The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 909

Chapter 909


He returned back to his empire, he gathered everyone in the center of the city, looking at his subjects, he felt gratified.

He shouted, “Everyone, this world that we know of is now in grave danger, beings from an another universe have invaded our universe.”

Seeing that they have become a bit worried since he sound so serious, he knew that he had made a mistake acting so pessimistic.

He quickly changed his tone, “But don’t fret! For our world is strong enough to protecting you and everyone within it from the beings from the other universe!”

He pointed at the soldiers, “Look at them, they are the reason why we have managed to conquer an entire world, praise them as they are our soldiers!”

He summoned a cup that is filled with the strongest wine in his empire, “Let us celebrate our victory over Murim World! We will continue to expand our power to the point that those from other universe would tremble in our empire’s great name.”

“For Thousand Race Empire!”


Everyone immediately raised their hands and shouted, “For Shadowslash! For Thousand Race Empire!”

Shadowslash was first taken aback but smiles gratefully as he felt the sincere feeling that his subjects felt from him.

He then went into his true plan, “Because of this special time, we have to unite the entire Gaia.”

He nodded at Yshelia and Russel, the two of them have always been his representative when he is absent.

Yshelia started speaking, “As of now, we plan to create a diverse and wide intelligence network, for those that are interested, you can join by taking a test to prove your qualifications.”

Russel then took over, “We are going to build bases of our army throughout the entire world, because of this, we need more manpower, everyone is welcomed in the army after their training.”

Those that were sharp quickly notices something, Shadowslash is planning of occupying Gaia! This was shocking for them, especially, since their empire have always acted passively towards their expansion.

They felt happy for their lord’s change of attitude, for them, they felt indignant that their lord is only occupying one continent, he had done everything to keep this world safe, without him, the current prosperity of this world wouldn’t exist.

The children felt frustrated, they look up to their lord more than anyone, they knew that they couldn’t join this excitement because of their age.

There are also another group of individuals that felt indignant, they were either the injured or the elderlies, for those that are quick in their mind, they could still join the intelligence agency but for those that only knew how to fight, they wouldn’t be able to join.

Seemingly reading their minds, Shadowslash spoke, “Since most of our younger able bodied generations would be participating, there wouldn’t be anyone taking care of the children, so I asked those that are willing, take care of the children because they are our future.”

The injured and the elderlies started tearing up, they felt grateful that their lord didn’t forgot about them, they might not be able to participate in this event directly but they could teach their experience to the children.

“Before we start our busy preparations, let us celebrate, for this year, our Thousand Race Empire will be in charge of two worlds, those that could reach a million contribution points would be able to enter Safehaven Paradise!” Seeing their shocked expression, he continues.

“Reaching ten million, you could own a private land inside our sacred ground, reaching 100 million, you could bring 100 certified family members or people that are native to our continent.” Those from Safehaven Paradise felt pressure.

Shadowslash could read their mind, so he quickly spoke, “Those from Safehaven Paradise would be able to earn the rights to create their own private army for their own purpose, they could also obtain this!”

He then brought out vials that contains bloods, each vials have different pressure and aura, he explains their purpose, “These vials contains the Hope Family blood essence, obtaining it would mean that your bloodline would transform into the same bloodline as one of my family members.”

Everyone’s breathing became hurried, before they could calm down, Shadowslash took out three vials containing blood and some sort of water that seems to attract everyone.

“Unfortunately, for these last three vials, they are only available for the generals or commanders of the natives of Safehaven Paradise” Hearing this, everyone except for the natives of Safehaven Paradise became disappointed.

“This vial containing the clear liquid is Leafinia’s pure essence, any elves that would obtain this would evolve into their higher form or even achieved ancestral evolution, returning to origin.” All the elves became crazy in excitement.

“Do not worry, it is also effective towards other beings, their lifeforce would become terrifying, giving them a near immortal life, you wouldn’t need to worry of growing old and you could even regenerate broken limbs.” The other clan or power became excited.

“Now for the last two remaining vials, I suggest that whoever would take this have to prepare themselves, only those that are on Saint Realm would be able to take the power of this two blood essence.” He said this in an extremely serious and solemn voice.

Everyone was amazed by the two vials, Shadowslash saw that there are some that seems to know but were still feeling doubtful.

He took a deep breath, “One contains the bloodlines of a divine beast, a nine tailed fox to be more precise, whoever managed to successfully fused with it would obtain supreme power.” josei

He raised the other one, “This one contains the bloodlines of an another divine beast, the Golden Sun Dragon, just like the other one, whoever managed fused with it would obtain supreme power.”

He then said one sentence that made everyone that were extremely excited of their prospect rewards to become stunned silly, “These two blood essence are mine.”

Even Yshelia and Russel cannot believe what they are now hearing, after a couple of minutes of silence, chaos broke, everyone still cannot believe that he would give a reward such as this.

Just as people wanted to stop him, Shadowslash spoke, “Don’t deny my reward, what you are going to do is basically saving our world, for that, you earn my respect, only those that I seem capable enough would be able to earn these two rewards.”

“The additional benefits of obtaining these two blood essence is the fact that you would automatically become a member of Hope Family.”

The natives of Safehaven Paradise felt passion burning in their hearts, meanwhile, those that aren’t natives were extremely envious but they cannot nor dare to argue with Shadowslash.

Everyone started bringing out food and drinks, Shadowslash went to find his family to celebrate, Don2 is also present, he had given an excuse that he wanted to learn more about Gaia so that the people of Murim World wouldn’t suspect him.

Shadowslash hugs his four sisters that have grown into their adult form, mentally, they are still children but their bodies that could be featured as one of the sexiest models in their empire would definitely arouse many men.

Fortunately, because of their identity and strength, no one dares to make a move at them, actually, there were a couple of princes of members of royalty from other kingdoms that wanted to make a connection to Shadowslash via marriage.

But, bad news for them, the four girls were protected secretly by a couple of assassins that were trained by the empire, they are even given permission to kill if anyone dares to make a drastic move against the four girls.

Those that were greedy with power and those that are licentious actually never did anything of this sort, even the proud ones doesn’t dare to do so, Shadowslash’s reputation is too great for anyone to ignore.

Back to the party, Shadowslash sat besides Sans and Leafinia, the two of them have changed greatly after their journey, especially Sans, he no longer looks like a zombie but he became a dashing, cool looking young man.

“It’s nice to see that the two of you are okay, I’m so proud of the two of you.” He said as he patted their heads, the two nodded, they felt happy being praised and cared by their master.

Suddenly, Banjo came with a large barrel of beer, Shadowslash knew that he wanted the two of them to drink, he patted Sans and Leafinia before standing up and taking the barrel.

Shadowslash cannot get drunk that easily but after drinking a boatload of high alcohol content wine and letting himself go drunk with Amethyst’s help, he became a bit dizzy.

Banjo started sobbing, he quickly reacted and put an illusion that covers them, he doesn’t want his subjects to see his brother crying like a child, which technically he is.

“Brother, the hardship I have to go through was hellish, the hardest part is that, I don’t have anyone to call my friend, subordinate or family, I felt lonely.” Shadowslash couldn’t help but be tongue-tied.

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