately, his body managed to endure the blast, his golden fur have become burnt black.

He just felt fortunate that his older brother is still pinned down but when he looks down, he was stunned.

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