The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 916

Chapter 916


Shadowslash have discovered this world purely by accident, both times when he arrived and return back to Gaia, his condition is extremely bad, even though these group of individuals were Saints, that doesn’t mean that they are safe.

He only got lucky because he encountered the red fox villagers, if it weren’t for this, he would have died, the group of beasts felt their entire body screaming in delight, their bloodline were churning, their requirement for Mana started to change into Monster Qi.

Just as they felt refreshed, Russel, France and J-Darwin felt something was wrong, it was too quiet, without hesitation, Russel let’s out a loud trumpet and stomps on the ground hard, the powerful impact shook the surrounding area.

It seems that what he had done have attracted some attention, they could hear buzzing sounds coming towards them, France frowns, he screeches loudly and flew up, the entire sky darkens.

Everyone knew that this was France’s battle phase, they quickly prepare for combat, but before they could do this, a couple of huge flames started flying towards the direction of the buzzing noise.

Then with a flash, individuals that looks like beastman appeared, they look at Russel’s group and were confused.

There were two individuals that recognized them, they shouted, “The Hope Family members!”


Hearing their exclamation, everyone turned towards the two, upon seeing their appearance, Russel’s group were also surprised.

They were Old man Emerald and Fire Demon, they knew that the two have went into this world before them, and also, unlike them, their travel towards this world isn’t so stable and safe.

Russel asks, “The two of you have been staying here for a long time, because of the recent invasion of beings from the other universe, we have come here to help.”

The two looks at each other in shock, they couldn’t help but ask, “You mean those insects were beings that came from an another universe?”

Russel nodded, everyone was shocked by this fact, a veiled woman approaches the group, she introduced herself, “I am Phina, I am the city lord of United Beast Kingdom, may I ask if you are subordinates of our great lord Shadowslash?” josei

Before Russel and the others could answer, Old man Emerald spoke, “Subordinates? They are Shadowslash’s family members, they are the Hope Family, the strongest power back on our world, with them here, our safety is guaranteed.”

Phina looks at the expression of Old man Emerald and Fire Demon, she saw confidence in their face and felt relieved, she knew that she could trust these two, without them, their city would have already been overrun by the bugs.

*Skree!* France’s screech could be heard, Phina and her group then saw something that shocked them greatly, countless lightning bolts started raining down from the sky, their targets were the bugs that were approaching their location.

Russel saw that the amount of insects were smaller than he expected, he asks, “According to big Bro’s prediction, there should be more insects than this, have they been eliminated?”

Fire Demon sighed and shook his head, “We wish that this was the case, unfortunately, the insects were roaming around this world after their invasion, they still continue to pour out of the space crack.”

Mary frowns, she asks, “Why haven’t the so called supreme clans do something, according to my son, they are the strongest power of this world.”

Hearing the word “son” Phina and her subordinates were shocked, they then look at Mary’s appearance more intensely, they then discover that like Shadowslash, she has fox ears and tails.

The only thing that confuses them is that, she looks too young, she isn’t on the category of a Milf, she looks exactly like a teenager, this is too much for Phina and her crew to take.

Mary smiles at them politely, she always felt comfortable to her fellow fox beast/man, she had left Flare to take care of the girls, because they have always been spoiled by Shadowslash, their combat strength is much weaker than those that are more experience in battle.

Violet and Purple Kitty approaches her, they seem to be tasked on protecting her, she knew this and wasn’t angry, after all, she knew that her son is still worried about her safety, convincing him on letting her join this voyage have already been difficult.

Phina quickly recovers from her daze, she hastily explains, “Our empress, the supreme clans have truly done their best but we don’t why but we felt our world drastically became weaker all of a sudden.”

“We were caught off guard by this sudden change, because of this, many of our great warriors were killed.”

Karl spoke, “I heard from big brother that this world have a chosen one, he is now on divine realm, unfortunately, the divine realm have cut off the connection between it and the lower worlds, this might be the reason why your strength have drastically weakened.”

Phina looks at him and nodded, it seems that the mysterious disappearance of their strength was finally solved, after France took care of all the insects, they travel towards the location of United Beast Kingdom.

It is one of the unique powers of this world, unlike the rest, this place host many different types of races, the only thing that classifies them were their strength and capability.

The leader of the kingdom were the Red Fox Clan, no supreme clan dares to go against this power because it was protected by the Demon Cat Clan, not to mention, there is also the fact that a Saint from the Ox Head Clan proclaimed that he will protect this place.

With the protection of two powers that have Saints on them, no supreme clans dares to reach their greedy hands on this place but as time passes by, the value of the kingdom continue to rise.

Just as they felt that it was unbearable to just let such a huge piece of meat prosper, Old man Emerald and Fire Demon have arrived, two Saints that have the strength of five Saints made everyone shocked.

They stop their plan and only watch as the United Beast Kingdom became even stronger, seeing that a statue of Shadowslash was built in the center of the city, everyone felt great, after all, his existence is their hope and light.

Russel spoke, “Your statue is quite amazing but compared to our empire, you guys need more experienced and elegant artisan.”

Phina frowns, she felt uncomfortable hearing this, she shook her head and smiles, “Yes, I have heard this from our two great protectors, I have also heard that other than his mother, aunt and sisters, lord Shadowslash doesn’t have a clan of foxes like him.”

Other than Mary, everyone from Gaia felf uncomfortable, they knew that this was rve truth, J-Darwin spoke, “Well, at least we are the ones that he had accepted as family, do you know, he calls me brother.”

Phina and her group felt jealous but they cannot change the fact that they are too unworthy to become members of Hope Family, Mary chided her group, “Why are guys acting like children? Refrain from being too rude to our hosts.”

Everyone could only lower their heads, they respected Mary very much, because of this, her words holds so much weight on their heart.

Hearing her chiding their foe, Phina and her group felt great, they also praised Mary continuously in their hearts.

They arrived at an extremely luxurious looking place, Phina introduced the place, “This building was our former hospital, this was the place where our lord Shadowslash stayed, it holds something precious on our heart.”

“Now, it’s your turn to occupy this place.”

Everyone from Gaia entered, after exploring the building, France and Russel came out, they then said, “We aren’t planning on staying here, we would rather stay near the battlefield.”

Old man Emerald started laughing, “I have already expected this.”

He pointed at Fire Demon and said, “Talk to this guy, he is the commander of this place, he is a battle maniac, you guys would definitely bond well with each other.”

Russel and France nodded, the three of them then starts to discuss their plan, meanwhile, Old man Emerald entered the building and asks, “By the way, is there anyone of you that knows healing skill or ability?”

Claire step forward, “I do have an ability that could injuries, why do you ask?”

Old man Emerald heaved a sigh of relief, he then requested, “Can you please help me, the amount of injured warriors that we have is just too much for me to take care all by myself.”

Claire smiles, “I am happy to help.”

Mary also spoke, “I may not have any healing ability but I could assist the two of you.”

Just as Old man Emerald wanted to politely decline, Bun Bun spoke, “Okay, we are going to secure the place.”

Claire also claps her hand, “With Mary-san help, our job would become much easier.”

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