The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 903

Chapter 903


Shadowslash then flew towards a sect called Saber Sect, this sect was a rival of the sword sect but they aren’t actually enemies, they just like to compete amongst each other, their skills and techniques were relatively equal, only when Fairy Su started to rise in fame and power did the Saber Sect’s fame starts to wane.

Currently with the sword sect leader’s strength and Fairy Su’s mastery over the dao of arrays, the Saber Sect could no longer compare, Shadowslash floats above the sect and saw that the sect have activated it’s protection array, all of their sect members were present.

He looks at them and punches the protection array, a loud and powerful explosion occurs, the array broke like a piece of fragile glass, the scene shocked everyone, before they could make any move, Shadowslash use his powerful spiritual sense to drown them in an illusion.

It only take him a couple of seconds to defeat every single sect members, he left without doing anything else, everyone in the Saber Sect have fainted because of the illusion, the situation caused those that were watching over Shadowslash to be scared sh*tless.

They knew that they were already detected so they didn’t bother using stealth, they look at the condition of the entire Saber Sect and all of them looks at each other and sucks a cold breath, this further made them despair.

Suddenly, Shadowslash who was flying towards another sect after defeating three more sects after the Saber Sect stops.

He noticed something fishy and frowns, he raises his hand and punched a seemingly simple forest but after his powerful fist collided with the air, something seems to have broke.


Like shattered glass, pieces of a protection array broke, in front of him stood a red sect that contains more than ten thousand sect disciples, he saw that the number of females were greater than males.

30 individuals flew towards him, all of them looks at him with fear.

The one leading the group was a sexy female wearing a red eastern outfit, she looks at him with interest, winking her eyes, she shows some of her body parts to him.

She did it sneakily but considering the appearance of her clothes, she is basically not hiding anything, from the outline of her clothes, her erect buds on her chests could clearly be seen.

Sensing the abundance of yin Qi in the surrounding and the lustful appearance of the girls in front of him or inside the sect, he finally registered what type of sect this was.

He then said, “So you are a devil sect, since this was the case, I don’t need to give any of you mercy.”

With his last word, he rose up into the sky, everyone became confused but their eyes quickly widens, a gigantic fireball appears in the sky.

The size of the fireball actually the same size as the sect below, not only that, it emits intense heat like the sun.

The expression of the female in the red clothing changes, she quickly kneels and spoke loudly, “Oh great and powerful divine being, please give mercy to our sect, we are different from the rest of devil sect!”

Shadowslash stops, he then floats down and appears in front of her, he asks her, “Tell me the difference between your sect and those that the devil practioners creates.”

The seductive female nodded, she quickly told everything about her sect, “My sect doesn’t practice those that the orthodox sect practices but we doesn’t kill anyone, actually, our sect is connected with a lot of kingdom.”

She then gesture one of their sect elder to speak, a busty and just like the female in red clothing, the female with the large bountiful chests was practically naked, she started speaking, “Our sect is basically the owner of all brothel in the nearby kingdoms.”

“We don’t hunt humans to increase our strength, we can cultivate with just our partner/s liquid essence.”

The female in the red clothing nodded repeatedly, she added, “Our technique doesn’t harm anyone as long as someone doesn’t go past the limit of absorption, it’s just our technique is considered too licentious for the orthodox sect that we are added to the list of devil sects.”

Shadowslash was using his spiritual sense and knew that they weren’t lying, he looks at them deeply and said, “Since this is the case, you no longer need to hide, as long as you stay true to your practice of not killing indiscriminately, your sect doesn’t need to fear others anymore.”

He looks at a couple of spots, the people watching over him had chills running down their spines, fortunately fof them, he wasn’t thinking of dealing with them, he once again looks at the group of dual cultivators and said, “Once I rule this world, I will take your sect out of the list of devil sects.”

He then left without looking back, the girls on the other hand were stunned, they then look at each other and could see hope in their eyes, they saw how powerful he was.

With such strength, he could definitely rule this world without any difficult obstruction, meanwhile, those that were following Shadowslash looks at the girls flying above them and they couldn’t help but feel their private area heating up.

Shadowslash then went into his challenge adventure, none of the sects managed to hold a candle against him, after defeating every sect in the northern parth of this continent, he sets his sight on the Devil’s Domain.

He knew that his necromancer clone have basically conquered one of the great sects there but there are still some difficulty on conquering the entire place.

Since he is already present, he decided to deal with them, seeing the direction of his flight, those that were following him were first stunned before becoming ecstatic. josei

They had seen him encountering some devil practioners earlier and his method in dealing with them was ruthless, none managed to survive against his hands.

They immediately knew what would happen if he arrives at the place infested with devil practioners, of course, the great sects in the Devil’s Domain heard that he was coming.

They had already received the news about his exploits, they started talking with each other, unfortunately, one of the strongest sect in the territory wasn’t present.

The necromancer clone was now standing at the entrance, when it saw the main body, it kneels and returned back to it’s sect which is actually now just a huge graveyard full of undeads.

Shadowslash commanded it to leave this world, he is planning on sending it to Sans, it would definitely be a great help there, he could even take control of it, increasing his knowledge about that world.

The necromancer clone returned to the scene, behind it were all the undeads it had refined throughout these past months, Shadowslash then opens a portal to his Dantian World and they entered on the death island.

Once the necromancer clone was gone, he thought, ‘My martial artist clone would definitely need to create his own sect, since the necromancer clone has a new mission, I’ll give this place to it.’

He then charges towards the city and with a raise of his hand, thousands of Dark Flame Bullets appears.

He gestures them to fly and after one hundred of them flew, another one hundred would appear, it was like a rain of flaming bullets that could pierce through steel with ease.

Screams of terrors could be heard, countless individuals started fleeing, unfortunately, they are unable to escape, their only fate was to die.

All the devil practioners felt terror when they heard such news, immediately, the Blood Sect, Mad Beast Sect, Puppet Refining Sect and the Poison Sect send all of their fighters to confront Shadowslash.

Shadowslash looks at the tens of thousands of cultivators flying towards him, he started laughing, he then shouted, “That’s it! Fight for your freedom! Fight for your beliefs, I, Shadowslash will take them head on!”

Seeing him and hearing his words, the people of Devil’s Domain became even more intimidated, all of their expression changes after seeing him morphed into a gigantic dragon with nine tails.

He smirks and didn’t even bother to take his weapons out, he charges towards the Poison Sect first, seeing this, the devil practioners quickly took out a jar and countless poisonous insects flows towards him.

He opens his mouth and let’s out a flaming breath that burns everything, the insects were all incinerated, the people from Poison Sect were stunned, before they could recover, the flames also engulfed them.

The blood sect quickly went to help, they summoned a blood sea thinking that they put out the fire, they didn’t expect that even their blood sea would be caught with it.

They instantly pulls back, looking at the raging flames, their expression became ugly, suddenly, a loud cry could be heard, “You dare kill my sect’s disciples! Die mongrel!”

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